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Children are the future, the hope of the world, the critical thing of national population security and social family welfare and the center of the sustainable development of international society. So strengthening children education and perfecting protection of children's rights to make them grow healthily are becoming one of the overall and strategetic job of every country's government and international society. However, the job of protection children's rights has not been emphasized for a long time as restricted by social or economic development level. In order to understand the current situation on international law of protection of children's rights completely and provide basis and suggestions to the perfection of our country legal system of protection of children's rights further, our overall and deep research on international legal system of protection of children's rights has important theoretic value and realistic meaning undoubtedly.
     This dissertation is divided into three parts:preface, body and conclusion. The body has six chapters.
     Chapter One is introduction of the international protection of children's rights. It states some basic questions of international protection of children's rights simply. Firstly, this chapter states and analyzes some conceptions and explores the nature and characteristics of children's rights. It concludes that children's rights are one kind of special human rights, which are special rights that were formed gradually as the culture developed and society progressed. Moreover, this chapter analyzes the history of the development of children's rights and concludes that children's rights are the products of times and the results of development of economy and society instead of being natural rights. With the continuous development of international human rights law, the international law protection of children's rights formed gradually.
     Chapter Two is research on international law structure and characteristics of protection of children's rights. It mainly explores the basic situation and main characteristic of the international legal documents of the protection of children's rights. This chapter makes a simple analysis to the main contents of the international conventions of protection of children's rights which include the global conventions and some related regional conventions, then it researches the main characteristics of these conventions. This chapter researches contracting situations, main contents detailedly as the convention on rights of the child has very specially important meanings in the field of the international protection of children's rights. That is because not only this convention has the most contracting parties and extremely popular value, but also some rules of it represents the highest standard of the protection of children's rights. Moreover, this chapter analyzes some other global conventions and international documents, then states some regional conventions on the protection of children's rights which are the deepening and supplement of the convention on the rights of the child and have some more comprehensive rules on the protection of children's rights. The main purpose to analyze these conventions on the protection of children's rights is to have comparatively comprehensive knowledge of the international situation of the protection of children's rights which is the realistic basis of this dissertation's research and to make an expectation toward the developing trends of the international protection of children's rights further and to provide related basis for chapter six which states the shortcomings and perfections on the protection of children's rights in our country.
     Chapter Three is the basic legal principles of international protection of children. It mainly discusses four basic legal principles of the international protection of children, which are the principle of the best interests of children, the principle of equal protection, the principle of respecting children and the principle of multi-responsibilities. The principle of the best interests of children is confirmed by many international legal documents of children's rights and recognized by the convention on the rights of the child. The principle of the best interests of children has become the leading basis of every country's children legislative, judicial and administrative measures and the basic principle of handling children affairs. However, there are not generally agreed opinions on the basic content and the applying aspect of it in international society. The principle of equal protection is also confirmed by the convention on the rights of the child. This principle requires that all children should be protected indiscriminately and should not be treated differently as ethnic groups, races, genders, languages, religions, etc. This dissertation believes that the application of the principle of equal protection should be emphasized properly as the application of it relates the discrimination between ages and the discrimination caused by special status. The principle of respecting children is an important principle of protection children's right too, which is confirmed by international conventions. Although from the essence, this principle is the extension of the principle of the best interests of children, setting this principle as one basic principle of protection children's rights independently is necessary, as on the one hand, the principle of the best interests of children relates widely as being one basic principle of protection of children's rights, respecting children is just an important factor of the application of this principle instead of the whole of it; on the other hand, it needs to be established independently in order to show the importance of respecting of children in the field of protection of children's rights. So making it as one basic principle of protection of children's rights, emphasizing the right of existence and development and respecting children's viewpoints and opinions make the protection of children's rights be better to the children's real interests. The principle of multi-responsibilities is confirmed by international conventions of the protection of children's rights too, which requires nations, societies and families to take corresponding responsibilities in the field of the protection of children's rights. This chapter analyzes the basic contents and the applications of these principles detailedly.
