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R.G.Collingwood(1889-1943)who was misunderstood in 20th century, is an important prolific philosopher, historian and archaeologist. Embracing abundant and elastic thought, he promoted and led a critical and analytic research style when the transformation arose out of philosophy of history.On the contrary, lots of thinkers was still obsessed with grand theories of history. He was adhering to the historical tradition of rational thinking, and built a historical system of rational criticism, which was different from the speculative philosophy of history. Working at a rapprochement between philosophy and history, Collingwood pursued his empirical stduies of archeology and the history of Roman Britain. We are excited that Collingwood's unpublished manuscripts and works have been published, which have aroused the interest of the researchers to explore his historical theory and practice. For domestic researcher, they have produced lots of texts. Unfortunately, The new achievements which Western scholars have made are not their subjects. Absorbing critically them, we may have a systematic approach to re-evaluating his contribution of history, philosophy and practical significance.
     Under the influence of "Linguistic Turn", Many philosophers of history in 1970s have turned their attentions mainly to the narrative text of historiography. The historical narrative level of aesthetic, rhetoric and ethical, which are important areas of their thinking. However, the narrative philosophy of history is still concerned about the historical understanding of the logic, historiography, and so on. These issues are inextricably linked with the analysis, critical philosophy of history. At the same time, the transformation of philosophy of history is also well accetped by historians. Many philosophers of history have expanded the scope of their research, including history of political thought, archaeological theory, anthropology and microhistory. there is a diverse line of historical narrative which based on practical research in philosophy of history. So, it reduces the arrogance of philosophy. More than, they also respect practice of history, which is the main features of the contemporary philosophy of history. As analysis, the critical philosopher of history, Collingwood discussed many matters of history, for example, construcive history,a priori imagination and historical evidence etc.Those questions are not only associated with the narrative philosophy of history, will also help correct the latter's theoretical ideas and logical mistakes.
     The terms of "history", "evidence" and "imagination" are selected as subject of my project, aimed to explain the nature of history which Collingwood has discussed.As far as the method of study is concerned, my discussion will follow the historical problem-centered, and use the historical case as the basis for my argument.As a result, I will devote myself to Collingwood's the masterpiece which is The Idea of History. My projcet will mainly deal with the following:
     In the first chapter, Collingwood and the western varying concept of history would be introduced Collingwood's life and writings, and the problem of his manuscripts. Focusing on the relation between Historismus and his idea of historiogaphy, I will clarify the social and ideological context which formed his philosophy of history.
     The second chapter would approach theory and practice of historical evidence. My topics are the function and significance of the evidence between different disciplines, which would be compared from an interdisciplinary perspective, such as focusing on the similarities and differences between history and the judicial field. My project will explore the experience which Collingwood has carried out extensive research into the archeology and history of Roman Britain. At same time, the implication of subjects will be discussed, including the logic of Question and Answer, historical facts, the objectivity and truth of historical knowledge. In addition, I will propose a new concept of "meta-evidence" which encourages us to understand historiography. As to the death of John Doe, my project, from the point of cultural history, would analysis the reason why Collingwood chosen detective novels, and explore the ethics and methodology of it. Through the study, I discovered he was very worried about Western civilization.
     The third chapter which will examine historical imagination and the Re-enactment of thought, is divided into four sections. I will describe the epistemological foundation of the historical imagination, and analysis the relationship between "a priori imagination" and the historical narrative. What's more, I will also identify the similarities and differences of narrative between history and fiction, so as to point out that historical knowledge encompasses the narrator's aesthetic taste and value of ethics.
     In the fourth chapter, my topic is the multi-constructive image of collingwood in the chinese scholars eyes.I will outline the history that Collingwood's philosophy of history was translated in china. The transmission of Collingwood's works are introduced to illustrate the fact that Chinese scholars indirectly accepted conclusions which Soviet scholars have made. At same time, my project will discuss a few important propositions that Chinese scholars are concerned about. Subsequently, The Idea of History is to be the case which I will answer the question of historic translation. The Collingwood thought of history will be explored from the angle of hermeneutics.
     My project, which based on the research results of scholars at home and abroad, will finally try to re-evaluate his philosophy of history.
①有必要说明的是,下文单写的柯林武德专指罗宾·乔治·柯林武德(Robin George. Collingwood),而其先人则用全名。此外,国内学者在介绍翻译他时,大体有如下译名:卡林渥德、科林伍德、科林武德、柯林伍德、柯林武德、克林伍德、柯灵屋、柯灵乌,本文统一使用柯林武德,引述他人论著、论文时译名一般不做改动。
    ② W.J.Van der Dussen, "Collingwood's Unpublished Manuscripts", History and Theory.Vol.18,No.3.(1979),pp. 288.
    ①例如,詹姆斯·帕特里克(James Patrick)、詹姆斯·康纳利、杜森、列昂·戈登斯坦(Leon J.Goldstein)、迈克尔·凯茜尔(Michael A.Kissell)以及克鲁塞(G.S.Couse)等学者的论文,参阅Histroy and Theory Vol.29, No.4, Beiheft29: Reassessing Collingwood, Dec.,1990。
    ① W.J.Van der Dussen,History as a science: the philosophy ofR.G.Collingwood,Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1981,p.2-3.
    ② Christopher Parker, The English idea of History From Coleridge to Collingwood, Burlington USA:Ashgate, 2000,p.163.
    ③ David Boucher, "Introduction" in David Boucher, eds.,Essays in Political Philosophy R.G.Collingwood,Oxford: Clarendon Press,1989,p.1.
    ② Nathan Rotenstreich, Philosophy, History and Politics: studies in contemporay english philosophy of history, The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1976,p.1-89.
    ③ Leonard Krieger, Times Reasons:philosophy of history old and new, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,1989,p.113-114.
    ④ Preston King ed, The History of Ideas: an introduction to method, London: Croom Helm,1983,pp.153-176.
