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在网络通信技术快速发展及全球经济一体化的背景下,高技术产业集群打破了传统地理集聚的限制,基于“虚拟化”运行机制,逐渐形成了高技术虚拟产业集群(High-Technology Virtual Industry Cluster, HTVIC)这一新的组织形式,HTVIC实现了集群资源网络范围的扩大和整合,有效提升了集群的创新能力和竞争优势。然而,虽然HTVIC扩大了资源的范围,为成员企业带来了更多的机遇,但资源存量的增加不代表集群就拥有了竞争优势,必须建立一套符合HTVIC特点的、有效的资源整合机制以确保集群的资源发挥出最大价值,因此,关于HTVIC资源整合机制的研究对于保持和提高HTVIC竞争优势有重要的理论与现实意义。
With the rapid development of network and communication technology and under the condition of the integration of world economy, high-tech industry clusters break down traditional restrictions of geography concentration, expand cluster resource based on virtual operation mechanism, accordingly improve cluster innovation ability and competitive advantage, therefore, high-tech virtual industry cluster grows up. HTVIC increases the resource remnant based on organization concentration, which brings more opportunities to HTVIC members. In order to win competence advantage, the increasing of resource is not enough, an effective resource integration mechanism which is designed for HTVIC is needed to ensure effective use of resource. Therefore, the HTVIC resource integration mechanism should be researched which has a very important theoretical meaning and practical significance to maintain and improve HTVIC competitiveness.
     In this dissertation, based on analysis and summary of high-tech cluster, virtual cluster and resource integration theories, the definition and characteristics are defined. The subject and object, contents, dynamic mechanism and characteristics of resource integration activities are comprehensively analyzed, HTVIC resource integration process model which concludes resource identification, resource acquisition, resource allocation and resource utilization is set up based on resource basic view, and according to this modle, a framework of HTVIC resource integration mechanism is proposed.
     From the viewpoints of resource and strategic, this dissertation designs HTVIC resource identification and acquisition mechanism which consist of market opportunity identification, situation of resource identification and gap resource acquisition. Firstly, industry developing potential is forecast based on six-force model, product attractive is forecast based on industry structure analysis model, market occupation potential is forecast based on Markov model and MBMS, and opportunity identification model which consist of industry developing potential, profit potential and market occupation potential is designed. Secondly, the identification strategy of HTVIC resource and ability is proposed, and then put forward an identification method of core resource based on grey relational analysis. Lastly, resource acquisition mode based on gap resource analysis and resource requirement value judgment is proposed, and from the viewpoints of members and clusters, resource acquisition routes are constructed.
     On the basis of definition and contents of HTVIC resource allocation, this dissertation analyzes the particularity of HTVIC resource allocation, and then designs HTVIC resource allocation mechanism which contains resource sharing mechanism, resource planning mechanism and resource coordination mechanism. Firstly, by analyzing the meaning and components of shared resource, value creation mechanism of shared resources is studied. By constructing resource sharing evolutionary game model and analyzing resource sharing evolution activities among members, HTVIC resource sharing incentive strategy is proposed. Secondly, by analyzing HTVIC operation chain, HTVIC three-layer resource plan model is constructed, in this model, task decomposition and resource matching method is proposed to optimize the efficiency of resource allocation. Furthermore, based on analysis of the function of resource coordination, HTVIC resource coordination mechanism is designed which contains communication, countermeasure, the third part involved and implicit elements coordination.
     Value creation mechanism of HTVIC resource utilization is analyzed from the viewpoints of relationship and ability based on seek-rent theory. Innovation mechanism of HTVIC resource utilization based on knowledge diversion is proposed, and furthermore HTVIC knowledge resource utilization strategy is proposed. Lastly, HTVIC resource utilization performance evaluation model is constructed based on PRM.
     HTVIC resource integration information platform is developed based on grid technology, ASP language, database and other related technology so as to meet the need of resource integration activities.
     Lastly, taken smart home virtual industry cluster as research object, its market opportunity identification, resource acquisition mechanism, resource sharing mechanism, resource planning mechanism, resource coordination mechanism and resource utilization strategy are analyzed, and according to the result of.performance evaluation, resource integration stratege adjustment suggestion is proposed to smart home virtual industry cluster. HTVIC resource integration mechanism is verified in this empirical research.
     The research and design on HTVIC resource integration mechanism, the developing of information platform and the empirical research on smart home virtual industry cluster have a certain significance on improving the foundation theories of HTVIC and promoting HTVIC resource operation and management.
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