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With the globalization of financial markets, it is really a world-wide problem that how to not only promote the development of banking sector and enhance the competitiveness of its banking sector, but also attract international capital to domestic banks and effectively prevent the risk of opening up the banking sector's legal system. Since 1979, China has implemented a series of open-door policies of the banking sector and achieved remarkable effects, and also promoted the development of China's banking sector. In 2006, the PRC foreign-funded Bank Regulations was promulgated and marked the full opening of China's banking sector.
     The full liberalization of the banking sector can be described as double-edged for China. On the one hand, it will surely facilitate the better allocation of resource and make capital follow more effectively, and also increase the international business of Chinese banks and promote the comprehensive development of China's banking sector, On the other hand it will do harm to the security of China's bank. Under the conditions of the full liberalization, what impact will the large-scale entry of foreign banks bring to us? How does China's banking sector prevent the risks of the influx of international capital? what impact will China's banking sector's financial security receive? What should we do to improve the legal system of the banking sector's financial security in order to protect China's banking sector's financial security? These problems are urgently needed to be solved. This article will analyse the impacts which the open of the banking sector bring to the banking sector's financial security of China, through comparative analysis between the legal system related to the banking sector's financial.security of international organizations and the representative countries and regions, comprehensively analyzes the Nordic banking crisis and the banking crisis in the United States from the legal perspective, dicusses the legal system of multinational banking sector's security, and makes corresponding recommendations to improve China's legal system of banking sector's financial security.
     Altogether, this article is divided into six chapters. Chapter I provides the introduction, including opening conditions and some basic theory of the banking sector's financial security, and the impact of that on the legal system of banking sector's financial security. Chapter II is about the comparative analyse of the international legal system related to the banking sector's financial security such as those of WTO, the Basel Capital Accord, the International Monetary Fund, and deeply studies it from the perspective of international law. Chapter III attempts a comparative study of the legal system of banking sector's financial security of representative nation or region, through analyzing the legal system of banking sector's financial security of the United States, Britain, Japan and the European Union, and draws a conclusion in the end of this chapter. Chapter IV examines the legal system of banking sector's financial security, the chapter analyses the banking crises which have happened in the Nordic and the U.S., studies the legal system of banking sector's financial security comparatively, and analyzes the reasons for the outbreak of the banking crisis from a legal angle. Chapter V analyzes the legal system of international banking sector's financial security under the open conditions, and studies the basic theory of the multinational banks, the host country's legal system of supervision, market access for multinational banks. Chapter VI mainly discusses on how to construct China's legal system of banking sector's financial security, with the analysis of deficiencies about the current legal system of banking sector's financial security, the auther gives some advices on how to construct the preventive, protective, remedial legal system of banking sector's financial security.
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    ⑤ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.38.
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    ② J. Lawrence Broz, Origins of the Federal Reserve System: International Incentives and the Domestic Free-rider Problem, International Organization, Vol.53.1999, p.39.
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    ⑤ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.39.
    ⑥ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.40.
    ① See Ross M. Robertson, The Comptroller and Bank Supervision. A Historical Appraisal, Washington D.C.,1995, p.134.
    ② See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.43.
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    ③See Karl Erich Born, Geld und Banken im 19.and 20. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart Kroner,1977, p.19.
    ④See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.129.
    ① See Karl Erich Born, Geld und Banken im 19.and 20. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart Kroner,1977, p.238.
    ② See Steven K. Vogel, Freer markets, More rules. Regulatory Reform in Advanced Industrial Countries, Cornell University Press,1996, p.98.
    ③ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.130.
    ④ See General Accounting Office, Bank Regulatory Structure: The Federal Repulic of Germany, Wsshington D.C., 1994, p.12.
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    ⑥ See Edward P. M. Gardener, Supervison in the United Kingdom, Gardener,1986, p.71.
    ⑦ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.130.
    ① See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.144.
    ② See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.144.
    ③ See Uwe H. Schneider, Gunter Bottger, Klaws Uebe, Das englische Bankgesez 1979 (Banking Act 1979), Duncker&Humblot,1980, p.15.
    ④ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.145.
    ⑤ See Rinaldo M. Pecchioli, Bankenaufsicht in den OECD-Landern, Entwichlungen und Probleme, Nomos,1989, p.46.