    ④ Robert J.Share Wendy Ashmore. Archaeology:Discovering Our Past, Mayfield Publishing Company, London,1993,p.103.颇具兴味的是,该书第三版在同一章节却再未提及柯林武德、并用“反省式方法”取代了“过去重演”的方法,请参阅该书第三版第109页。有必要提及的是,该书的第四版的中文简明本亦未提及柯林武德对于此考古方法的影响,此外,中文译本将post-processual research 和 reflexive method各自译为“后进程研究”、“反身法”;参阅[美]温迪·安西莫、罗伯特·夏尔:《发现我们的过去:简明考古学导论》,沈梦蝶译,上海社会科学院出版社,2007年,第47页。
    ① David Boucher, James Connelly and Tariq Modood,Philosophy, History and Civlization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R.GCollingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press,1995,p.366-372.
    ② Louis O.Mink, Mind History and Dialectic: The Philosophy of R.G.Collingwood, Bloomington: Indiana Universtiy Press,1969, p.124 p.131.
    ④ W.J.Van Der Dussen, History As a Science: The Philosophy of R.G.Collingwood, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1981,p.295-305.
    ① Anthony F.Russell. Logic Philosophy and History:a Study in the Philosophy of History Based on the Work of R.GCollingwood. University Press of America,1984, p.xxii-xxiii.
    ② R.G.Collingwood,The New Leviathan:or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,p.xiv.
    ②埃迪斯的父亲是托马斯·埃迪斯(Thomas Isaac),有关柯林武德母亲的身份曾存在争议,据T.M.诺克斯(Malcolm Knox)所言,柯林武德自承其母具有犹太人的血统;柯林武德的遗孀却认为他的母亲生于东盎格鲁的英国家庭,James Patrick亦持这种观点。T.M.Konx, "Review The Formative Years of R.G.Collingwood.by William M.Johanston",The Phlisopphical Quarterly,Vol.19,No.75, (Apr.,1969).
    ① Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life ofRGCollingwood, Princeton University Press,2009, p.242.
    ②柯林武德家族介绍:http://fp.armitt.plus.com/collingwood_family.htm,登录时间,2009年8月3日星期一;此外,还可参阅Marnie Hughes-Warrington, How good an Historian Shall I Be? UK: Imprint Academic,2003,p.1-2.[英]伊丽莎白·迪瓦恩等:《20世纪思想家辞典》,贺仁麟总译校,上海人民出版社,1996年,第121 页; James Patrick, The Magdalen Metaphysicals:Idealism and Orthodoxy at Oxford,1901-1945, Mercer University Press,1985,p.83,注释 21. 以及 Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life of K.G.Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009.
    ④ Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life ofR.GCollingwood, Princeton University Press,2009, p.5.
    ⑤ Joseph M.Levine, Re-enacting the past:Essay on the Evolution of Modern English Historiography, Ashgate, 2004,p.382.
    ⑥ R.G.Collingwood,The New Leviathan, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,p.310.
    ① David Boucher, The Social and Political Thought of R.G.Collingwood,New York: Cambridge University Press,1989,p.2.
    ② R.G.Collingwood, The First Mates Log of a Voyage to Greece in the Schooner Yacht 'Fleur de Lys' in 1939,Thoemmes Press,1995,p.ⅵ-ⅶ.
    ② W.J.Van Der Dussen, History As a Science: The Philosophy ofR.G.Collingwood, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1981, p.63
    ③ Fred Inglis,History Man:The life ofR.GCollingwood,Princeton Universtiry Press,2009,p.305-307.
    ④ David Boucher, James Connelly and Tariq Modood ed,Philosophy, History and Civlization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R.GCollingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press,1995,p.4.
    ⑤ James Patrick, The Magdalen Metaphysicals:Idealism and Orthodoxy at Oxford,1901-1945, Mercer University Press,1985,p.79.
    ②鲁宾多夫(Lionel Rubinoff)对诺克斯的时段区分提出了批评,他认为柯林武德的后期哲学思想是一贯的、连续的,并不存在激进的转变;同时指出,诺克斯以柯林武德的健康作为区分的理由并不存在哲学的相干性。Lionel Rubinoff, Collingwood and the Reform of Metaphysics: a study in the Philosophy of Mind, University of Toronto Press,1970,p.18.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, Religion and Philosophy, London:Macmillan,1916,p.49-51.
    ①转引自W.J.Van der Dussen, "Collingwood's Unpublished Manuscripts", History and Theory.Vol.18,No.3. (1979), pp.296.
    ② W.J.Van der Dussen, "Collingwood's 'Lost' Manuscript of the Principles of History", History and Theory, Vol.36 No.1,(Feb.,1997),pp.37.
    ④这本自传也影响了法学家,譬如,在一次学术会议上,迈克尔·奥克肖特(Michael Oakeshott)曾问及法学家唐文宁(William Twining),哪位思想家对他影响至深?答案是柯林武德。唐文宁叙述了自己与父母在Lake District旅行时,偶然读到了《柯林武德自传》深受触动,在成为法学家之后重读了这本书、并
    阐释了该书与法学理论问题和方法之间的关联性。William Twining, "R.G.Collingwood's Autobiography: one Readers Response", Jouranl of Law and Society, Vol.25. (No.4,1998), pp.608-609.
    ②哈里斯指出:“在他众多著作中,没有一本提到金蒂利(G.Gentile,1875-1944)的名字……最糟糕的是,至于意大利人对他思想的影响,他在《自传》中完全保持缄默的态度,甚至却表达了与之同代的前任形而上学教授史密斯(J.A.Smith)的个人情谊,后者是一位‘旧派的’唯心论者。在我看来,有关任何豁免他有意隐瞒真相的责难假设,这皆是无效的。”鉴于哈里斯的指摘,大卫·布歇为柯林武德进行了辩护,并提出了如下证据“曾经有一个极能干极有才华的哲学家信奉了法西斯主义,他作为一个哲学家的生涯到此也就终结了。”这里的“哲学家”一般认为是金蒂利(参阅中译本《柯林武德自传》,第147页)此外,布歇认为晚年的柯林武德特别厌憎法西斯主义,以至于本不可能会承认这一点;早年的文章并未提及金蒂利和圭多·德·拉吉罗。不过,布歇亦认为厌憎法西斯主义不足以解释在《自传》为何未表达克罗齐和圭多·德·拉吉罗的思想恩遇,即便他在《自传》中提及了“我的朋友圭多·德·拉吉罗”。David Boucher, The social and political thought of R. G Collingwood, New York: Cambridge University press,1989,p.19.