     Chapter Four is research on children's basic rights under the structure of international law. It mainly states the children's basic rights recognized by international law. These basic rights relate to the children's rights of existence, the children's rights of development and the children's rights in special circumstances. The rights of existence which include the basic right of health and welfare, happiness of life and the right of dignity are the basis of children's existence and development.
     The rights of development which mainly include the right to education, the right to rest and entertainment, the right of acquiring basic freedom, the right of labor, etc are the rights of children's normal socialization and embodied as the equality of opportunities and distribution justice. The children's rights in special circumstances which include the right of relief of children in special circumstances, the right to social protection of exploited children and the children's right of special protection in juvenile judicial system show the special protection of these children and are the realistic requirement of the principle of equal protection. This chapter illuminates these basic rights and explains their status in international conventions of the protection of children's rights.
     Chapter Five is research on implementation of international treaties of the protection of children's rights. It mainly analyzes the implementation of international treaties of protection of children's rights in different countries. International treaties'real regulative role in different contracting countries relies on its implementation in different contracting countries. As to the implementation of treaties of the protection of children's rights, this dissertation states from the following three aspects:(1)introduction on international treaties' domestic implementation, (2)domestic implementation of treaties of protection of children's rights, (3) implementation mechanism of treaties of protection of children's rights. These three aspects have intrinsic relations. Introduction on international treaties'domestic implementation generally discusses some basic theoretic problems, main academic viewpoints, practice mode, etc. about how to implement treaties domestically, which is the preparation and basis of the following two questions. Domestic implementation of treaties of protection of children's rights mainly discusses the implementation of concrete obligations, which include procedural obligations and substantial obligations, by contracting parties. The third aspect states and analyzes the implementation mechanism of treaties of protection of children's rights, which relates to the implementing bodies and modes of treaties. It believes that Economic and Social Council plays a comparative important role in the field of the protection of children's rights in UN's main organs. Its role shows in two aspects, one is the power owned by the economic and social council, the other is every kind of committees which realize protecting functions through using their power. Until now, around five modes of encouraging and protecting human rights have forme. These mothods play an important role in protecting human rights and supervising implementation of human rights conventions.
     Chapter Six is research on the perfection of our countries'legal system of the protection of children's rights. It discusses the defects and perfection of our countries'legal system on the protection of children's rights. Objectively, protection of children's rights in our country has achieved a lot, a series of statutes on the protection of children's rights have been enacted and revised successively and the judicial and the administrative protection have been strengthened. However, it is undeniable that protection of children's rights in our country has many defects and needs to be improved. The defects of legislations on protection of children's rights focus on three points: (1)the related legislations are not systemic, (2)the feasibility of the related legislations is bad, (3) the specialized legislations are missing and the specialized legislations in many fields are inadequate. The defects of judicial protection are the lacking specialized juvenile judicial bodied and specialized juvenile procedure, the very narrow scope of accepting cases of juvenile courts, inadequate professional level of the judges of juvenile courts and inadequacy of system of legal aid of juvenile are the main defects of judicial protection. There are also many problems that need to be improved in administrative protection. Finally this dissertation states the perfecting measures from the following four aspects:(1) the updating of the idea of the protection of children's rights, (2)the perfecting of legislation system of the protection of children's rights, (3)the completing of judicial system of the protection of children's rights, (4) the strengthening of administrative protection of children's rights.
    4 Geraldine van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.1.
    8 Cynthia Price Chen, Jurisprudence on the Rights of the Child, Transnational Publishers,2005,p157.
    9 Office of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, Legislative History of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, United Nations, New York and Geneva,2007,p68.