    ⑥ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.146.
    ⑦ See Peter A. Hall, David Soskice, Varieties of Capitalism, The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, Oxford University Press,2001, p.31.
    ① See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.155.
    ② See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.149.
    ③ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.153.
    ④ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.154.
    ⑤ See Andreas Busch, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford University Press,2009, p.155.
    ① See Michael Gruson, Werner Nikowitz, The Second Banking Directive of the European Economic Community and Its Importance for non-EEC Banks, in Fordham International Law Journal, Winter,1989, p.207.
    ③ See Michael Gruson, Werner Nikowitz, The Second Banking Directive of the European Economic Community and Its Importance for non-EEC Banks, in Fordham International Law Journal, Winter,1989, p.207.
    ⑤ Michael Gruson, Wolfgang Feuring, The New Banking Law of the European Economic Community, in International Lawyer, Spring,1991, p.20.
    ② See EC Treaty, Art.43(2).
    ③ See M. Tison, Unravelling the General Good Exception: The Case of Financial Services, Working Paper of FinancialLaw Institute, University of Gent press,2000, p.6.
    ① C-384/93, Alpine Investment BVv.Minister van Financien, [1995] ECR Ⅰ-1141.
    ②现为《欧洲共同体条约》(EC Treaty)第49条。
    ③ See Opinion of Mr. Advocate General Jabos in C-384/93, Alpine Investment BV v.Minister van Financien, [1995] ECR Ⅰ-1141, paras.37,46 and 51.
    ⑤ See W. Gerven, Harmonisation of Private Law: Do We Need It?, in Common Market Law Review, Vol.41,2007, p.507.
    ② A.Gkoutzinis, Free Movement of Services in the EC Treaty and the Law of Contractual Obligations Relating to Banking and Financial Services, in Common Market Law Review,Vol.41,2007, p.151.
    ③ Directive 77/780/EEC, Recital(8).
    ④ See Directive 77/780/EEC, Recital(2).
    ⑤ C-222/95, SocieteCivile Immobiliere Parodi v.Banque H.Albert de Bary et Cie, [1997] ECR Ⅰ-3899, para.26.
    ⑥ Commission of the European Communities, Completing the Internal Market:White Paper from the Commission to theEuropean Counil, COM(85)310 FINAL, June 14,1985, para.103.
    ① Directive 2000/12/EC, Recitals(3)and(7).
    ② A.Gkoutzinis, Cross-border Electronic Banking Activities in the Single European Market and the Normative Value of Home Country Supervision, in Journal of International Banking Regulation, Vol.5, No.1,2008, p.85.
    ③ See J. Sun & J. Pelkmans, Regulatory Competition in the Single Market, in Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.33, No.1,2008, p.70.
    ④ See Der-China Horng, The Principle of Mutual Recognition:The European Union's Practice and Development, in World Competition, Vol.22, No.2,2008, p.135.
    ② S. J. Key, Mutual Recognition: Integration of the Financial Sector in the European Community, in Federal ReserveBulletin, Vol.75, No.9,2007, p.604.
    ① Opinion of Advocate-General Leger in C-233/94, Federal Republic of Germany v. European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, [1997] ECR Ⅰ-2405, para.126.
    ①转引自《金融监管待变(“十一五”期间设金融监管局的可能性分析)》,available at http://finance.sina.com.cn, Last visit on Dec.,12th,2005.
    ① See Kristin Gulbransen, A Norwegian Perspective on Banking Crisis Resolution, available at http://www.norges-bank.no/templates/article_13822.aspx, Last visit on Dec.,12th,2009.
    ② Stefan Ingves, The Nordic Banking Crisis from an International Perspective, available at http://www.imf.org/external/np/speeches/2003/040803.htm, Last visit on Dec,12th,2009.
    ① See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and Sausage: Nordic Responsee to Banking Crises as Examples for the United States, in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.584.
    ② See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts: Herring and sausage, Nordic responses to banking crises as examples for the untied states, in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.585.
    ③ See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s--resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.83.
    ④ See Peter Englund, The Swedish Banking Crisis: Roots and Consequences, in Oxford Review Economy Policy, Vol.15, No.3,2009, p.80.
    ⑤ See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Bank Failures in Mature Economies 37 (Basel Comm. on Banking Supervision, Working Paper No.13,2004), available at http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs wp13.pdf, Last visit on Dec.,12th,2009.