    ③ David Boucher, James Connelly and Tariq Modood ed,Philosophy, History and Civlization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R.G.Collingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press,1995,p.127.
    ④ Merle E.Brown, Neo-Idealistic Aesthetics: Croce-Gentile-Collingwood,Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1966,p.12.
    ① Joseph M.Levine, Re-enacting the past:Essay on the Evolution of Modern English Historiography, Ashgate, 2004,p.388.
    ② R.G.Collingwood,The New Leviathan:or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,p.lx.
    ③ Ibid, p.lxi.
    ① Mortimer Taube, "Reviewed The New Leviathan: or Man, Society,Civilization and Barbarism", The Journal of Politics, Vol.5.No.4 (1943),pp.435.
    ② Ibid, pp.437.
    ④ Christopher Parker,The English Idea of History from Coleridge to Collingwood, Ashgate Publishing Company 2000,p.191.
    ① W.J.Van Der Dussen, History As a Science: The Philosophy of R.G.Collingwood, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1981, p.63
    ③转引自W.J.Van der Dussen, "Collingwood's 'Lost' Manuscript of the Principles of History", History and Theory,Vol.36,No.1,(Feb.,1997),pp.38.
    ① Joseph M.Levine, Re-enacting the past: Essay on the Evolution of Modern English Historiography, Ashgate, 2004,p.253.
    ①在苏扎纳·赛伊德(Suzanne Said)看来,神话(Myth)既是个具有积极价值,又是个具有消极价值的词汇;呈现为真实与虚构双重的内涵。从语义变迁看,赫西奥德(Hesiod)在《劳作与时令》中将神话(Myth)等同于逻各斯(logos或legein),过去被看作是唯一真实的故事;而后在《神谱》里引入muthos并释义为account或tale,这些积极语义的用法强调了历史真实的面相。不过,自希罗多德在《历史》第2卷23、45节使用myth后并最终在修昔底德手中,Myth渐渐地偏向了现代意义上具有消极价值的词汇,凸显了与真理相对的说谎、虚构。故赛伊德认为,“当某人在考察后修昔底德的希腊历史编纂中的muthodes和muthikos时,颇具兴味的是,历史被当作‘神话’,或者更恰当地说,被当作‘神话的、虚构的’、充当了历史的反义词。”请参阅《神话与历史编纂学》,载于John Marincola, A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, (vol,l),Blakwell Pubisher,2008,p.77-78.
    ④有关伯罗奔尼撒战争爆发的原因,英国学者康福德(Francis M. Cornford,1874-1943)认为修昔底德忽视了战争爆发诸多客观因素的背景,却专注于心理事件的叙述,进而将原因归结于人物与城邦的动机和性格,却较少考虑商业贸易和地理环境等要素。“因此,我们在构筑战争起源的假说时,不会考虑诸如恐惧、野心、节制美德这类心理原因,而会将伯罗奔尼撒战争、西西里远征、麦加拉的繁荣等事件统通归因于我们所称之为‘经济’和地理方面的原因。我们根本不会考察伯里克利、克里昂和亚西比德的心情,也不会去研究他们的性格和动个人动机,但我们会分析希腊人口和地理因素。”[英]弗朗西斯·麦克唐纳·康福德:《修昔底德:神话与历史之间》,孙艳萍译,上海三联书店,2006年,第58页。
    ①与柯林武德迥然异趣的是,艾伯特(G.F.Abbott),认为“众所周知,古代著者非常清楚地理解了因果关系。但他太明智,以至于忽略了人性。即便环境搭建了舞台,不过,它亦是人类活动的舞台。他的思想与品性塑造了他的行为。历史主题的研究除了依据人类心灵与心理学之外,别无他途”。G.F.Abbott, Thucydides: A Study in Historical Reality,New York,1925,p.56.此外,修昔底德实用主义的历史书写容易“把注意力集中在事件中所表现的动机、宗旨和目标,把事件看作特定意图产生的结果,把这些事件大部分可以追溯到人的愿望和情欲,追溯到纯粹的心理状态。”[美]J.W.汤普森《历史著作史》(第一分册),谢德风译,商务印书馆,1996年,第41页。
    ②Polybius,The Histories of Polybius,trans.W.R.Paton,Harvard University press,1922,Vol.Ⅰ,lp.3-5.
    ① Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza.ed, A Companion to Western Historcial Thought,ed.,Blackwell,2002,p.52.
    ③ Polybius,The Histories of Polybius,trans. W.R.Paton,Harvard University press,1922,Vol.Ⅰ,4,p.13.
    ①转引自Harry Elmer Barnes,A History of Historical Writing,New York:Dover Publication,Inc,1963,p.33-34.
    ④譬如,巴恩斯(Harry E.Barens)认为,李维是个讲故事的高手,“古希腊的修辞家,而非修昔底德,是 他文体效仿的楷模”,请参阅Harry Elmer Barnes,A History of Historical Writing, New York:Dover Publication, Inc,1963,p.37.此外,罗马帝国时代,诸多史学家存在对古体表达方式的偏爱,李维则以帕多瓦方言(patavinitas)写作;在追逐明净、流畅的文风之下,雅言(urbanitas)成为衡量历史书写的标准,进而李维遭到阿西尼乌斯·玻利奥(Asinius Pollio)的指摘。[德]弗里德里希·尼采:《古修辞学描述》,屠友祥译,上海人民出版社,2001年,第39-40页。
    ① Ernst Breisach, Historiography: Ancient,Medieval&Modern, The Universtiy of Chicago Press,1983,p.65.
