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Triffin Dilemma always exists in modern international monetary system. The reserve currency issuing countries pay more attention to the domestic policy, unwilling to take any responsibility for the world, which caused a number of serious financial crises. The recent financial crisis shows that increasing the foreign exchange reserves is still not enough to maintain the economic and financial stability. The international monetary system is a continuation of the international political system. The reform direction of the super-sovereign currency such as paper gold is not feasible. The currency board system and the regional currency are not suitable for Chinese conditions. As the second largest economy in the world, promoting RMB internationalization is the inevitable choice of maintaining Chinese financial stability and realizing the sustainable economic development for China.
     Realization of a country's currency internationalization needs many conditions. In addition to economic strength, maturity, liquidity and internationalization of financial market, capital account liberalization degree, the credibility of the currency value stability is also one of the important aspects. In the current credit monetary system, the asset quality of the central bank is one of the key factors to improve the credibility of currency value stability. As an important part of the central bank's assets, the gold reserves help to increase a country's monetary credibility and have certain effect on the monetary internationalization.
     The monetary attribute of gold already existed many years ago, and it still exits nowadays. Many countries add gold in their foreign reserve portfolio in recent years, which is a signal that gold reserve is more and more important in the international monetary system. This paper analyzes the role of gold in the currency internationalization from the following perspectives. Firstly, from the perspective of the central bank's balance sheet, by comparing Chinese and the major reserve currency issuing countries'balance sheets, it puts forward that as a developing country, in the case of the government bond rating is not high, increasing holdings of gold is helpful to improve the Chinese central bank's asset quality, and plays a positive role in improving the reliability of RMB. Secondly, throughout the internationalization progresses of the pound and dollar, the policy of Britain and the United States that linked to gold and holding adequate gold reserves helps to improve the credibility of pound and dollar value stability, and plays an important role in their becoming international currencies eventually. Thirdly, the monetary attribute of gold is particularly prominent in the international trade and international payments, and in the financial crisis and political conflicts. Compared to other currencies, the monetary attribute of gold makes people more willing to believe the international payment ability and debt paying ability of the central banks that they have a lot of gold reserves in the crises, and believe that the withdrawal mechanism of holding their currencies can be effectively guaranteed, so as to enhance the credibility of a nation's currency value. Fourthly, the empirical analysis shows that gold helps the central bank's asset value, thereby to improve monetary credibility.
     Our study found that gold could hedge against dollar devaluation risk. The dollar price of gold and the dollar index are negatively correlated, so gold can hedge against inflation. Grainger causality test results show that, there is a long-term stable equilibrium between the price index and the gold price, and the price index is the Grainger reason of gold price fluctuation. Correlation between gold and other central bank allocated assets is low, so increasing gold reserves is helpful to improve the income of Chinese central bank's reserve portfolio. By the sample efficiency optimization technique in the portfolio optimization theory, we found that on the same level of risk, the asset portfolio including gold returned more than the portfolio excluding gold, and we calculated the optimal holding rate of gold for Chinese central bank under the various risk tolerance. On this basis, finally this paper suggested that China should appropriately increase the gold reserves. But under the current conditions increasing gold reserves directly by central bank is not the best choice, so China can implement the "gold held by people" strategy, through increasing nongovernmental gold reserves to increase the national gold reserves. Based on this strategy we introduced the policy recommendations for the development of Chinese gold market.
     On the relationship between gold reserve and the internationalization of RMB, some scholars have studied, but little research on the deep-seated reasons of gold's role for currency internationalization is discussed. This paper made some innovations on that. Firstly, through the analysis of the central bank's balance sheet, it discussed the effect of increasing gold holdings on improving the credibility and the internationalization of RMB. Next, from the historical perspective, it analyzed the gold's role in the internationalizations of pound and dollar, and the monetary attribute of the gold different from other sovereign currencies, and qualitatively analyzed how gold improve the monetary credibility and internationalization. Last, this paper built a quantitative analysis model to calculate the effect of increasing gold reserves, for the central bank against the dollar devaluation and the quantitative easing policy of the reserve currency issuing countries. According to the Harry M. Markowitz optimum portfolio theory, it calculated the optimal gold holdings for central banks under different risk tolerances. And we also made an empirically analysis on the mechanism of gold to improve monetary credibility from the viewpoint of enhancing central bank asset quality.
1 斯蒂格利茨:《经济学》(中文版),下卷,196页,北京:中国人民出版社,1997年。
    2 资本论,第一版第一卷,第85页。
    3 主要有米什金(1998)、乔治考夫曼(2001)、斯蒂格利茨(1997)。更多论述可以参考:禹钟华,对货币职能及本质的再探讨,经济评论,2003年第6期。米什金:货币金融学(中文版),第47页,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1998年;乔治·考夫曼,现代金融体系(中文版),第14页,背景:经济科学出版社,2001年;斯蒂格利茨《经济学》(中文版),下卷,第196-198页,北京:中国人民出版社,1997年。
    4 周汉勇,从货币形态演进看货币本质问题,世界经济情况,2009年03期。
    5 凯恩斯在《货币论》中定义:“货币本身是交割后可清付债务契约和价目契约的东西,而且也是储存一般购买力的形式”具体参见凯恩斯:《货币论》(中文版),上卷,第5页,北京:商务印书馆,1986年。
    1 李加图《政治经济学原理》第225页。
    2 马克思《资本论》第一卷第111页,人民出版社。
    3 《马克思恩格斯全集》,第23卷第164页。首先本身也是商品,有自身的价值和使用价值。金银成为货币就成为一种特殊商品,其价值和使用价值和普通商品又有所不同。普通商品的价值要通过和其他商品或货币交换方能表现,而货币本身直接代表价值,“充当财富的绝对社会化身”。
    1 中国古代货币区域黄金流动与市场整合,台大历史学报。
    2 马克思,《资本论》第1卷,人民出版社1975年版,第113-144页。原文为:“既然商品在金上的价值表现是观念的,所以要表现商品的价值,也可以仅仅用想象的或观念的金。…因此,货币在执行价值尺度的职能时,只是想象的或观念的货币”。
    3 蒙代尔,蒙代尔经济学文集(第六卷)《国际货币:过去、现在和未来》,中国金融出版社,2003年10月。
    1 吕思勉,《隋店五代史》第十八章第五节。
    2 海上丝绸之路货币探索,吴平。
    1 Harmston Stephen,1998, Gold as a store of value, Research Study No.22, November, WGC。
    1 黄金货币锚保障经济金融运行稳定的作用机理在于:首先,如果各国盯住本国货币的“黄金平价”,由于黄金储备量决定了货币供应量,而黄金数量并不受制于政府管理,在客观上防止了货币供应过多而产生的通货膨胀;其次,金本位集团组成一个固定汇率区,各国汇率仅在一个极小的“黄金输送点”范围内波动,黄金套利机制促使实现汇率长期均衡;第三,“支出效应”自动调节国际收支。如果一国出现国际收支顺差,国际储备资产(黄金或可兑换的信用货币)扩张会导致国内外支出增加,从而减少出口、增加进口,国际收支实现平衡。因此,国际“黄金锚”为各国货币政策施加了一个共同的约束,使国际汇率水平、物价水平及真实利率水平长期稳定。
    2 蒙代尔,2003,蒙代尔经济学文集(第六卷),国际货币:过去、现在和将来,第122-123页。
    3 Bordo, Michael D. "The Gold Standard, Bretton Woods and Other Monetary Regimes:A Appraisal", 1993. Historical
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