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Laparoscopic surgery has been widely used in human medicine, because compared withlaparotomy it has a clear vision, the less bleeding, minimal incision, relatively little impact on thebody, mild pain and rapid recovery features. Application of laparoscopic techniques has long beenreported in animals in veterinary field abroad and involved a wide range of animal species andapplication fields. However, application of laparoscopic techniques in animal fields only wasconfined to breeding fields in china and has not been reported in other fields.
     Splenectomy in goats can be used for study of many disciplines and teaching, clinicaltreatment. For Science and research, After goats was removed spleen, the body produced antibodiesto reduce, resistance was reduced and easy to be infected by viruses, bacteria and some parasitic.Therefore, it can provide susceptible animals for artificial disease. Fortreatment of clinical cases,the indication for splenectomy is splenic tumors, splenic abscess, spleen injury and some blooddiseases.
     The experiment was divided into two parts: One was that it acquired laparoscopic abdominalanatomy data through laparoscopy of left flank, right flank and ventral median line. It can provideimportant anatomy for the diagnosis and treatment of intra-abdominal diseases and necessarysurgical operation of goats.
     Another part was laparoscopic splenectomy. The location of trocar/cannula was definited onthe basis of laparoscopy and four cannula was inserted from left flank. Maintainedpneumoperitoneum pressure at 1.064kPa. Surgeon manipulated monopolar electrosurgical hookand laparoscopic forceps to isolated spleen under the laparoscopy. Ligated artery, vein of spleenwith clip and silk suture after fully exposed hilum of spleen and then cut it. Placed spleen into‘Extraction Bag' and then removed it out of abdominal cavity. It was monitored during theoperation with intensive care monitor and respiratory monitor and were recorded at the time ofbefore anesthesia, after anesthesia and before insuffiating, intraoperative 10min and 30min, 5minafter gas was released. Overall state of goats was observated after operation and was exploredabdominal adhesions at postoperative a month. The laparoscopic splenectomy and the feasibility ofthe application of laparoscopic surgery were evaluated in goats. The results showed:
     1. It could be observe very clearly the overall situation of intra-abdominal organs andabdominal cavity and significantly reduce the complications. Showed that compared withlaparotomy in goats, laparoscopy could be safe, efficient and useful methods.
     2. Rate of postoperative adhesions of laparoscopic splenectomy was 11 percent. Showed thatlaparoscopic surgery could reduce the degree of postoperative adhesions.
     3. Blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure ofgoats increased and oxygen saturation and temperature dropped during laparoscopic splenectomy.Showed that, to a certain extent, laparoscopic splenectomy affected circulatory system, respiratorysystem and temperature. We should strengthen monitoring during laparoscopic operation.
     4. Nine goats were successfully performed laparoscopic splenectomy in this study. The totallength of incision was 4~6cm. It was one-third to one-second of incision of laparotomy. All goatsate a small amount of grass and showed symptoms of abdominal pain after operation. However, thefollowing day showed a good mental state, normal appetite and temperature, basically returned tonormal body condition. Each goat was observed for a month, it is no abnormal situation. Showedthat laparoscopic techniques can be successfully applied to laparoscopic surgery in goats, and has aadvantage of little influence on the body, mild pain and rapid recovery.
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