    ①伦顿(J.E.Lendon):《古罗马的历史思想》, 载于A Companion to Western Historcial Thought,ed.Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza,Blackwell,2002,p.73.
    ⑤ Lionel Gossman,Between History and Literature, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1990,p.228.
    ⑤康德认为,启蒙运动意指在他人的引导下摆脱由于缺乏勇气和决心所加之于自己的不成熟状态,这里预设了人类禀赋中含有理智的成分,只要拥有公开运用自己理性的自由,启蒙方可能获得实现,尤其学者宜冲破宗教的樊笼,秉持世界公民的立场著书立说,人类最终走向道德秩序的世界公民社会。 [德]康德:《历史理性批判文集》,何兆武译,商务印书馆,1997年,第22-31页。不过,康德倡导的启蒙运动植根于人类教育的目的;广义的启蒙运动蕴涵了人类社会的世俗化,一种乐观的线性进步发展观和自由主义的政治理念以及倡导普遍的、忽略文化差异的人性论。 [美]伯恩斯:《历史哲学经典选读》(影印本),北京大学出版社,2004年,第31-32页。
    ④ Geoeg G.Iggers, "Historicism: The History and Meaning of the Term", Journal of the Hisrory of Ideas, Vol.56, No.1.(1995),pp.136-137.还可参阅伊各斯:《历史主义》,载于张京媛:《新历史主义与文学批评》,北京大学出版社,1993年,第282-297页。
    ③ Dwight E.Lee,Robert N.Beck, "The Meaning of 'Historicism'" The American Historical Review, Vol.59, No. 3.(1954),pp.571.
    ③爱德华·斯普朗格:《一般文化科学与方法论:开场报告》、《文化科学有益的档案》Vol.9,(1911),pp.366;转引自Colin T.Loader,German Historicism and Its Crisis, The Journal of Modern History, Vol.48,No.3,(1976).
    ④ Isaiah Berlin,The Power of ideas, New York: Princeton University Press,2001,p.205.
    ①Mark Lilla, G.B. Vico: the making of an anti-modern, Cambridge: Harvard Unversity Press,1993,p134.
    ①哈罗德·马赫:《赫尔德、康德与黑格尔时代的德国历史思想》,载于A Companion to Western Historcial Thought,ed.Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza,Blackwell,2002,p.149.②[美]伯恩施:《历史哲学经典选读》,第77页。有必要指出的是,该书后由张羽佳译为中文,不过她在译赫尔德这段节选时,存在某些前后抵牾的情形,譬如,将"Ways of living and mores!"译为“更多的生活方式!”,若做此理解,赫尔德在此段则存在思想上的矛盾,由此"mores"大概指名词“传统”。"National Cultrues,Where are you?"译为“世界文明,你在何方?”亦有不妥,此处cultrue用的是复数,宜译为“文化”。此外,“这是一个黄金时代的开始”漏译了"again"这一关键词,因为该词表明了“赫尔德的思想联结了古代有关黄金时代毗邻衰落时代的传统教义”(参阅Friedrich Meinecke, Historism: The Rise of a New Historical Outlook, p.322),并且"again".显示了赫尔德坚信当下是进步的观念。《历史哲学:从启蒙到后现代性》,北京师范大学出版社,2008年,第113页。
    ④粗斜体为笔者所加,转引自Friedrich Meinecke, Historism: The Rise of a New Historical Outlook, London: Routledge& Kegan Paul,1972, p.340.
    ⑤英文"Humanity"来自拉丁文homo与hominis,其意为man(人),或of man(人的),该词首先出现在14世纪末期,最接近的词源为法文humanite,其意涵的演变与拉丁文humamitas词义相关,意指“心智的培养与通才教育”,自16世纪始,该词由“礼仪、礼貌的意涵延伸为仁慈、慷慨的意涵。18世纪后‘'Humanity"仍延续了16世纪的意涵,并且普遍用来指“人的一般特点或属性”;同时,衍生出有别于神学的一门特殊学问的意涵。请参阅(英)雷蒙·威廉斯:《关键词:文化与社会的词汇》,刘建基译,三联书店,2005年,第208-213页。
    ②罗伯特·克拉克(Robert T.Clark)分析了"Kraft"如下四种意涵:(1)形而上学的遗产、(2)机械-物理的概念、(3)生物学的概念、(4)赫尔德综合的概念,尤其第四种涉及到它们之间的关联。Robert T.Clark, "Herders Conception of'Kraft'", PMLA, Vol.57,No.3,(Sep,1942),pp.739.
    ③ "Revolution"进入英文大致在14世纪,词源接近古法文revolucion以及拉丁文revolutionem,最早可追溯到拉丁文revolvere,意指“旋转、循环”。该词由“循环运动”转向“政治叛乱、起义”的政治意涵同英文revolt相关,自17世纪克伦威尔发动了革命之后;该词的政治意涵已相当明显并具推翻暴君的正面内涵,18世纪该词亦用来描述情感层面,随着工厂制与科技的发展,该词意涵被延伸到工业与科技等领域,雷蒙·威廉斯:《关键词:文化与社会的词汇》,第411-417页。
    ② R.GCollingwood, Eassys in Political Philosophy,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1989,p.202.
    ③弗雷德里克·拜塞尔(Frederick C. Beiser):《黑格尔的历史主义》,《黑格尔》,三联书店,2006年,第272-275页。
    ① Maurice Mandelbaum, The Problem of Historical Knowledge: An Answer to Relativism, New York: Harper& Row,1967,p.42.
    ④柯林武德:《历史哲学》(1932年),转引自Margit Hurup Nielsen, "Re-Enactment and Reconstruction in Collingwood's Philosophy of History", History and Theory, Vol.20.No.1 (1981),pp.10.
    ③ Alfred. Stern, Philosophy of history and the problem of values, The Hague: mouton & Co.1962, p.138-139.
    ④ Karl.Mannheim, Essays on the sociology of knowledge, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1952,p.84-85.
