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Bernhard Karlgren's research of Ancient Chinese phonology is not only the starting point of his entire academic career, but also the very core of all of his academic research. Karlgren built a comprehensive frame for Ancient Chinese phonology, and reconstructed phonetic values for each consonant and vowel. His research is based on the research of traditional Chinese phonology, and comprehensively applies the Western modern phonetics, dialectology and historical linguistics into the study of Ancient Chinese phonology, having made brilliant achievements. Karlgren's research of Ancient Chinese phonology is of great originality in the history of Chinese research, and has a far-reaching influence over the field of Chinese phonology.
     In this paper, based on previous studies, we fully discuss the successes and failures of Karlgren's research of Ancient Chinese phonology. Paper includes the following parts:
     The first chapter is the Introduction. We here describe the influence of Karlgren's research of Ancient Chinese phonology on the Chinese phonological academia, review previous research on Karlgren's research and discuss several controversial issues of Karlgren's Ancient Chinese reconstruction.
     The second chapter introduces Karlgren's life and his academic achievement. Before the description of Karlgren's life, we first describe the history of Sinology in Western world and especially in Sweden as the background information. About Karlgren's life we focus mainly on: Karlgren's family provided him with a good language environment; Lundell, who was Karlgren's mentor, a great Slavic linguist, phonetician and Swedish dialectologist, gave Karlgren a good academic training of linguistic research; when Karlgren studied Sinology in France, that country was the center and the peak of European Sinology; Karlgren was a gifted linguist, and also an extremely hard-working scholar. At the end of this chapter we introduce how the book Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise was translated into Chinese.
     The third chapter investigates the value of Karlgren's Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise from the viewpoint of the evolution of Chinese language research in China. In the field of Chinese phonology, it can be said that from the year of the publication of this book until1949is the "Karlgren's era". We discuss here mainly Karlgren's academic background of the historical comparative linguistics, modern phonetics and dialectology, pointing out that Karlgren was the direct descendant of the Neogrammarians. In the field of the research of Chinese dialects, we can say that Karlgren is a pioneer of modern Chinese dialectology, but at the same time, we should point out his survey of Chinese dialects was for the purpose of reconstruction of the Ancient Chinese, differentiating from the later descriptive dialectology. Karlgren investigated, recorded22Chinese dialects, among which the Jin dialects were recorded in detail, and his investigation of the Jin dialects was the first complete one in this area. We can use Karlgren's dialects'records to research the evolution of some Chinese dialects over the20th century, and we use Nanjing dialect as an example to prove the value of these records. There are also errors in his dialects records, such as the insufficiency of the people being investigated, the inappropriate choice of the survey, paying no attention on the distinguishment between the literary pronunciation and the colloquial pronunciation, and etc.
     The fourth chapter investigates the value of Karlgren's Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise from the perspective of the evolution of Chinese language research outside China. In the field of Chinese phonology research outside China, Henri Maspero also made relatively great achievements in the early20th century, but his influence in the academic community was far less than Karlgren. We analyze the reasons beneath this situation. In the field of Chinese dialects'research and investigation made by the Sinologist, we mainly make a comparison between W. A. Grootaers and Karlgren. Karlgren's survey asked the pronunciation of only the characters, and was to provide materials for the reconstruction of ancient sound; while Grootaers was in favor of a comprehensive description of the dialect, recording the parole, drawing the isoglosses, focusing completely on the synchronic side of the language. The two researches have different points of view and both have their meaning and value. The two researches have different points of view, both have their meaning and value and should be integrated to make complementation to each other.