    ⑥ See Steven Ongena, David C. Smith & Dag Michalsen, Distressed Relationships: Lessons from the Norwegian Banking Crisis 7 (Ctr.for Fin. Studies, Working Paper No.2000/01,1999), available at http://www.ifk-cfs.de/papers/00_01.pdf, Last visit on Dec.,12th,2009.
    ① See Jarle Bergo, Deputy Governor of Norges Bank, Crisis Resolution and Financial Stability in Norway, Speech at 50th Anniversary of Bank Indonesia (Dec.2003), available at http://www.ifk-cfs.de/papers/00 01.pdf, Last visit on Dec.,12th,2009.
    ② See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.98.
    ③ See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, pp.59-60.
    ④ See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.159.
    ⑤ See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.8.
    ⑥ See Jarle Bergo, Crisis Resolution and Financial Stability in Norway, available at http://www.bis.org/review/r031223f.pdf, Last visit on Dec.,12th,2009.
    ⑦ See Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund Vol.3,1998, p.37.
    ① See Robert Taylor, Dawn Begins to Break Over Norway's Long Economic Night, in Fin. Times, Feb.3,1989, p.12.
    ② See Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund, Vol.3,1998, p7.
    ③ See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and Sausage: Nordic Responses to Banking Crises as Examples for the Untied States, in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.586.
    ④ John Burton, Sweden's New Government Aims to Sell 70% Nordbanken Stake, in Fin. Times, Oct.25 1991, at 116.
    ⑤ See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G Moe.,2004, p.91.
    ⑥ See O. Emre Ergungor, On the Resolution of Financial Crises: The Swedish Experience, available at http://www.clevelandfed.org/research/POLICYDIS/pdp21.pdf, Last visit on Dec.,27th,2009.
    ① See Lars Jonung, Jaakko Kiander & Pentti Vartia, The Great Financial Crisis in Finland and Sweden: The Dynamics of Boom, Bust and Recovery,1985-2000,in Eur. Comm'n, at 9-10,2008, available at http://ec.europa.eu/economy finance/publications/publication13551 en.pdf,Last visit on Dec.,27th,2009.
    ② See Lars Jonung, Jaakko Kiander & Pentti Vartia, The Great Financial Crisis in Finland and Sweden: The Dynamics of Boom, Bust and Recovery,1985-2000, Eur. Comm'n, at 13,2008, available at http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/publication13551_en.pdf.
    ③ See Vesa Vihriala, Banks and the Finnish Credit Cycle 1986-1995, at 31, Bank of Fin. Stud., Vol.7,1997, p.180.
    ④ P. Nyberg & V. Vihriala, The Finnish Banking Crisis and Its Handling, Bank of Fin., Discussion Paper, Vol.94, No.7,1994, p.4.
    ⑤ See Lars Jonung, Ludger Schuknecht, Mika Tujula, The Boom-bust Cycle in Finland and Sweden 1984-1995 in an International Perspective, in Eur. Comm'n Econ. Papers, Vol.237, No.10-11,2005, p.34.
    ⑥ See Lars Jonung, Ludger Schuknecht & Mika Tujula, The Boom-bust Cycle in Finland and Sweden 1984-1995 in an International Perspective,in Eur. Comm'n Econ. Papers, Vol.237, No.10-11,2005, p.17, p.34.
    ① See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and Sausage: Nordic Responses to Banking Crises as Examples for the Nntied States,in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.560.
    ② See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Bank Failures in Mature Economies, in Basel Comm. on Banking Supervision, Working Paper, Vol.37, No.13,2004, pp.24-25.
    ③ Christoph Schwierz, Economic Costs Associated with the Nordic Banking Crises, in Thorvald G Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.125.
    ④ See Seppo Honkapohja, The 1990's Financial Crises in Nordic Countries, Speech in the Global Interdependence Center 12, available at http://www.interdependence.org/docs/The_1990_Nordic Crisis Seppo Honkapohja.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,10th,2010.
    ⑤ See Jarle Bergo, Deputy Governor of Norges Bank, Crisis Resolution and Financial Stability in Norway, Speech at 50th Anniversary of Bank Indonesia (Dec.2003), available at http://www.ifk-cfs.de/papers/00_01.pdf,Last visit on Jan.,10th,2010.
