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This study is based on the background of online consume, reading online review becomes a necessary step to consumer making decision. Consumers through reading online reviews are hoping to get clear information about the goods and businessmen, online reviews play the role of "salesman" influence consumers' decision making. How accurate analysis the process of consumers using online review and predict consumer attitudes and behavior is the key of word of mouth management. But reviews information is diversified, both including positive comments, and negative ones. Which side should consumers listen to? Paid little attention to the problems in the existing theories, this article mainly concentrated in the study of the problem. Therefore, accurate analytical contradictory online reviews of consumer attitudes and behavior of contradiction, the thorough understanding consumer attitudes and behavior have important theoretical significance and practical significance, this article mainly concentrated in the study of the problem.
     In this paper, the research is different from one-dimensional attitude of past research, this study from the perspective of binary ambivalent attitude to understand consumer attitudes and behavior in the network shopping. And the paper further explains the changing process of the consumer hidden attitude. The research is benefit for enterprises to make better use of word of mouth.
     Theoretical framework and the key problems to be solved:In this paper, we study mainly focuses on four issues:(1) Through analyzing the example of online reviews, the paper analysis the conflict problems in online reviews, Whether consumers are aware of online reviews contradictory problems, through in-depth interviews to understand consumer's perception of contradiction with positive and negative reviews, and the third chapter focuses on the problem in this paper;(2) The contradiction situation, how do intensity of different ambivalent consumers analyze different positive and negative reviews? The fourth chapter focuses on the problems in studies;(3) When consumers face conflicts of online reviews, whether different ambivalent intensity of consumers' attitudes dimension changes are consistent? And the fifth chapter focuses on the problem;(4) Finally, facing the conflict online reviews, consumer attitudes and behavior are more consistent or not sure? The model of this paper is:online reviews (comment, valence, proportion of positive and negative reviews)-ambivalent intensity (high and low)-attitude (cognitive, affection and behavioral intention).
     This paper based the research on the combination of theoretical deduction and empirical research, the main research methods are as follows:the method of literature research, Interview method, the questionnaire survey, the statistical analysis.
     Finally through to the hypothesis validation, the main conclusions are:
     1. Contradictory phenomena exist in the online review. Nummber, content, and valence of online reviews are the main factors influencing the contradiction and the positive and negative valence is a key element to constitute a contradiction, with the specific content of reviews to matter more than the simple comments.
     2. After reading contradictory online reviews, the change of different initial attitude is different. High positive attitude significantly reduce contradictions consumers, negative attitudes change was not significant, positive attitude to reduce was significantly greater than negative attitude increase amplitude, and contradiction; Low contradiction positive attitude change was not significant, but negative attitude significantly increased, negative attitudes to increase was significantly greater than the positive attitude to reduce the size of the, and contradiction.
     3. The contradiction of online reviews has a very important impact on consumer attitudes. Consumer cognition, emotion and behavior tend to be larger changes before and after the reading comments. There is no difference between high group of consumers and low contradictions group of consumers before read reviews. But after reading reviews, there has obvious differences in three dimensions, cognition, emotion and intention between the two groups. In high ambivalent group, emotional change is bigger, the second is the change of cognition and intention; Low ambivalent group is a positive recognition of product is higher, fewer negative cognition, therefore, shopping intention is higher, but due to pay more attention to the negative evaluation, so the intention significantly reduce, intention to change is larger.
     4. In addition, as for the attitude and behavior consistency, the higher the ambivalent of intensity, the weaker consistency between attitude and behavior. Ambivalence negatively influenced the shopping intention, the higher intensity ambivalence is, the smaller possibility of buying products.
     5. Reviews content have bigger influence on the consumers, compared with comments containing only simple content, with more rich content of the network word of mouth influence is greater. The conclusion by comparison with other research results more clearly, but also with the third chapter the results of consumer interviews and other research on content is consistent, the specific content of consumers will read comments, especially high quality reviews.
     In this paper, the main innovation points are as follows:
     1. Put forward the concept of the online reviews contradiction, and research types and mechanism of the elements of contradiction online reviews. Different from the existing research pointed out that online reviews different dimensions respectively influence on consumers'attitudes and behavior, this paper puts forward the online reviews various dimensions of the influence of the contradiction between, cause consumer decision-making. Especially online reviews the valence is the biggest influence on consumers. When positive and negative reviews coexist, the exist review made consumer attitude more contradictions
     2. The first time to study from the perspective of the contradiction between online reviews influence on consumer's attitude and behavioral intention, which is the influence of the negative reviews coexist and its influence on consumer attitudes and behavior intentions. Different from studying positive comments or negative review impact on the influence of consumer attitudes and behavior respectively, this study presented positive and negative reviews to the consumer at the same time, the research under the common effect on positive and negative reviews, consumer attitudes and behavior. This is more in line with consumer real shopping process, because on shopping site, review positive and negative reviews are co-exist at the same time. Different from the traditional one dimensional attitude theory, based on binary ambivalence attitude view, this article studies the consumers in the face of positive and negative reviews at the same time, online reviews this new form of word of mouth on consumers' positive attitude and negative attitude and the influence of ambivalence.
     3. The paper demonstrates the ambivalence attitude impact towards consumers using online reviews of attitude-behavioral intention relationship.
     Management revelation:according to this article conclusion, it is recommended that the network businessmen should put great importance to the online reviews, from how to manage the online reviews, prevent negative reviews, and how to guide the consumers of different intensity of ambivalence gives the concrete marketing strategies. Finally, the paper summarizes the deficiency in the research process in this paper.
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