     The fifth chapter discusses the three research methods that Karlgren used in his reconstruction of the Ancient Chinese:the method of linking the Fanqie, the method of examining ancient pronunciation and historical comparative method. The first two methods were used to establish the sound class, while the third one was used to study out the sound value. Karlgren's linking work of the Fanqie is relatively strict, and the characters of labial initials were determined their unrounding or rounding strictly in accordance their latter character in the Fanqie. Before the reconstruction the sound values of the Ancient Chinese, Karlgren used first the method of pronunciation examining to list systematically the phonology framework, and to determine the structural relationship among the sound and the rhyme category. His basis for pronunciation examining was mainly the equiprosody, general phonetics and the investigation of modern dialects. Historical comparative was Karlgren's fundamental method of studying and reconstructing the Ancient Chinese, but his historical comparative method was different from the classical historical comparison of Indo-European languages. His method was actually an integration of "historical textual research" and "historical comparison", in which the part of textual research came mainly from the achievements of traditional Chinese phonology researches. The main flaws of his historical comparative method are ignoring the impact between the dialects, especially the impact from the common language onto the dialects, considering the Qieyun phonetic system as a homogeneous one, lacking the necessary textual criticism and discrimination on the traditional phonology research.
     The sixth chapter examines the materials used by Karlgren in the study of Ancient Chinese. Fanqie and rhyme tables were the main materials used by him to establish the phonetic framework of Ancient Chinese and when in discussion, Karlgren separated completely the time of Fanqie and rhyme tables. Fanqie reflected the sounds of "Qieyun" era, and were the main object of his study; while rhyme tables reflected the sounds of the time when they were compiled, and which was several centuries later than the Fanqie. Many researchers believe that Karlgren copied Guangyun's Fanqie from the Kangxi Dictionary and therefore had many errors. We discussed this issue in this chapter, believing that Karlgren actually referred to Guangyun and the Fanqie he copied out from Kangxi Dictionary had a very low error rate, therefore can be used in establishing the framework of Ancient Chinese. Karlgren made a more cautious use of the rhyme tables, using which to serve as the framework when discussing the category of the initials and finals. Chinese dialects and "the four foreign dialects" were the main material Karlgren used to reconstruct the phonetic values. In spite of the abundant dialects material he used, his paying more attention on the northern dialects than on the southern ones, more attention on the literary pronunciation than on the colloquial pronunciation affected the reliability of his reconstruction. He attached importance to the "foreign dialects" and held conservative attitude towards the Sanskrit-Chinese and other diaphone materials. The main reason behind this difference was that he valued the "foreign dialects" as the Chinese dialects, and using the living languages and dialects to reconstruct the ancient language is the research idea of the historical comparative linguistics.
     The seventh chapter discusses Karlgren's viewpoint of considering Qieyun as a single and homogeneous phonetic system. This viewpoint is an important basis of Karlgren's entire Ancient Chinese's reconstruction, and if the basis is not solid enough, the whole reconstruction will be in a crisis. We first reviewed the controversy of the Qieyun's phonological nature in the academia, and then summed up the more conclusive evidence supporting the viewpoint of the synthesized nature of Qieyun phonetic system. At the same time, we attempted to prove the Qieyun's synthesized nature from the viewpoint of the linguistic economic characteristic. Based on the analysis of an essay from Yanshi Jiaxun and on the summary of the viewpoints of Professor Lu Guoyao and other scholars, we proposed a concept of northern and southern double-line of the developing of Ancient Chinese, and we also conceived the methods of studying these separate northern and southern common language.
     The final part summarized the full text of this paper and presented three future research projects.