    ① See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.14.
    ② See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.6.
    ③ See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.180.
    ④ See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and Sausage: Nordic Responses to Banking Crises as Examples for the Untied States, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.562.
    ① See Stefan Ingves & Goran Lind, The Management of the Bank Crisis-in Retrospect, available at http://-www.riksbank.com/upload/Dokument_riksbank/Kat_publicerat/Artiklar_PV/qr96_1_ artikell.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,10th,2010..
    ② See Stefan Ingves & Goran Lind, The Management of the Bank Crisis-in Retrospect, available at http:// www.riksbank.com/upload/Dokument riksbank/Kat publicerat/Artiklar PV/qr96 1_artikell.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,10th,2010..
    ③ See Stefan Ingves & Goran Lind, The Management of the Bank Crisis-in Retrospect, available at http:// www.riksbank.com/upload/Dokument riksbank/Kat_publicerat/Artiklar PV/qr96_1_artikel 1.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,10th,2010..
    ④ Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund, Vol.3,1998, p.27.
    ⑤ Charles W. Calomireis, Daniela Klingebiel & Luc Laeven, Financial Crisis Policies and Resolution Mechanisms: A Taxonomy from Cross-Country Experience, in World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, Vol.33, No.3,2004, p.33.
    ⑥ See Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund, Vol.3,1998, pp.29-30.
    ⑦ Charles W. Calomireis, Daniela Klingebiel & Luc Laeven, Financial Crisis Policies and Resolution Mechanisms: A Taxonomy from Cross-Country Experience,in World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, Vol.33, No.3,2004, p.133.
    ⑧ See Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund, Vol.3,1998, pp.29-30.
    ① Charles W. Calomireis, Daniela Klingebiel & Luc Laeven, Financial Crisis Policies and Resolution Mechanisms: A Taxonomy from Cross-Country Experience, in World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, Vol.33, No.3,2004, pp.33-34.
    ② See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G Moe.,2004, p.92.
    ③ See Arne Berggren, Managing Bank Crises in Other Countries, Speech given at Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience, available at http://www.fdic.gov/bank/historical/managing/syml-09.pdf, Last visit on Jan., 10th,2010..
    ④ See Arne Berggren, Managing Bank Crises in Other Countries, Speech given at Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience, available at http://www.fdic.gov/bank/historical/managing/syml-09.pdf, Last visit on Jan., 10th,2010.
    ⑤ P. Nyberg & V. Vihriaia, The Finnish Banking Crisis and Its Handling, in Bank of Fin., Discussion Paper, Vol. 94, No.7,1994, p.21.
    ⑥ Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund, Vol.3,1998, pp.37-38.
    ① P. Nyberg & V. Vihriala, The Finnish Banking Crisis and Its Handling, in Bank of Fin., Discussion Paper, Vol. 94, No.7,1994, p:35.
    ② Finnish Ministry of Finance Webpage, State-Owned Companies and Unincorporated State Enterprises, avail able at http://www.vm.fi/vm/en/02_ministry/03_branch_of_government/02_stateowned_companies/index.jsp, Last visit on Jan.,19th,2010..
    ③ Daniela Klingebiel, The Use of Asset Management Companies in the Resolution of Banking Crises-Cross Country Experience, available at http://ideas.repec.org/p/wbk/wbrwps/2284.html, Last visit on Jan.,19th,2010..
    ④ Finnish Ministry of Finance Webpage, State-Owned Companies and Unincorporated State Enterprises, available at http://www.vm.fi/vm/en/02 ministry/03 branch of_government/02_stateowned_companies/index.jsp, Last visit on Jan.,10th,2010.
    ⑤ See Lars Jonung, Ludger Schuknecht & Mika Tujula, The boom-bust cycle in Finland and Sweden 1984-1995 in an international perspective 10-11, in Eur. Comm'n Econ. Papers, Vol.237,2005, pp.10-11.
    ⑥ See Seppo Honkapohja, The 1990's Financial Crises in Nordic Countries, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers, Vol.5,2009, p.78, available at http://www.bof.fi/NR/rdonlyres/A6F65EFC-54B2-4A1B-9CAD-E3DB539F21FD/0/0905netti.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,20th,2010.
