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Urban green space system is the only living infrastructure in the city, and it is an artificial eco-system in the cities. Along with speed-up of urbanization in China, the hyper-metropolis emerges rapidly, which takes on a tendency with rapidly-growing speed. The paper aims at research’s weaknesses about urban green space system in China, and carries out theoretical research and practical exploration on the hyper-metropolis.
     On the background of hyper-metropolis’development under global economy, with the problem of current idea of urban green space system inconforming to infrastructure of hyper-metropolis’development, and using the research method of system theory and evolutionism for reference, taking urban green space system in hyper-metropolis, Shanghai, as a case, it puts forward and prove evolutionism of urban green space system.
     The paper contains five parts. In Chapter 2, it defines characteristics and connotation of urban green space system in hyper-metropolises; in Chapter 3, it makes the comparison on urban green space planning theory at home and abroad; in Chapter 4, it makes spatial comparison on layout structure of urban green space system in hyper-metropolises at home and abroad; in Chapter 5, it makes the research on temparal history and future construction of layout structure of urban green space system in Shanghai; in Chapter 6, it puts forward the theory, urban green space system evolutionism, which guides sustainable development of urban green space system in hyper-metropolises.
     The paper has five aspects of innovation from respects of logical point, thinking method, theoretical construction and research method.
     Firstly, it makes out a systematic research result, which takes hyper-metropolises at home and abroad as profile subject for the first time;
     Secondly, it diagnoses the problem of layout structure in hyper-metropolises, which is the most difficult problem. From the view of human being, layout structure of urban green space system is at an advanced phase in guiding optimization of urban spatial structure.
     Thirdly, it breaks through though method of urban green space system. Classical urban green space system is on the basis of objective rule of eco-system.
     Fourthly, it puts forward and proves urban green space system evolutionism.
     Fifthly, it carries out analysis on Shanghai’s case from spatial and temporal aspect, so it turns out to be anther characteristics.
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