1 罗常培《汉语音韵学的外来影响》。
    2 桑兵《国学与汉学——近代中外学界交往录》第119页。
    1 何九盈《中国现代语言学史》第234页。
    2 有d:dj, g:gj, h:hj,hIj这样一套对立。
    1 参看邵荣芬《切韵研究》第90-93页。
    2 罗杰瑞还持[j]化的看法,见氏所著《早期汉语的咽化与腭化来源》。
    3 参看鲁国尧《客、赣、通泰方言源于南朝通语说》,徐通锵《历史语言学》第404-410页。
    4 黄笑山《中古二等韵介音和<切韵>元音数量》。
    5 王力《汉语音韵》,中华书局,1963年。
    6 薛凤生《试论<切韵>音系的元音音位与重纽、重韵等现象》。
    1 [法]佩雷菲特《停滞的帝国——两个世界的撞击》,王国卿等译,第532页。
    2 同上,第14页。
    3 何寅、许光华《国外汉学史》第112页。
    1 曾晓渝《试论(西儒耳目资)的语音基础及明代官话的标准音》。
    2 何寅、许光华《国外汉学史》第99页。
    3 同上,第202页。
    4 [瑞典]罗多弼《翻开瑞典的汉学研究史》。
    5 张静河《瑞典汉学史》第2页。
    6 同上,第9页。
    7 [瑞典]罗多弼《翻开瑞典的汉学研究史》。
    1 [瑞典]罗多弼《翻开瑞典的汉学研究史》,又何寅、许光华《国外汉学史》第241页。
    2 德国地理学家,地质学家,曾任柏林国际地理学会会长、柏林大学校长。他1868-1872年在中国考察过地质和地理,后著有五卷本《中国——亲身旅行的成果和以之为根据的研究》,为中国地质、地理的研究做了奠基性、开创性的贡献。他也是近代中国和西方国家科学交流的先驱,对近代中国地质学、地理学的产生和发展具有重大影响。
    3 何寅、许光华《国外汉学史》第240页。
    4 William Cohn, China and Sweden.又张静河《瑞典汉学史》第28页。
    1 高本汉著,赵元任、罗常培、李方桂合译,《中国音韵学研究》第140页。以下引用此书简称《研究》。
    2 《高本汉》第53页。
    3 Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov,1878-1937。俄国著名汉学家,外交官。1909年发现了西夏文、汉文对照的《番汉合时掌中珠》,以研究此书出名,著有《西夏语研究》。
    4 《高本汉》第54页。
    1 张静河《瑞典汉学史》第44页。
    2 《高本汉》第74页。
    3 罗斯玛丽·列文森《赵元任传》第153页。
    4 许光华《法国汉学史》第91页。
    5 桑兵《国学与汉学——近代中外学界交往录》第1页。
    6 许光华《法国汉学史》第12页。
    1 《高本汉》第97页。
    2 王川《东西方汉学的一对巨擘——陈寅恪与伯希和学术交往述论》。
    3 《高本汉》第203页。
    4 同上,第97页。
    5 桑兵《国学与汉学——近代中外学界交往录》第5页。
    6 杨步伟《杂记赵家》第47页。
    7 《高本汉》第133页。
    1 陈星灿《高本汉与广州中山大学——跋一封新发现的中山大学致高本汉的聘请函》。
    2 《高本汉》第146页。
    3 《研究·绪论》第3页。
    4 《答李子德书》(《亭林文集》卷四),《顾亭林诗文集》第73页。
    5 《小学考序》(《潜研堂文集》卷二十四),《嘉定钱大昕全集》(九)第378页。
    1 《传统中国研究集刊(第六辑)》第412-425页。
    1 何九盈《中国现代语言学史》第239页。
    2 赵元任《从家乡到美国——赵元任早年回忆》第163页。
    3 《研究·译者序》,又《赵元任生平大事记》,《中国现代语言学的开拓和发展——赵元任语言学论文选》第276页。
    2 王立达《汉语研究小史》,转引自李开《汉语语言研究史》第377页。
    1 何九盈《中国现代语言学史》第4页。
    2 盛林、宫辰、李开,《二十世纪中国的语言学·绪论》。
    3 何九盈《中国古代语言学史》第292页。
    4 鲁国尧《卢宗迈切韵法》述论。
    1 罗宾斯《简明语言学史》第164页。
    1 刘国辉《历史比较语言学概论》第53页。
    2 徐通锵《历史语言学》第112页。
    3 《高本汉》一书译作努列。
    4 《高本汉》第51页。
    5 岑麒祥《历史比较语言学讲话》第7页。
    6 岑麒祥《历史比较语言学讲话》第10页。
    1 何九盈《中国现代语言学》第235页。
    4 周振鹤、游汝杰,《方言与中国文化》第12页。
    1 盛林、宫辰、李开,《二十世纪中国的语言学》第327页。
    2 洪惟仁《小川尚义与高本汉汉语语音研究之比较——兼论小川尚义在汉语研究史上应有的地位》。
    3 董同龢《华阳凉水井客家话记音·前言》。
    1 张文轩《高本汉所记兰州声韵系统检讨》。
    2 《研究》第213、586、690页。又罗伟豪《析高本汉<中国音韵学研究)中的广州音》。
    3 乔全生《晋方言语音史研究》第87页。
    4 赵元任《现代吴语的研究·序》。
    1 罗常培《耶稣会士在音韵学上的贡献》。
    2 参考罗常培《汉语音韵学的外来影响》中《论近代语音学的影响》部分,《研究·绪论》部分,又David Prager Branner, Simon Schaank and the evolution of Western beliefs about traditional Chinese phonology.