    ① See Mark Kleinman, Chris Wood: The Man Who Predicted the Subprime Crisis, in Daily Telegraph, Sept.23, 2007, available at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/2816256/Chris-Wood-the-man-who-predicted-the-subprime-crisis.htm ,Last visit on Jan.,10th,2010.
    ② See Matthew Karnitschnig, Deborah Solomon, Liam Pleven & Jon E. Hilsenrath, U.S. to Take over AIG in$85 Billion Bailout, Central Banks Inject Cash as Credit Dries Up, Wall St. J., Sept.16,2008, at A1, available at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122156561931242905.html, Last visit on Jan.,20th,2010..
    ③ See Ed Yingling & Neil Milner, Preserve a Strong Dual Banking System, Am. Banker, July 1,2005, available at http://www.banking.state.tx.us/pdf_files/dbs-viewpoints.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,20th,2010.
    ④ See Federal Reserve Board of Governors Commercial Bank Examination Manual, available at http:// www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/supmanual/cbem/200810/0810cbem.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ⑤ See FDIC, Resolutions Handbook 2003, available at http://www.fdic.gov/bank/historical/reshandbook/index.html.
    ① See Jeffrey Lacker, Financial Stability and Central Banks, Speech at the Distinguished Speakers Seminar of the European Economics and Financial Centre, June 5,2008, London, England, available at http://www.richmondfed.org/press room/speeches/president_jeff_lacker/2008/lacker_speech_20080605.cfm, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ② See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and sausage: Nordic Responses to Banking Crises as Examples for the Untied States, in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.569.
    ③ See Knut Sandal, The Nordic banking crises in the early 1990s-resolution methods and fiscal costs, in Thorvald G. Moe, Jon A. Solheim & Bent Vale eds, Norges Bank, The Norwegian Banking Crisis, Thorvald G. Moe.,2004, p.96.
    ① Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund, Vol.3,1998, p.33.
    ② Burkhard Drees & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, The Nordic Banking Crises:Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?, in Int'l Monetary Fund, Vol.3,1998, pp.8-11.
    ③ James Thomson & Cara Stepanczuk, Foreign Banks in the United States, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland: Economic Trends, http://www.clevelandfed.org/research/trends/2007/0807/02banfin.cfm, Last visit on Jan.,24th, 2010.
    ① See How Three Economists View a Financial Rescue Plan, N.Y. Times, Sept.22,2008, at C4, available at http:// www.nytimes.com/2008/09/22/business/22economists.html, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ② See 12U.S.C. § 1841(a)(3)-(4)(2006).
    ③ See 12U.S.C. § 1843(k)(4)(H)(2006).
    ④ See Kathleen J. Woody, The International Economic Implications of Deregulating the U.S. Banking sector, in Am. U. L. Rev., Vol.31, p.25, p.45.
    ① See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and sausage: Nordic Responses to Banking Crises as Examples for the Untied States.in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.571.
    ② See U.S. Dep't of the Treasury, Proposed Treasury Authority to Purchase Troubled Assets, available at http://www.treas.gov/press/releases/hp1150.htm, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ③ See Donald L. Kohn, The Changing Business of Banking: Implications for Financial Stability and Lessons from Recent Market Turmoil, available at http://www.bis.org/review/r080418e.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ④ See Preferred Stock and Warrants, TARP Capital Purchase Program: Senior Preferred Stocks and Warrants, available at http://www.treas.gov/press/releases/reports/document5hp1207.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ① See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and sausage: Nordic Responses to Banking Crises as Examples for the Untied States, inTexas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.572.
    ② See Congress Oversight Panel, February Oversight Report, available at http:// cop.senate.gov/documents/cop-020609-report.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ③ See Brian Blackstone, Commercial Banks Step to Fed Window, Wall St. J., Apr.25,2008, at A3, available at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120908104038343315.html, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ④ Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Pub. L. No.110-343, div. A, § 136,122 Stat.3765,3799, 2008, amending section 11(a)(1)(E) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act,12 U.S.C. § 1821(a)(1)(E), http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/financialsvcs dem/press092808.shtml, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ⑤ See U.S. Dep't of the Treasury, Financial Stability Fact Sheet (Feb.10,2009), available at http:// www.financialstability.gov/docs/fact-sheet.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010
    ① See Cf. Lucian A. Bebchuk, A Better Plan for Addressing the Financial Crisis,5 Economists'Voice, available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1273241,Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ② See U.S. Dep't of the Treasury, Financial Stability Fact Sheet, available at http:// www.financialstability.gov/docs/fact-sheet.pdf, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ③ See Michael Crittenden, Kashkari Warns Against Government Micromanaging Banks, available at http:// blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/03/11/kashkari-warns-against-government-micromanaging-banks-dow-jones/?mod =djemWEB&reflink=djemWEB, Last visit on Jan.,24th,2010.