    20就笔者所见,《儿童权利公约》的中文译本通常将第1条翻译为:“为本公约之目的,儿童系指18岁以下的任何人,除非对其适用之法律规定成年年龄低于18岁。”但是笔者认为,这种译法值得商榷。第1条的原文为:"For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier."(为方便比较,特在相关部分加下划线以示强调)。从公约的立法史来看,第1条的相关规定原来为‘'the age of majority is attained earlier",但因荷兰认为成年可以通过满足年龄以外的标准而达到,故删去"the age of".参见Sharon Detrick, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Kluwer Law International,1999, p.54.由此可见,将"majority"翻译为成年年龄值得商榷。21 See Sharon Detrick, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Kluwer Law International,1999, p.54.
    22 See Sharon Detrick, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Kluwer Law International,1999, p.55.
    28 See Sharon Detrick, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Kluwer Law International,1999, p.56.
    29 See P. Alston, The Legal Framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,91/2 United Nations Bulletin of Human Rights:The Rights of the Child,1992, p.3.
    30 See Geraldine Van Bueren, The international law on the rights of the child,Martinus Nijhotff Publishers, P32.
    34 Jutta Gras, Monitoring the Convention on the Rights of the Child, University of Helsinki Press,2001, p.3.
    45转引自John Finnis,Natural law and Natural Rights.ClarendonPress.Oxford,1982,p268.
    82关于《儿童权利公约》的批准情况,参见http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/ratification/11.htm,2008-6-22 。
    87关于世界儿童的现状,可参见THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 2008, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/The_State_of_the_Worlds_Children_2008.pdf, 2008-6-21.
    98 Kunz, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,43 Am. J. Int'l L.316,322 (1949). See Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.18.
    99 Sohn, The New International Law:Protection of the Rights of Individuals Rather than States,32 Am. U. L. Rev 1,17 (1982).
    100 See the survey of international law prepared for the International Law Commission in UN Doc A/CN.4/245.
    104 UN Doc. A/C.3/SR.1174.
    111 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p 7.
    112 Id.
    113 Id., p.8.
    ECOSOC,3rd year,7th Session, Supplement no.7,31.
    115 UN Doc. E/CN.4/51.
    128 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.12.
    129 UN Doc. A/33/45.
    130 UN Doc. E/CN.4/780.
    131 Id.
    132 UN Doc. ST//TAO/HR/17.
    133 UN Doc. E/CN.4/L.1366 (1978).
    134 Id., pp.2-5. Child in Symposium:UN Convention on Children's Rights,12 Human Rights Quarterly,134-147 (1990).
    145 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.16.
    161其英文版本原文:It is the duty of every person to aid, support educate and protect his minor children and it is the duty of children to honour their parents always and to aid, support and protect them when they need it.
    168 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.24..
    178 Meda Chesney-Linda and Randall G. Shelden, Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice, Belmont. CA: Thomson Publishers,2004, p52.
    185 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.1.
    187儿童权利基金会执行主任詹姆斯·格兰特(James Grant)所言。转引自王雪梅:《儿童权利保护的“最大利益原则”研究》(上),载《环球法律评论》2002年冬季号,第495页。
    189 http://www.un.org/chinese/children/issue/imf.shtml.2008-09-23.
    191 The Permanent Bureau, Summary, Commission I on General Affairs and Policy held on 22-24 April 2002. http://hcch.e-vision.nl/upload/wop/summary-e.pdf.2008-9-23.
    192 http://cn.childsrights.org/site-cn.2008-9-24.
    193 A v. United Kingdom, [1998] 2FLR 959.
    205 Http://www.un.org/chinese/children/issue/process1.shtml.2008-9-28.
    206 UN Doc. CRC/C/5 (1991).
    209英文原文是the best interests of the child,该原则目前被通常翻译为“儿童最大利益原则”,虽然用“儿童最佳利益原则”可能更符合英文原文的本意。本文也沿用了通用的用语。不过,这两个用语之间并无不同。特做此说明。
    216 UN Doc E/CN.4/1989/WG. 1/CRP.1.
    217 UN Doc E/CN.4/1989/48, para.121.
    218 P. Alston and B. Gilmour-Walsh, The Best Interests of the Child:Towards a Synthesis of Children's Rights and Cultural Values,1996, Innocenti Studies No.96/9 from UNICEF Innocenti Research, p.11.