    ①[英]布歇(David Boucher)编:《英国唯心主义》(英文影印本),中国政法大学出版社,2003年,第ⅴⅲ-ⅹⅹⅹⅲ页。
    ① GR.G.Mure, "Benedetto Croce and Oxford", Philosophical Quarterly,Vol.4.No.17,(Oct.,1954),p.328.
    ④柯林武德:《柯林武德自传》,第24页。译文有所改动,R.G.Collingwood, An Autobiography, Oxford: Clarendon press,2002,p.23.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History: and other writings in philosophy of history, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.217.
    ②R.G.Collingwood, "The Fosse", The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol.14, (1924),pp.252.
    ③ Anthony Grafton, The Footnote: a Curious History, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1997,p.57.
    ④ John.E.E.Dalberg-Acton,Essays in the Study and Writing ofHistory,(Fears, Selected Writings of Lord Acton, Vol, Ⅱ), Liberty Fund, Inc,p.332.
    ②这里的“古今之战”是指18世纪英法两国文论家围绕写作原则、风格、摹仿与学问、古典学识与古典趣味等主题的论战,参与者有英国的政论家斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)和诗人蒲伯(Alexander Pope),法国的诗人布瓦洛(Boileau)和翻译家达茜尔夫人(Mme Dacier).吉本主要探讨了启蒙时代的哲学家的观念与价值,以及理解历史事件之间的因果联系等主题;他偏向于支持现代性的现代派,进而至多只是半个古代派。
    ③ Joseph.M.Levine, Humanism And History: Origins of Modern English Historiography, London: Cornell University Press, p.9-15.
    ⑥ Harry Elmer Barnes, History of Historical Writing, New York:Dover Publication,Inc,1963,p.217-218.
    ① R.G.Collingwood,The New Leviathan:or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism,Oxfor:Clarendon Press,1992,p.86.
    ③柯林武德:《欧洲自由主义史·译者序》,Guido de Ruggiero, The History of European Liberalism, Boston: Beacon Press,1967,p.vii.
    ④ R.G.Collingwood,The New Leviathan, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992,p.139.
    ① R.G.Collingwood,Eassys in Political Philosophy, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1989,p.12.
    ③ R.GCollingwood,The New Leviathan, Oxford:The Clarendon Press,1992,p.309.
    ① Carlo Ginzburg, "Checking the Evidence: The Judge and the Historian",Critical Inquiry, Vol.18,No.1 (Aut, 1991), pp.83-84.
    ①Michael Oakeshott,Experience and Its Modes,Cambridge:The University Press,1978,p.107-108.
    ③Fritz Stern ed., The Varieties of History:From Voltaire to the Present, Now York:Vintage Books,1973,p.57.
    ⑥Anthony Grafton, The Footnote: a Curious History, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1997,p.vii.
    ① Ibid, p.63-64.
    ③ Anthony Grafton and Suzanne Marchand, "Proof and Persuasion in History:A Preface",History and Theory, Vol.33, No.4,1994,pp.3-4.
    ① Daniel Snowman, Historians, Palgrave macmillan,2007,p.182.
    ④[美]大卫·谢曼(David A.Schum):《关于证据科学的思考》、《证据科学》(第17卷),王进喜译,2009年,第1期,第48页。
    ⑤ R.GCollingwood: Essays in the philosophy of history, William Debbins ed. University of Texas Press,1965, p.91.
    ① R.G.Collingwood. The Archaeology of Roman Britain. New York:Lincoln MacVeagh, Dial Press,1930,p.162.
    ③ G.R.Elton, The Practice of History, New York: Thomas. Y.Crowell Company,1967,p.77.
    ① R.G.Collingwood, The Philosophy of Enchantment: studies in Folktale,Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology, Oxford: Clarendon press,2005,p.19.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood. The Archaeology of Roman Britain. New York:Lincoln MacVeagh, Dial Press,1930,p.190.
    ① R.GCollingwood. The Archaeology of Roman Britain. New York:Lincoln MacVeagh, Dial Press,1930, p.192-193.
    ① Ibid, p.2-3.
    ② R.G.Collingwood, The Philosophy of Enchantment: studies in Folktale,Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology, Oxford: The Clarendon press,2005,p.115.
    ③ Ibid, p.119.
    ④ Ibid, p.117-118.
    ①R.G.Collingwod, Roman Britain and The English Settlements,Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1936,p.70-71.
    ① Ibid, p.72-73.
    ③ Michael Oakeshott,What is History? And Other Essays,UK: Imptint Academic,2004,p.33.
    ① R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History: and other writings in philosophy of history, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.231.
    ② George C.Lewis, Inquiry into the Credibility of the Early Roman History (Vol.Ⅰ), London: J.W.Parker and son,1855,p.16.
    ① Alec Jeffreys教授事迹,维基百科,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alec Jeffreys,登录时间,2009年11月19日星期四。
    ④ George C.Lewis, Inquiry into the Credibility of the Early Roman History (Vol.Ⅱ), London: J.W.Parker and son,1855,p.492.
    ③Hereford Brooke George,Historical evidence, Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1909,p.18.
    ① R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History: and other writings in philosophy of history, New York: Oxford University Press,1999, p.234.
    ② G.J.Renier, History: Its Purpose and Method, London: George Allen& unwin Ltd,1950,p.120.
    ③ Ibid,p.122.
    ①Allen Johnson, The Historian and Historical Evidence, New York: Charles Scribners Sons,1926,p.81-82.
    ②R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.233.
    ①R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.234.
    ①R.GCollingwood, The Principles of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.51.
    ②Ibid, p.54.
    ① Anthony F.Russell. Logic Philosophy and History:a Study in the Philosophy of History Based on the Work of R.G.Collingwood. University Press of America,1984, p.33-41.
    ④柯林武德:《历史的观念》,第360页。此译文稍有改动,R.G.Collingwood, The Idea Of History, Oxford University Press,1946,p.260.
    ② W.J.Van der Dussen,History as a science: the philosophy ofR.G.Collingwood,Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1981,p.292-293..
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.38.
    ② R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, Dussen ed, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993,p.388.