    3 《研究》第5页。
    1 Bemhard Karlgren,The Reconstruction of Ancient Chinese,pp.1.
    1 马伯乐,《唐代长安方言考》第3页。
    2 马伯乐,《唐代长安方言考》第10页。
    3 马伯乐,《唐代长安方言考》第115-121页。
    4 《研究·译者序》。
    1 王国强《<中国评论>与中西文化交流》。
    1 徐通锵《历史语言学》第228页。
    2 贺登崧,石汝杰、岩田礼译,《汉语方言地理学》第15页。
    3 贺登崧,石汝杰、岩田礼译,《汉语方言地理学·日译本序》第8页。
    4 易家乐,林书武译,《高本汉的生平和成就》。
    1 罗杰瑞《汉语方言田野调查与音韵学》。
    2 贺登崧,石汝杰、岩田礼译,《汉语方言地理学》第2页。
    1 鲁国尧《论“历史文献考证法”与“历史比较法”的结合——兼议汉语研究中的“犬马—鬼魅法则”》。
    1 冯蒸《汉语音韵研究方法论》。
    2 耿振生《20世纪汉语音韵学方法论》第163页。
    1 参看冯蒸《高本汉、董同龢、王力、李方桂拟测汉语中古和上古元音系统方法管窥:元音类型说》。
    1 徐通锵《历史语言学》第72页,岑麒祥《历史比较语言学讲话》第20页。
    1 耿振生《20世纪汉语音韵学方法论》第199页。
    2 鲁国尧《论“历史文献考证法”与“历史比较法”的结合——兼议汉语研究中的“犬马—鬼魅法则”》。
    3 陈保亚《20世纪中国语言学方法论》第180页。
    4 高本汉《汉语的本质和历史》第23页。
    5 李方桂《李方桂先生口述史》第127-128页。
    1 黄笑山《(切韵>和中唐五代音位系统》第13页。
    2 李无末、秦曰龙,《高本汉“二手材料”构拟<广韵)之检讨》。
    3 宋兆祥《中上古汉朝语研究》第227页。
    1 高本汉《中上古汉语音韵纲要》第2页。
    2 黄淬伯《慧琳一切经音义反切声类考》。
    3 罗常培《切韵鱼虞之音值及其所据方言考——高本汉切韵音读商榷之一》。
    4 章太炎《国故论衡·音理论》。
    1 周祖谟《切韵的性质和它的音系基础》。
    2 鲁国尧《客、赣、通泰方言源于南朝通语说》。
    3 丁邦新《重建汉语中古音系的一些想法》。
    4 潘文国《韵图考》第51页。
    1 张琨《切韵的综合性质》第26页。
    2 王力《南北朝诗人用韵考》第69页。
    3 王力《汉越语研究》第11-12页。
    1 史存直《关于“该死十三元”》。
    2 张琨《汉语音韵史中的方言差异》第55页。
    3 黄淬伯《唐代关中方言音系》第24页。
    4 梵汉、藏汉对音见周法高《切韵鱼虞之音读及其流变》,日译汉音资料见马伯乐《唐代长安方言考》第115-121。
    5 周祖谟《齐梁陈隋时期诗文韵部研究》第240页。
    6 鲍明炜《初唐诗文的韵系》第167页。
    7 黄淬伯《唐代关中方言音系》第25页。
    8 Edwin Q Pulleyblank, Middle Chinese:A Study in Historical Phonology, pp.147-148.
    8 鲁国尧《(卢宗迈切韵法>述论》。
    1 周祖谟《唐五代韵书集存·附表》。
    2 郭熙《中国社会语言学》第130-133页。
    2 周祖谟《切韵的性质和它的音系基础》第265页。
    3 黄典诚《<切韵>综合研究》第48页。
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