    220 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.46.
    221 P. Alston, The Best Interests Principles:Towards a Reconciliation of Culture and Human Rights, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.13-15.
    222 Cass, The Limits of Public/Private Dichotomy, P. Alston, S. Parker, J. Seymour (eds.), Children, Rights and the Law, Oxford University Press,1992, p.142.
    223 J. Wolf, The Concept of the "Best Interest" in Terms of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Michael Freeman and Philip Veeman (eds.), The Ideologies of Children's Rights, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1992, pp.126-127.
    224 J. Eekelaar, The Interests of the Child and the Child's Wishes:The Role of Dynamic Self-Determinism, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.46-49.
    225 P. Alston, The Best Interests Principle:Towards a Reconciliation of Culture and Human Rights, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.10-12.
    226 General Comment No.17 (35), Report of the Human Rights Committee, UN Doc A/44/40 (1989), Annex VI, para.6; General Comment No.19 (39), Report of the Human Rights Committee, UN Doc A/45/40 (1990), Annex VI, para.6.
    227 P. Alston, The Best Interests Principle:Towards a Reconciliation of Culture and Human Rights, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.2-5.
    229 Sharon Detrick, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999, pp.88-89.
    232 Susan Steinmann, Joint Custody:What We Know, What We Have to Learn, and the Judicial and Legislative Implication,16 U. C. Davis L. Rev.739 (1984),759.
    233 Graska v. Mccoy,278 S. E.2d 357,362-363 (W. Va.1981).
    234 R. H. Mnookin, Child-Custody Adjudication:Judicial Functions in the Face of Indeterminacy,39 Law & Contemporary Problems 226 (1975).
    235 Id., p.268.
    236 J. Eekelaar, The Interests of the Child and the Child's Wishes:The Role of Dynamic Self-Determinism. P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.45-46.
    237 Stephen Parker, The Best Interests of the Child-Principles and Problems, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.29-33.
    239 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.47.
    240 Elster, Solomonic Judgment:Against the Best Interests of the Child,54 University of Chicago Law Review 1 (1978), p.21.
    241 J. Eekelaar, The Interests of the Child and the Child's Wishes:The Role of Dynamic Self-Determinism, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.48-58.
    242 Joseph Raz, The Morality of Freedom, ch.13, Oxford University Press,1986.
    243 J. Eekelaar, The Interests of the Child and the Child's Wishes:The Role of Dynamic Self-Determinism, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.50-53.
    246 Abdullahi An-Na'im, Cultural Transformation and Normative Consensus on the Best Interests of the Child,P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, p.63.
    248 P. Alston and B. Gilmour-Walsh, The Best Interests of the Child:Towards a Synthesis of Children's Rights and Cultural Values,1996, Innocenti Studies No.96/9 from UNICEF Innocenti Research, p.2.
    249 Id.,p.39.
    255 Communication No.201/1985, reproduced in:UN Doc. A/43/40, pp.230-241.
    257 Communication No.201/1985, reproduced in:UN Doc. A/43/40, p.238, para.10.4.
    258 Id., p.238, para.11.
    260 Hendriks v. the Netherlands, Commission Report of 8 March 1982, D. R.29, pp.5-19.
    261 A. Drzemczewski, The Right to Respect for Private and Family Life, Home and Correspondence as Guaranteed by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe Human Rights File No.7, pp.10-14 (1984); D. Gomien, D. Harris, L. Zwaak, Law and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter, Strasbourg:Council of Europe Publishing,1996, pp.242-244.