    ④ R.G.Collingwood and J.N.L.Myres, Roman Britain and The English Settlements,Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1956, p.33-34.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood,The New Leviathan :or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism,Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1992,p.74.
    ⑤ W.J.Van der Dussen,History as a science: the philosophy ofR.G.Collingwood,Boston:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1981,p.303.
    ① G.S.Couse, "Collingwood's Detective Image of the Historian and the Study of Hadrian's Wall", History and Theory, Vol.29,No.4,1990.pp.77.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.49.
    ④ R.G.Collingwood, The Philosophy of Enchantment: studies in Folktale,Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology, Oxford:Clarendon press,2005,p.18.
    ①R.GCollingwood, Speculum Mentis or The Map of Knowledge, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1946,p.243-244.
    ④ R.G.Collingwood, An Autobiography, Oxford: Clarendon Press,2002, p.109.
    ② R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.245.
    ③ GJ.Renier, History: Its Purpose and Method, London: George Allen& unwin Ltd,1950,p.47.
    ④ Haskell Fain. Philosophy and History:the Resurrection of Speculative Philosophy of History Within the Analytic Tradition,Princeton University Press,1970,p.173.
    ② R.G.Collingwood,An Eessay on Philosophical Method, Oxford: Clarendon Press,2005,p.208-209.
    ③R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, Dussen ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1994, p.392.
    ③ Joseph M.Levine, Re-enacting the Past: Essays on the Evolution of Modern English Historiography, Ashgate Publishing Company,2004, p.253-264.
    ④“道罗丝·萨耶尔”又译为多萝西·利·塞耶斯(Dorothy L.Sayers,1893-1957),出生于英国牛津,其父是一名教区牧师,后来成为英国著名的侦探小说家。她塑造了一名业余侦探彼得·温塞勋爵(Lord Peter Wimsey),代表作有《谁之死尸?》(Whose Body?)、《剧毒》(Strong Poison)等。
    ⑤科林伍德:《艺术原理》,王至元等译,中国社会科学出版社,1985年,第98页。此外,柯林武德在论述“历史与自由”(《历史的观念》,商务印书馆,2003年,第439页)和“非理性主义的宣教”(《形而上学论》,北京大学出版社,2007年,第103页)部分还以讽刺的口吻提及了“侦探小说”,颇具兴味的是,除了《艺术原理》写于1937年、出版1938年之外,其他谈到“侦探小说”处皆是他在1938年10月至 1939年4月在爪哇旅行时写下的。另据文化史家弗里德·恩格利斯(Fred Inglis)所言,柯林武德早年也尝试撰写侦探故事,并在回学校的途中带上洪纳(E.W.Hornung,1886-1921)论述业余神探莱弗士(Raffles)的小说,藉此消磨旅途的时光。History Man:The Life of R.G. Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009. p.6.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, Faith&Reason: Essays in the Philosophy of Religion, Chicago: Quadrangle Books,1968, p.153.
    Ibid, p.157-158.
    ① R.GCollingwood, Economics as a Philosophical Science, International Journal of Ethics, Vol.36, No.2,1926, p.166.
    ② R.GCollingwood, The Philosophy of Enchantment: studies in Folktale,Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology, Oxford:Clarendon press,2005,p.26.
    ④ R.GCollingwood, The Principles of Art,Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1945,p.336.
    ①R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1994,p.442.
    ② W.J.Van Der Dussen, History As a Science: The Philosophy of R.G.Collingwood, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1981, p.97.
    ④柯林武德:《形而上学论》,第232-233页。同时,柯林武德用“汽车撞石翻车”的案例来解释原因的相 对性及其批评,可参阅威廉·德雷:《历史哲学》,第92-95页。
    ③R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1994, p.406.
    ① Ibid,p.440.
    ③ Aviezer Tucker.ed, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, Boston: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009,p.109-111.
    ④ Simon T.Kaye, "Challenging Certainty: The Utility and History of Counterfactualism", History and Theory, Vol.49, (Feb,2010),pp.57.
    ① Allan Megill, Historical Knowledge, Historical Error: A Contemporary Guide to Practice, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,2007, p.151-153.
    ③R.GCollingwood, The Idea of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1994,p.293.
    ①R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1999,p.70.
    ②Ibid, p.75.
    ①R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1994,p.446-447.
    ② Fritz Stern ed., The Varieties of History:From Voltaire to the Present, Now York: Vintage Books,1973,p.239.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood: Essays in the philosophy of history, William Debbins ed. University of Texas Press,1965, p.48.
    ① Daniel Snowman, Historians, Palgrave macmillan,2007,p.181.
    ④ R.GCollingwood: Essays in the philosophy of history, William Debbins ed. University of Texas Press,1965, p.48.
    ②R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1994,p.391.
    ① R.G.Collingwood: Essays in the philosophy of history, William Debbins ed. University of Texas Press,1965, p.54-55.
    ② R.G.Collingwood,Essays in Political Philosophy, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1989,p.155-156.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, New York: Oxford University Press,1994,p.391.
    ②Morton White,Foundations of Historical Knowledge,New York:Harper & Row,1965,p.222-223.
    ①柯林武德:《历史的观念》,第445页:译文有改动,R.G.Collingwood,The Idea of History,1994, p.325.
    ② R.GCollingwood, Speculum Mentis or The Map of Knowledge, Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1946,p.218.
    ① R.G.Collingwood,Essays in Political Philosophy, Oxford:The Clarendon Press,1989,p.158.
    ② Ibid,p.157.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, The New Leviathan, Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1992,p.120-122.
    ④ R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2002, p.230.
    ① Jonathan Gorman, "Historians and Their Duties", History and Theory, Vol.43.No.4, (Dec.,2004),pp.117.
    ② Jonathan Gorman, Historical Judgment:The Limtis of Historiographical Choice, Montreal:McGill-Queens University Press,2008, p.15.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002, p.152.
    ② Louis O.Mink, Mind, History and Dialectic:The Philosophy ofR.G.Collingwood,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1969,p.183.
    ③ Ibid, p.193.
