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Domestic support is one of the three core parts in Agriculture Agreement 1994, however, domestic support is an issue which few scholars probed in China. General theoretical analysis of the issue is the logic beginning of research, therefore, to probe domestic support begins with the general theoretical analysis of domestic support. Concept is the precondition of theoretical analysis, but few scholars in legal circle defined domestic support, consequently, the essay, at first, attempts to define it according to the related articles and paragraphs in Agriculture Agreement 1994 and deduces its characteristics. Then, according to the related articles and paragraphs in Agriculture Agreement 1994, the essay deduces that the nature of domestic support, introduces the categories and forms of domestic support, analyses the various reasons why contracting parties/members carry out domestic support measures , probes the rationality of various categories of domestic support and expounds how domestic support affect agricultural production and international agricultural product trade.
    To combine theory with practice is one of Marxists' basic viewpoints. After analysing general theory of domestic support, the essay expounds the domestic support practices in some countries before the foundation of the WTO, and negotiations on agricultural product trade in multi-lateral round negotiation of GATT.
    The essay, at first, according to related articles and paragraphs, points out how to calculate aggregate measurement of support and total aggregate measurement of support and total
    domestic support, which guides members to perform the their domestic support commitments. Then, the essay analyses the defects of the domestic support articles in Agriculture Agreement 1994, points out the problems existing in members' performing the domestic support articles in Agriculture Agreement 1994, summarizes the current situation of domestic support in members after 1995 and points out its defects.
    Based on the history and present situation of domestic support, the essay forecasts the development trend of domestic support. The essay expounds how to perfect the domestic support articles in Agriculture Agreement 1994 in the WTO multi-lateral negotiation, how to correct and prevent the problems existing in performing the domestic support articles in Agriculture Agreement 1994. Then, the essay expounds how China performs the domestic support articles in Agriculture Agreement.
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