    262 D. Gomien, D. Harris, L. Zwaak, Law and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter, Strasbourg:Council of Europe Publishing,1996, pp.242.
    263 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.48.
    264 P. Alston, The Best Interests Principle:Towards a Reconciliation of Culture and Human Rights, P. Alston (ed), The Best Interests of the Child, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1994, pp.2-5.
    266 UN Docs. CRC/C/5 (1991); CRC/C/58 (1996).
    268 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 18 (Thirty-seven session,1989), reproduced in:Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendations adopted by Human Rights Treaty Bodies, UN Doc HRI/GEN/1, pp.26-27 (1992).
    269 T. Buergenthal, To Respect and to Ensure:State Obligations and Permissible Derogation, L. Henkin (ed), The International Bill of Rights:The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Columbia University Press,1981, p.77-78.
    270 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 3 (Thirteenth session,1981), reproduced in:Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendations adopted by Human Rights Treaty Bodies, UN Doc HRI/GEN/1, p.3 (1992).
    271 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 15:The Position of Aliens under the Covenant (Twenty-seventh session,1986), reproduced in:General Recommendations and General Comments adopted by Human Rights Treaty Bodies, UN Doc HRI/GEN/1, pp.17-20 (1992).
    273 South West Africa Cases (Second phase), I.C.J. Reports 1966.
    274 South West Africa Cases (Second phase), I.C.J. Reports 1966, pp.305-306.
    275 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, pp.39-40.
    276 E. W. Vierdag, The Concept of Discrimination in International Law, Kluwer Law International,1973, p.44.
    279 Study of Discrimination aeainst Persons Born out of Wedlock, UN Doc E/CN.4/Sub.2/265/Rev 2.
    280 UN Doc A/C.3/L.1014.
    281 UN Doc A/C.3/L.1174.
    282 UN Doc A/C.3/SR.1177.
    283 UN Doc A/C.3/SR.1265.
    284 UN Doc E/CN.4/1984/71/Annex 11; p.1.
    292 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.40.
    295 Y. Dinstein, The Right to Life, Physical Integrity, and Liberty, L. Henkin (ed), The International Bill of Rights: The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Columbia University Press,1981, p.114.
    296 UN Doc A/3764, para.112, reproduced in:M. Bossuyt, Guide to the "Travaux Preparatoires" of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, p.119 (1987).
    297 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.136.
    298 UN Doc A/2929, Chapt. VI, para.l, reproduced in M. Bossuyt, Guide to the "Travaux Preparatoires" of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, p.115 (1987).
    299 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 6 (sixteenth session,1982), reproduced in:Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendation adopted by Human Rights Treaty Bodies, UN Doc HRI/GEN/1, p.5 (1992).
    300 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 6 (sixteenth session,1982), reproduced in:Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendation adopted by Human Rights Treaty Bodies, UN Doc HRI/GEN/1, p.6(1992).
    301 UN Doc E/CN.4/1988/28, para.14.
    302 Id., paras.18-19.
    303 Id., para.21.
    305 UN Doc CRC/C/2/Rev.7, pp.17-40 (1998).
    307 UN Doc A/3764, para.97, reproduced in M. Bossuyt, Guide to the "Travaux Preparatoires" of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, p.119 (1987).
    308 UN Doc A/3764, para.113, reproduced in M. Bossuyt, Guide to the "Travaux Preparatoires" of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, p.121 (1987).
    309 1d.
    317 Id.
    318 UN Doc E/CN.4/1990/9. Part III.
    319 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.293.
    320 Id., p.232.
    330 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, pp.138-139.
    331 D. McGoldrick, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,5 International Journal of Law and the Family (1991), p.141.
    334 Susan Kilbourne, Placing the Convention on the Rights of the Child in an American Context,26-SPG Human Rights 27 (1999), p.28.
    354 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. P310.
    359 See D. McGoldrick, The United Nations Comvention on the Rights of the Child,5 International Journal of Law and the Family(1991), pp.132-169,at p.143.
