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For more than half a century, under the guiding of traditional growth and development models, both developed and developing countries have considered their agricultural sector as a "serve maid" for other industries and their urban areas. The role that agriculture played was to serve economic growth. "Agriculture itself in nature is the production of food", Accompanied by the increasing use of new technologies and globalization, agriculture was seriously impaired all over the world.
     As the biggest developing country in the world, China has made great achievements since the last two decades; meanwhile, she faces more serious farm-related problems. Since the year 2004, Chinese agricultural policy has changed remarkably. Solving of the three farm-related problems and construction of new rural areas are the main components of the harmonious society. For this reason, continuing measures have been taken favorably to farmers. But the turning from "taking" to "giving" is just at its beginning. The classical economic approach based on separate production, private goods, no externality and zero transaction cost are no longer fit well into the new context.
     In the end of 1980s, the notion of multifunctionality emerged "in a thoroughly rethinking about the role and function of agriculture in modern society, and changes of agriculture system in the future." The basic idea behind multifunctionality is that agricultural production provides not only food and fibre, but also different non-market commodities. As a philosophy, a methodology and an objective, MFA incorporates all the natures of agriculture especially jointness, externalities and public goods characteristics into a single framework, and has gained more and more attentions. Many of the agricultural policy makers consider multifunctional agriculture the new direction of agriculture policy and a powerful trend of future agriculture.
     This paper aims to develop a theoretical framework for Chinese agriculture policies based on the researches have been done by others. The stress will put on the non-commodities. The main results are:
     Agriculture is multifunctional, the multifunctionality derived from various commodities and non-commodities. Most non-commodities exhibit externality and public goods characteristics, for which markets do not exist or function poorly. This cause trade-off between the provision of them and the increasingly demand for them.
     Agriculture production is joint production. Different from other industry, it is physical or cross jointness composed by several unit biological ones. Jointness has strongly changed the way of market equilibrium. The strong degree of jointness and the inputs ' nature dependency makes most agricultural products unique.
     Because of the jointness, commodities and non-commodities are interrelated and interdependent. Also because of the public goods and uniqueness of most non-commodities, policy measures must consider not only commodities but also non-commodities, not only economic functions but also social functions, not only from the agriculture sector but also from the society as a whole both nationly and internationly. It's is not just for farmers. It is more needed by the public, by the sustainable development and the building of the homornous society.
1 Bertrand Hervieu. Multifunctionality: a conceptual framework for a new organisation of research and development on grasslands and livestock systems[R]. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Paris, France.
    2 Hainsworth, Geoffrey B. Population-Environment Linkages: Toward a Conceptual Framework[R]. EMDI Project and Indonesian Ministry of Population and Environment, Halifax and Jakarta, 1992.
    1 凯恩斯集团由以下国家构成: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guate-mala, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Uruguay.
    2 Philip L. Paarlberg, Maury Bredahl, and John G.Lee. Multifunctionality and Agricultural Trade Negotiations[J]. Review of Agricultural Economics--Volume 24.
    3 David Freshwater. Applying Multifunctionality To U.S. Farm Policy, Agricultural Economics Staff Paper # 437, 2002, http://www.uky.edu/Ag/AgEcon.
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    2 OECD. Declaration of Agricultural Ministers Committee, 1998.
    3 Brad Devries. Multifunctional Agriculture in the International Context: A Review, The Land Stewardship Project, October, 2000.
    1 Tapani Yrjola ja Jukka Kola. Consumers' attitudes towards multifunctional agriculture, Helsingin yliopisto, Taloustieteen laitos, PL 14, 00014 Helsinging yliopsto.
    2 Isabelle Garzon.Multifunctionality of agriculture in the European Union: Is there substance behind the discourse's smoke? European Commission, Berkeley, April 6 2005.
    1 Mary Bohman et al. the Use and Abuse of Multifunctionatity, Economic Research Service/USDA, November 1999.
    2 OECD. Multifunctionality: towards an analytical framework, Paris, 2001.
    1 OECD. Multifunctionality: the policy implications, AGR/CA/APM(2002)10/FINAL, 2003, P24.
    2 Erwin Schmid,Franz Sinabell. Modelling multifunetionality of agriculture-concepts, challenges, and an application, DP-08-2004, Institut für nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Oktober 2004.
    1 Erwin Schmid, Franz Sinabell. Modeling multifunctionality of agriculture-concepts, challenges, and an application, 2004.
    2 OECD. Multifunctionality: towards an Analytical Framework, Paris, 2001.
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    2 Gerrit Faber. The concept of multifunctionality and aneotiations on agriculture in the WTO,September 2002.
    1 K. Arovuori and J. Kola, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Volume 8, Issue 3, 2005.
    2 Kyosti Arovuoril, Jukka Kola. Policies and measures for multifunctional agriculture: Experts' insight, Research and Technology and the Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land, Background Paper 5: Research and Technology.
    3 Mary Bohman, et al. The Use and Abuse ofMultifunctionality, Economic Research Service/USDA, November 1999.
    1 Konrad Hagedorn. The Role of Integrating Institutions for Multifunctionality, Paper prepared for presentation at the Ⅺth Congress of the EAAE, 'The Future of Rural Europe in Global Agri-Food System', Copenhagen, Denmark, August 24-27, 2005.
    2 Chen Qiuzhen, John Sumelius. Comparative Study on Chinese and Finnish Experts' Opinion of Multifunctional Agriculture, 2005.
    1 David Freshwater, Haili Jia. improving our understanding of joint production as the basis for multifunctionality, contributed paper prepared for the Euoropen Agricultural Economics Association seminar on multifunctionality, Rennes, France, 2004.
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    1 Kyosti Arovuori, Jukka Kola. Multifunctional policy measures for multifunctional agriculture, Paper prepared for presentation at the Ⅺth conference of the EAAE, 'The Future of Rural Europe in the Global Agri-Food System', Copenhagen, Denmark, August 24-27, 2005.
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