    ① Allan Megill, Historical Knowledge, Historical Error: A Contemporary Guide to Practice, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,2007, p.63.
    ② Ibid, p.68-69.
    ④ R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2002, p.152.
    ① Cushing Strout, " Border Crossings: History, Fiction, and Dead Certainties", History and Theory, Vol.31, No.2 (May,1992),pp.155.
    ① Relend Rogen,"The Aim of Interpretation Is To Create Perplexity In The Face of The Real:Hayden White in Conversation With Relend Rogen", History and Theory 48.(February 2009),pp.68.
    ② Julian Wolfreys, Critical Keywords in Literary and Cultural theory, New York:Palgrave Macmillian,2004,p.163.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood: Essays in the philosophy of history, William Debbins ed. University of Texas Press,1965, p.56.
    ① R.GCollingwood,The Principles of Art, Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1945,p.135.
    ② Ibid,p.136.
    ③ Ibid,p.137-138.
    ④ R.G.Collingwood, The Philosophy of Enchantment: studies in Folktale,Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology, Oxford: The Clarendon press,2005,p.51.
    R.G.Collingwood, Speculum Mentis or The Map of Knowledge, Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1946,p.220.
    Simon Schama, Dead Certainties (Unwarranted Speculations),New York: Vintage books,1991,p.331-332.
    ① Ibid, p.320-321.
    ② R.G.Collingwood, The Principles of History, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2002, p.216.
    ③ Ibid, p.212.
    ① R.G.Collingwood: Essays in the philosophy of history, New York: University of Texas Press,1965, p.37-38.
    ③ R.G.Collingwood: Essays in the philosophy of history, New York: University of Texas Press,1965, p.38.
    ② R.GCollingwood, The Philosophy of Enchantment: studies in Folktale,Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology, Oxford:The Clarendon press,2005,p.39-40.
    ③ R.GCollingwood, The Principles of History, and Other Writings in Philosophy of History, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2002, p.161.
    ①R.G.Collingwood, "Plato's Philosophy of Art", Mind, Vol.34.No.134,(Apr,1925),pp.171-172.
    ② Andrus Pork, "Critical Philosophy of History in Soviet Thought", History and Theory, Vol.27,No.2.(May, 1988),pp.136, pp.139.
    ②W.J.冯·德·达森(W.J.Van der Dussen):《论历史的实践领域——科林伍德的哲学》《国外社会科学》,1982年12期;《科林伍德论史学方法》《国外社会科学文摘》,1984年12期。
    ②R.GCollingwood, An Autobiography,. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1978,p.167.
    ① R.G.Collingwood,The Idea of History,Oxford University Press,1946.
    ② R.G.Collingwood,The Principles of Art, Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1945,p.257.
    ①Arthur Marwick, The New Nature of History: Knowledge Evidence Language, Palgrave,2001,p.42.
    ③R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, Oxford University Press,1946,p.215.
    ① Lionel Rubinoff, Collingwood and The Reform of Metaphysics, University of Tornoto Press,1970,p.17-18.
    ② R.G.Collingwood, The Idea of History, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1946,p.ⅶ.
    ③ James Connelly, Metaphysics, Method and Politics, Imprint Academic,2003,p.53.
    ④ David Boucher, James Connelly and Tariq Modood ed,Philosophy, History and Civlization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R.G.Collingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press,1995,p.ⅹⅴ.
    ⑤ Gary K.Browning, Rethinking R.G.Collingwood:Philosophy, Politics and the Unity of Theory and Practice, Palgrave M acmillan,2004,p.169-171.
    ① Aviezer Tucker.ed, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, Boston: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009,p.199-207.
    ② Michael Stanford,A Companion to the Study of History,Cambridge:Blackwell,1994,p.96-102.关于“叙述形式”与历史解释之间的关系,可参阅氏著:《20世纪西方历史相对主义论析》(福建师范大学硕士论文),2007年,第54-55页。
    ①譬如,明克在《心灵、历史与辩证法》一书中专门研究了柯林武德的哲学思想,海登·怀特在与埃娃·多曼斯卡(Ewa Domanska)的访谈中也谈及了自己受到柯林武德的影响,(参阅《邂逅:后现代主义之后的历史哲学》,第21页);安克斯密特在他的《叙事的逻辑:历史语言的语义学分析》一书中分析了柯林武德的史学思想与“覆盖定律”、“理想型叙事”(Ideal Narratio)的关系,第41页。
    ② Aviezer Tucker.ed, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, Boston: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009,p.505-506.
    ① CWAAS也被简写成下文的Cw。
    ② James Patrick, The Magdalen Metaphysicals: Idealism and Orthodoxy at Oxford,1901-1945, Mercer University Press,1985,p.85.
    ③ Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life of R.G.Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009,p.42.
    ④此书是指Oscar Wilde: A Critical Study, London: Metuden,1913.
    ⑤ Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life of R.G.Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009,p.110.
    ⑥此处的“CW”是Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaelogocial Society的缩写。
    ⑦ James Patrick, The Magdalen Metaphysicals:Idealism and Orthodoxy at Oxford,1901-1945, Mercer University Press,1985,p.87.
    ① Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life ofR. G.Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009,p.110-111.
    ④ Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life of R.G.Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009,p.151.
    ③ Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life of R.G.Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009,p.154.
    ④ Bryant Griffith "The Use and Misuse of Primary Sources: The Editing of Collingwood's Manuscripts", Interchange, vol.23.1992.
    ①R.GCollingwood, Essays in Political Philosophy, Clarendon Press,1989,p.233.
    ②Fred Inglis,History Man:The life ofR.G.Collingwood,Princeton Universtiry Press,2009,p.304
    ① Ibid,p.305, p.307.
    ② David Boucher, James Connelly and Tariq Modood ed,Philosophy, History and Civlization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R.G.Collingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press,1995,p.4.
    [1]Speculum Mentis, Oxford:The Clarendon Press,1924.
    [2]The Archaeology of Roman Britain,London: Methuen and Co.,Ltd,1930.
    [3]The Principles of Art, Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1945.
