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The current basic educational level of China is still lagging behind that of developed countries to a certain extent, and it does not fully adapt to China's economic and social development needs or ordinary people's educational needs. As the main entities of providing basic education, primary and secondary schools'capacities determine the development level of basic education, and the capacities of primary and secondary schools are determined to a large extent by the capacity and quality of principals. Along with the deepening of China's educational reform and the strengthening of schools'autonomy, principals, as supreme leaders of schools, is witnessing profound changes in its functions and roles. Demands by the government and the public to the ability and quality of principals of primary and secondary schools are also increasing. But currently, institutional construction concerning the ability and quality requirement, qualification and evaluation system for principals is still somewhat backward, mainly because the study on principal professionalization as its theoretical basis still needs developing.
     Primary and secondary school principals have become an important force affecting the development of China's basic education. Professionalization of principals is an inevitable trend of the development of the role of principals and a necessary demand and future direction of the educational reform. Professionalization development and management has been increasingly covered and emphasized by the theoretical and educational sectors and has become a focus and emphasis of theoretical research and practical exploration. Among all the problems concerning professionalization development and management of primary and secondary school principals that puzzle primary and secondary school principals, the following outstanding problems need urgent solving:firstly, different groups, such as administrative departments of education, senior management of primary and secondary schools and ordinary primary and secondary school teachers hold very different views on the professionalization of primary and secondary school principals, this has caused chaos and confusion on the management and talent training; secondly, the professional quality or professional training and development of many primary and secondary school principals is not sufficient in China, this does not only affect the job performance of them but also restrict the development of China's-modern school institutional'building and the educational level of primary and secondary schools.
     To solve these problems, this study firstly draws on the basis of theory and research, by empirical methods of interviewing and questionnaire, discuss the professionalization quality standard of China's primary and secondary school principals from the perspectives of political quality, operational capacity and management level and develop models for principals'professionalization, and based on these models, explore selecting, training and professional evaluation mechanisms for primary and secondary school principals. Secondly, as available researches in China and abroad lack the study of the relationship between professionalization quality structural elements and job performance, this study will discuss the impact of the elements of principal professionalization quality models on their individual job performances, including its strength and relevance, and therefore analyze the current situation of China's principal performance and ways and measures to improve it. Thirdly, by analyzing and researching many problems in the selection, use and evaluation of primary and secondary school principals, based on principal professionalization quality models, this study will explore the rank system of China's primary and secondary school principals.
     The article includes nine parts totally. First of all, the introduction, defines basics concepts such as principal professionalization, professional quality of principals, schoolmasters rank system and performance. It also combines relevant theoretical results and give brief reviews, and finally proposed ideas, technology path and method of this study. The first chapter gives a brief description of the basis of the theory and proposes the basic theoretical assumptions of this study:the professional quality structure of China's primary and secondary school principals includes seven elements:political quality, professionalism, professional ethics, professional ability, professional knowledge, professional experience, and physical and mental qualities. There are differences in the importance of various elements and therefore affect the prediction effect and impact of principal job performances. The second chapter introduces empirical research in scale design and survey implementation, including the theory base, pre-interview and pre-survey of scale design, and scale test. After that, it gives descriptive statistics of the formal investigation. In the third chapter, by statistical analysis of the survey, it studies the structural elements of school principals'professional quality and finds the seven dimensions of the school principals'professional quality is a hierarchy but there are great correlations between them and severe imbalance in the seven professional qualities is not possible. The fourth chapter, by comparing the cognitive differences reflected in different positions'answers to surveys of principal professionalization quality structures, it concludes that demands for principals from different groups holding various positions will cause not only homogeneity in the elemental structure of principal professional qualities but also differences. This also shows that attention should be paid to the difference in perception of the quality structure caused by position differences and therefore adapt to needs by different groups for the quality of principals. The fifth chapter mainly constructs the structural equation models between the seven elements of principal professional quality and the task and relationship performance, and therefore discusses the effecting elements of the performance. After analyzing and combing task and relationship performances, we can see that professional spirit and competence are the most important elements affecting job performance of the principals. The sixth chapter analyzes and compares the cognitive differences of surveyed persons in three kinds of positions in their recognition of principals'professionalization-performance models and finds that professional ability, ethics and spirit have a significant influences on the overall performance models of school principals and their influences on task and relationship performances are relatively even but the other four kinds of professional qualities have relatively low overall influence on the performance. This difference also reflects the actual work conditions of China's school principals. The seventh chapter is suggestions based on the principal professionalization quality structure model, including specific suggestions on building principal occupation analyzing system, talent selection and reservation mechanism, professional training and education mechanism, professional standard evaluation system and improving principal performance management system. In the end, it discussed about measures and methods in constructing principal rank system and payment incentive mechanism. The last part of the study is a summary of the main conclusions and presents the outlook for further researches.