    360这里所指的弱势群体(social vulnerable groups),是由于生理原因如年龄、疾病等而导致的生理性弱势群体。英文中关于脆弱、弱势的相近说法还有disadvantaged, disabled, weak等等,而disabled是指身体受到伤害或具有精神疾病,从而严重影响人的正常生活,一般翻译为“残疾人”,为标注处的意义。
    363 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 17(Thirty-fifth session,1989), reproduced in:Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999, p460.
    364 UN Doc A/36/40,134-143.See also Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p 70.
    365 See A pplication 2991/66 Khan v. United Kingdom, yearbook X,478, reproduced in:Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p.70.
    369 Michael Freeman, The Moral Status of Children:Essay on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1997, pp.26-29.
    373 See UN Doc. E/CN.4/L.1575, para.91, reproduced in:Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999,p 459.
    376 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 17(Thirty-fifth session,1989), reproduced in:Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendations adopted by Human Rights Treaties Bodies, UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1, pp.22-24, at p.24, para 6(1992).
    378 See M. Nowak, U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:ICCPR Commentary, p.432.
    379 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p.117.
    381 D. Hodgson, The International Legal Protection of the Child's Right to a Legal Identity and the Problem of Statelessness,7 International Journal of Lwa and the Family(1993),pp.255-270, at p.265.
    383 Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999, p 154.
    386 Human Rights Committee, General Comment 16(Thirty-second session,1988), reproduced in:Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999, p 273.
    388 See Human Rights Committee, General Comment 16(Thirty-second session,1988), reproduced in: Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendations adopted by Human Rights Treaties Bodies, UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1, pp.20-22, at p.22, para 10(1992).
    389 See Human Rights Committee, General Comment 16(Thirty-second session,1988), reproduced in: Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendations adopted by Human Rights Treaties Bodies, UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1, pp.20-22, at p.21, para 8(1992).
    390 See Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment 4(Sixth session,1991), at p. 49-50 reproduced in:Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999, p 462.
    391 Rule 9 of the United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty, General Assembly resolution 45/113 of 14 December 1990,Annex,reproduced in:G. Van Bueren(ed.), International Documents on Children, pp.217231, at p.221 at 19(1993).
    392 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p.293
    398 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p.245-248
    400 Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999,p 31.
    401 Campbell and Cosans judgment of 25 February 1982, Series A no.48, p.13, para.29. reproduced in:Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999,p490.
    402 1982年爱尔兰共和国废除了学校的体罚制度,对学校纪律制度的实施没有任何负面影响。SeeInternational Children's Rights Monitor 4, reproduced in:Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p.252.
    403 393 US 50(1969) reproduced in:Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995.p 253.
    404 Art.1. Adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO,21 November 1978.
    406 Birgitta Rubenson, The Rights of the Child in Swedish Development Cooperation, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency,2002.
    407 General Comment on Article 19, UN Doc HRI Gen/l 1992, reproduced in:Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p138.
    408 Kate Federle, Rights Flow Downhill, International Journal of Children's Rights,1994; M. Freeman, The Moral Status of Children, p.11.
    410 Alderson and Goodwin, Contradicitons Within Concepts of Children's Competence, International Journal of Children's Rights,1993.p.309.
    411 Geraldine Van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995 p140.
    412国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization-ILO)于1919年根据《凡尔赛和约》作为国际联盟的附属机构成立。1946年12月14日,成为联合国的一个专门机构。
    418 M. Freeman, The Moral Status of Children, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995. p.11.
    421联合国难民署(The UN Refugees Agency)全称为联合国难民事务高级专员公署(Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), UNHCR,是全世界最重要的人道主义机构之一,1951年由联合国大会成立。
    422 See Guy S. Goodwin-gill, The Refugee in International Law,2nd Edition, Clarendon press,1996, p.9.
    425 Narvesen, O. The Sexual Exploitation of Children in Developing Countries, Oslo:Redd Barna.1989, p.9.
    426 Kent G. Little Foreign Bodies:International Dimensions of Child Prostitution. In The Ideologies of Children's Rights, ed. M. Freeman and P. Veerman. Dordrecht:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1992, p328. See also, Narvesen, O.,The Sexual Exploitation of Children in Developing Countries, Oslo:Redd Barna,1989, p.52-53.