    [4]Faith and Reason: Essays in the Philosophy of Religion, Rubinoff,L.(ed.), Chicago: Quadrangle,1967.
    [5]An Autobiography, with a new introduction by Stephen Toulmin, Oxford:The Clarendon Press,1978.
    [6]Essays in Political Philosophy edn with an introduction by David Boucher, Clarendon Press, Oxford:1989.
    [7]The New Leviathan.Oxford: Clarendon Press,1942;rev,edn.with an introduction and additional material edited by David Boucher,1992.
    [8]The Idea of History.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1946;rev.edn..with an introduction and additional material edited by W.J.van der Dussen,1994.
    [9]The First Mate's Log of a Voyage to Greece in the Schooner Yacht 'Fleur de Lys'in 1939,Thoemmes Press,1995
    [10]The Principles of history and Other Writings in Philosophy of History.Edited and with an introduction by W.H.Dray and W.J.van der Dussen. Oxford University Press,1999.
    [11]An Essay on Philosophic Method. Edn.with an introduction and additional material by James Connelly Giuseppina D'ORo,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2005.
    [12]The Philosophy of Enchantment: studies in Folktale, Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology, Oxford: Clarendon press,2005.
    [57][英]迈克尔·奥克肖特, 王加丰等译:《历史是什么》,上海:上海财经大学出版社,2009年。
    [1]Merle E.Brown, Neo-Idealistic Aesthetics: Croce-Gentile-Collingwood,Detroit: Wayne State University Press,1966
    [2]Louis O. Mink, Mind, history, and dialectic:the philosophy of R. G. Collingwood, Bloomington, Ind.:Indiana University Press,1969.
    [3]Haskell Fain, Philosophy and History: the Resurrection of Speculative Philosophy of History Within the Analytic Tradition, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1970.
    [4]Lionel Rubinoff, Collingwood and the reform of metaphysics: a study in the philosophy of mind, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1970.
    [5]Nathan Rotenstreich Philosophy, History and Politics: studies in contemporary english philosophy of history, Martinus nijhoff,1976.
    [6]Rex Martin, Historical Explanation: re-enactmant and practical inference, London:Cornell University Press,1977.
    [7]W. J. van der Dussen, History as a Science: The Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood, The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff publishers,1981.
    [8]Preston King, The History of Ideas:an introduction to method, London:Croom Helm,1983.
    [9]Anthony F.Russell, Logic, Philosophy and History: a Study in the Philosophy of History Based on the Work of R.G.Collingwood, University Press of America,1984.
    [10]James Patrick, The Magdalen Metaphysicals:Idealism and Orthodoxy at Oxford, 1901-1945, Mercer University Press,1985
    [11]David Boucher, The social and political thought of R.G. Collingwood. New York: Cambridge University Press,1989.
    [12]David Boucher, James Connelly and Tariq Modood ed,Philosophy, History and Civlization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on R.G. Collingwood, Cardiff: University of Wales Press,1995
    [13]Christopher Parker, The English idea of History From Coleridge to Collingwood, Burlington USA:Ashgate,2000
    [14]Terry Nardin, The Philosophy of Oakeshott, Pennsylvania:Pennsylvania State University,2001.
    [15]LloydKramer, Sarah Maza,ed. A Companion to Western Historcial Thought, Blackwell,2002.
    [16]Gary K. Browning, Rethinking R.G. Collingwood:philosophy, politics, and the unity of theory and practice. Basingstoke:Palgrave MacMillan,2003.
    [17]Joseph M.Levine, Re-enacting the past:Essay on the Evolution of Modern English Historiography, Ashgate,2004
    [18]Astrov Alexander, On world politics:R.G. Collingwood, Michael Oakeshott and neotraditionalism in international relations, Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
    [19]John Marincola, A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, (vol.1), Blakwell Pubisher,2008.
    [20]Aviezer Tucker.ed, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, Wiley-Blackwell,2009.
    [21]Fred Inglis, History Man: The Life of R.G.Collingwood, Princeton University Press,2009.
    5.《历史与理论》(History and Theory)杂志文章
    [1]Louis O.Mink, Collingwood's Dialectic of History,Vol.7,No.1,(1968).
    [2]Leon J.Goldstein, Collingwood's Theory of Historical Knowing, Vol.9, No.1 (1970).
    [3]W.J.van der Dussen, Collingwood's Unpublished Manuscripts, Vol.18,No.3, (Oct.,1979).
    [4]W.J.van der Dussen, Collingwood's "Lost" Manuscript of the Principles of History,Vol.36,No.1 (Feb.,1997).
    [5]Margit Hurup Nielsen, Re-Enactment and Reconstruction in Collingwood's Philosophy of History, Vol.20,No.1 (Feb.,1981).
    [6]Charles G.Salas,Collingwood's Historical Principles at work,Vol.26,No.1 (Feb,1987).
    [7]James Patrick, Is "The Theory of History"(1914) Collingwood's First Essay on the Philosophy of History? Vol.29,No.4, Beiheft29:Reassessing Collingwood, (Dec., 1990).
    [8]W.J.van der Dussen,Colingwood and the Idea of Progress,Vol.29,No.4, Beiheft 29: Reassessing Collingwood, (Dec.,1990).
    [9]Michael A.Kissell,Progresssive Traditionalism as the Spirit of Collingwood's Philosophy, Vol.29, No.4, Beiheft29:Reassessing Collingwood, (Dec.,1990).
    [10]James Connelly,Was R.G.Collingwood the Author of "The Theory of History"? Vol.29, No.4, Beiheft29:Reassessing Collingwood, (Dec.,1990).
    [11]G.S.Couse, Collingwood's Detective Image of the Historian and the Study of Hadrian's Wall,Vol.29,No.4,Beiheft 29:Reassessing Collingwood(Dec.,1990).
    [12]David Bates, Rediscovering Collingwood's Spiritual History In and Out of Context, Vol.35,No.1,(Feb.,1996).
    [13]Robert M.Burns, Collingwood Bradley and Historcial Knowledge, Vol.45. No.2.(May 2006).

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