     In short, exploring the establishment of principal professional quality structure will help to further transform the mindset of China's primary and secondary school principals and establish modern education management thinking, improve professional ability and quality. It will help to reform the performance evaluation system of school principals, improve the incentive mechanism and strengthen supervision on powers. It will help to promote the principals rank reform and abolish the position administrative levels of principals, strengthen principal qualification institution and promote appointment system, finally establish market-oriented configuration modes of principal. Fulfilling these targets will mobilize the enthusiasm of principles in education and further deepen the reform of the education system, which will help the realization of the goals of the basic education of the nation.
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    39 Magalli Larson:The rise of professionalism, A Socilogical Analysis, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London:
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    81 张德伟:“美国校本管理背景下中小学校长的素质能力及其培养培训”,《外国教育研究》,2007年第2期,第35-39页。
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    84 张德伟:“美国校本管理背景下中小学校长的素质能力及其培养培训”,《外国教育研究》,2007年第2期,第35-39页。
    85 萧鸣政:《人力资源开发与管理》,北京大学出版社,2006年版,第240-241页。
    86 王珊:“BSC、SWOT、KPI和360度考核在绩效评估中的运用比较”,《高等函授学报(哲学社会科 学版》,2008年8月期,第67-69页。
    87“结果说”倾向于将绩效同任务完成情况、目标完成情况、结果、产出等同起来。主要代表人物和观点:凯恩(Kane,1996)指出,绩效是“一个人留下的东西,这种东西与目的相对独立存在。”伯纳丁等人(Bernardinet al.,1995)认为,“绩效是在特定的时间内,由特定的工作职能或者活动产生的产出记录……工作绩效的总体相当于关键或必要工作职能中绩效的总和(或平均值)。职能应该与所进行的工作有关,而与执行工作的人的特性无关。”伯纳丁认为,注重结果是绩效管理的一个好办法,因为它考虑到了顾客的态度,并且同组织目标联系起来。
    88 “行为说”主要代表人物和观点:墨菲(Murphy,1990)认为,“绩效的范围可被定义……为一套与组织或个体所工作的组织单位目标相关的行为。”埃里根和史耐德(Llgen and Schneider,1991)认为,“绩效是个人或者系统所做的事情。”摩尔曼等人(Mohrman et al.1989)认为,“绩效包括一定条件下进行一定的行为而取得某些结果的执行者。”
    89 Richard S.Williams(英)著,赵正斌等译:《业绩管理》,东北财经大学出版社,2003年版,第102页。
    90 Motowidlo,S.J.,Borman,W.C., & Schmit,M.J.,1997. A Theory of Individual Difference in Task Performance and Contextual Performance. Human Performance,10(2):pp.71-83.
    91 Borman,W.C.,&Motowidlo,S.J.,1993.Expanding the criterion domain to include elements of contextual performance. Personnel selection in organization, San Francisco,CA:Jossey Bass:p82.
    94 王嘉依、王少华:“教师绩效考核的理论基础及操作要点”,《中小学校长》,2009年11期,第30-32页。
    95 赵茜:“中小学校长绩效评价指标的开发”,《国家教育行政学院学报》.,2007年5月期,第51-55页。96 SCOR模式是适合于组织评价的一种标准的供应链参考模型,由供应链协会(SCC)在1996年提出。该模型整合了业务流程再造(BPR)、标杆管理(Benchmarking)和流程度量等领域,构造了一个多功能的供应链绩效评价体系。这个体系的大框架建立在五个基本管理流程基础上,即:计划(Plan)、资源(Sources)、生产(Make),交付(Deliver)和退货(Return) 。参见刘松博,王海波:"ROI、 BSC、 SCOR绩效考核体系的比较分析”,《现代管理科学》,2004年第4期,第27-30页。
    97 CIPP模式由斯塔弗尔比姆(Stufflebeam)提出,是一种以决策为导向的评价模式。CIPP评价模式的过程为:①背景评价:在某一具体的教育背景中,确定评价问题和评价需要。②输入评价:对为达到目标所需的条件而投入的资源、评价方法、行动策略方案进行评价,并进行目标实现的可行性评价。③过程评价:对方案实施情况的监督检查,也就是方案实施过程中的形成性评价。④成果评价:测量、判断、解释方案的成就,确定在多大程度上完成了目标。参见梅雷迪斯·D.高尔,沃尔特·R.博格,乔伊斯·P.高尔著,许庆豫等译:《教育研究方法导论(第六版)》,江苏教育出版社,2002年版,第574-575页。
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