    ④ U.S. Dep't of the Treasury, Treasury White Paper, The Capital Assistance Program and its Role in the Financial Stability Plan, available at http://www.treas.gov/press/releases/reports/tg40_capwhitepaper.pdf, Last visit on Jan., 31st,2010.
    ⑤ David Enrich & Monica Langley, U.S. Eyes Large Stake in Citi, Wall St. J., Feb.3,2009, at Al, available at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123535148618845005.html, Last visit on Jan.,31st,2010.
    ⑥ Binyamin Appelbaum & David Cho, U.S. Clears Path to Bank Takeovers, Washinton. Post, Feb.24,2009, at A01, available at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/23/AR2009022300958.html, Last visit on Jan.,31st,2010.
    ① U.S. Dep't of the Treasury, Treasury Outlines Framework For Regulatory Reform (Mar.26,2009), available at http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/tg72.htm, Last visit on Jan.,31st,2010.
    ② See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and Sausage: Nordic Responsee to Banking Crises as Examples for the United States, in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.578.
    ③ U.S. Dep't of the Treasury, Treasury Proposes Legislation for Resolution Authority, Mar.25,2009, available at http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/tg70.htmResolution, Last visit on Jan.,31st,2010.
    ④ See Cheyenne Hopkins, Tarp Panel Report Cites Deregulation as Cause of Crisis, Am. Banker, Jan.30,2009, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123793811398132049.html, Last visit on Jan.,31st,2010.
    ⑤ Treasury Act §2(j)
    ① See William F. Stutts, Wesley C. Watts, Herring and Sausage: Nordic Responsee to Banking Crises as Examples for the United States, in Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2009, p.578.
    ② See Binyamin Appelbaum, U.S. Doubles Fannie, Freddie Backing to $400 Billion, Washington Post, Feb.19, 2009, at A06, available at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/18/ AR2009021801467_pf.html, Last visit on Jan.,31st,2010.
    ① See Karen Harris, Anticipatory Regulation for the Management of Banking Crises, in Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems,2004-2005, Vol.38, p.1.
    ② See Gerard Caprio & Daniela Klingebiel, Episodes of Systemic and Borderline Financial Crises, p.2, p.7, p.17, 2003, available at http://siteresources. worldbank.org/INTRES/Resources/469232-1107449512766/648083-1108140788422/23456_T able_on_systemic_and non-systemic_banking_crises_January 21_2003.pdf,Last visit on Jan.,31st,2010.
    ③ See Paul Hoffman & Anthony M. Santomero, Problem Bank Resolution: Evaluating the Options, in Benton E. Gup ed., International Banking Crises: Large-Scale Failures, Massive Government Interventions, Quorum Books, 1999, pp.241-255.
    ④ See Gary Gorton & Lixin Huang, Liquidity, Efficiency, and Bank Bailouts, Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Paper,2002, p.29, http://papers.ssrn.com/so13/papers.cfm?abstract_id=330992, Last visit on Jan.,31st, 2010.
    ① See David Scott, A Practical Guide to Managing Systemic Financial Crises: A review of the approaches Taken in Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, and Thailand, in World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, Vol.2843, 2002, pp.11-12.
    ④ E. Joseph Stiglitz, Jason Furman, Economic Crises: Evidence and Insights from East Asia, in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol.1998, No.2,1998, p.114.
    ⑤ DW Diamond, PH Dybvig, Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity, in The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 91, No.3,1983, pp.401-419.
    ②See Karen Harris, Anticipatory Regulation for the Management of Banking Crises, in Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, Vol.38, No.3,2005, p.253.
    ③ See Karen Harris, Anticipatory Regulation for the Management of Banking Crises, in Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, Vol.38, No.3,2005, p.254.