    427 Geneva:Defense for Children International, An Organized Cross-Border Crime and A Case in Point, Protecting Children's Rights in International Adoptions,1989, p 7-10.
    428该议定书于2000年5月25日通过,2002年1月18日生效。截至2009年1月26日,该议定书已有114 个参加国。
    429 Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999, p598.
    430联合国特别报告员(Special Rapporteur)是联合国人权专家,他们独立工作,不领取联合国的薪金,向人权理事会负责。
    431 UN Doc. E/CN.4/1994/84, p.4, paras.6-7, reproduced in:Sharon Detrick, A commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999.
    H. Triepel, Les Rapports entre le droit interne le droit international, Recueil des cours, Vol. Ⅰ,1923, pp.77-118.
    462 D. P. O'Connell, International Law, Vol. I, London:Stevens & Sons,1970, pp.43-46.
    482 E/1991/23. UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.7 (2004).
    483 E/1999/22, UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.7 (2004).
    487 CRC/C/45/3,p.10, paras.43-44.
    488 Cynthia Price Cohen, Jurisprudence on the Rights of the Child (Volume Ⅰ), Transnational Publishers,2005, p. xvi.
    489 Geraldine van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.384.
    490 Id., p.379.
    502 E/1999/22, UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.7 (2004).
    511 Geraldine van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.386.
    513 Geraldine van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995, p.378.
    514 L. J. Le Blanc, The Convention on the Rights of the Child-Untied Nations Lawmaking on Human Rights, University of Nebraska Press,1995, pp.227-228.
    515 L. J. Le Blanc, The Convention on the Rights of the Child-Untied Nations Lawmaking on Human Rights, University of Nebraska Press,1995, p.230.
    517 UN Doc. CRC/C/5 (1991).
    518 UN Docs. CRC/C/5 (1991); CRC/C/58 (1996).
    519 E/1989/22, UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.7 (2004).
    520 E/1989/22, UN Doc. HRI/GEN/1/Rev.7 (2004).
    531 Http://www.law-lib.com/fzdt/newshtml/22/20050822233035.htm,2008-11-18.
    539 Gustav L. Schramm, Philosophy of the Juvenile Court, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Juvenile Delinquency, Vol.261,1949, p.101.
    547马克昌: 《近代西方《刑法》学说史略》,中国检察出版社1996年版,第249页。
    555 Arnold Bilder, Gibert Geis and Dickson Bruce, Juvenile Delinquency Historical, Cultural, Legal Perspective, Macmillan Publishing Company,1988, p.163.
    560陈光中、葛琳: 《刑事和解初探》,载《中国法学》2006年第5期,第12页。
    564徐盈雁:《“观护体系”在闵行---来自全国社会治安综合治理工作会议的报道》,http://www.shjcy.gov.cn/ztjj/jcqy/t20080415 39157.htm,2008-11-28.
    565 http://news.xinhuanet.com/legal/2007-05/25/content 6151359.htm,2008-11-28.
    578 T.Murton, Inmate Self-Government, University of San Francisco Law Review,1971, (6):88.
    587资料来源:Http://npc. people. com. cn/GB/8057635. html,2008-11-19.
    613 http://www.law-lib.com/fzdt/newshtml/22/20050822233035.htm,2008-12-10.
    634 Geraldine van Bueren, The International Law on the Rights of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1999, p.1.
    635 Sharon Detrick, (ed.), The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, A Guide to the "Travaux Preparatoires", Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1992, p.20.
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