    ④ See Ronald R. Glancz, Thrift Industry Restructured: An Overview of FIRREA, in Fed. B. News & J., Vol.36, 1989, p.472.
    ① See Barbara Stallings & Philip Brock, Economic Adjustment in Chile: 1973-1990, in Robert H. Bates & Anne O. Krueger eds., Political and Economic Interactions in Economic Policy Reform, Blackwell,1992, pp.81-83.
    ② See Karen Harris, Anticipatory Regulation for the Management of Banking Crises, in Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems,2004-2005, Vol.38, p.5.
    ① UN Centre on Transnational Corporation, Transnational Corporations in World Development, Third Survey, UN 1983.
    ③See Edward L.Symons,the United States Context, in Chia-jui Cheng,J.J.Norton and I.Fletcher ed.,International Banking Regulation and Supervision:Change and Transformation in 1990s,Graham&Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff,1994,p.13.
    ②German Banking Act,s53.
    ③Banking Act,s.545.
    ④ See Ethan B. Kapstein, Revolving the Regulators Dilemma: Internatinal Coordination of Banking Regulations, in International Organization, Vol.43,1999, p.323.
    ③ See Duncan E. Alford, Basle Committee Minimum Standards: International Regulatory Response to the Failure of BCCI, in George Washinton Journal of Internatinal Law&Economics, Vol.26,1992, p.241.
    ①Urs Martin Lauchli, Swiss Bank Secrecy with Comparative Aspects to the American Approach, in Saint Louis University Law Journal, Summer 1998, p.60.
    ② E. P. Ellinger, E. Lomnicka, R. J. A.Hooley, Modern Banking Law, Oxford University Press, p.137.
    ②Basel Committee, The Supervision of Cross-Border Banking, Oct.1996, paragraph 1.
    ①Basel Committee, The Supervision of Cross-Border Banking, Oct.1996, paragraph 5.
    ② M. C. Keeley, Deposit Insurance, Risk, and Market Powerin Banking, in American Eeonomic Review, Vol.80, No.5,1990, p.1183-1200.
    ① M. Peterson, R. Rajan, Benefits of Lending Relationships: Evidence from small Business Data, in Journal of Finance, Vol.49,1995, p.3-37.
    ② M. Peterson, R. Rajan, Benefits of Lending Relationships: Evidence from small Business Data, in Journal of Finance, Vol.49,1995, p.3-37.
    ③ N. R Lardy, China's Unfinished Eeonomic Revolution, Brookings Institution Press,1998, p.83-90.
    ①参见杨永青:《中国银行业监督管理法释义》,See www.npc.gov.cn。
    ④ Samuel H.Talley, Lgnacio Mas, Deposit Insurance in Developing Countries, in Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol.548,1990, p.54.
    ③ See Andrew Campbell, Peter Carwright, Banks in Crisis: the Legal Response, Athenaeum Press Ltd.,2002, p.61.
    ④ Fredic S. Mishkin, Financial Policies and the Prevention of Financial Crises in Emerging Market Countries, in Martin Feldstein, ed., Economic and Financial Crises in Emerging Market Countries, University of Chicago Press, 2003, pp.93-130.
    ① See C. Goodhart, D. Schoerrmaker, Monetary Policy and Banking Supervision, in Economic Papers, Vol.47, 1995, p.19.
    ② See Xavier Freixas, Optimal Bail out Policy, Conditionality and Constructive Ambigusty, in Economic and Business Working Paper Series, Vol.400,1999, p.11.
    ③ See E.G Gorrigan, Statement before US Senate, Committee on Banking, in Housing and Urban Affairs, March 24, 2009, available at http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Files.View&FileStore_id= fc18988c-6d13-4af8-962c-68e73a424228, Last visit on Mar,21st,2010.
    ① See Frederic S.Mishkin, Financial Consolidation: Dangers and Opportunities, in Economic and Business Working Paper Series, Vol.400,1999, p.67.
    ② See Xavier Freixas, Optimal Bail out Policy, Conditionality and Constructive Ambigusty, in Economic and Business Working Paper Series, Vol.400,1999, p.11.
    ③ See Rosa Maria Lastra, Lender of Last Resort: an International Perspective, in International Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.48, No.2,1999, pp.340-344.

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