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In the process of IPTV development, its exterior effect and the natural monopoly property has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, the efficient resource allocation and the raising of the social welfare level can not be achieved simply through the market mechanism, so it is necessary to take the means of government regulation. However, as a new industry, IPTV government regulation issues are at initial stage both in China and foreign countries and the special research in this aspect is almost blank in China particularly. The lack of the theoretical research and guidance has been seriously affected the development of IPTV industry. And, only in this situation, this dissertation begin with the economic analysis of China's IPTV industry, based on the framework of the economics basic theories, investigate the status of IPTV government regulation in China, analyze the root causes and combined with the experience of some foreign developed country's IPTV regulation model to propose a sound road of IPTV' regulation system, in order to promote the development of China's IPTV industry healthily and orderly.
     In the introduction part of this dissertation, there are descriptions both of the background and the significance of this thesis, and the introduction of the research method being used and the basic structure of the dissertation, etc..
     The second part introduces some of the domestic and international IPTV regulation theories, and these theories are reviewed and have important significance to the writing of this dissertation.
     The third part begin with the characteristics of IPTV industry and combine with the theory of the industrial economics, analyze the monopoly property and exterior effect of IPTV industry, and make a systematic and theoretical analysis of IPTV regulation system.
     In the fourth part of this dissertation, through the game theory and the information economics knowledge, the author make a relatively deep analysis in IPTV market access, technical standards and its content areas.
     The fifth part based on the investigation of China's IPTV regulation's reality, make a detailed analysis of the lack of effective competition of IPTV industry, and serious conflict of the interest between some of the relative departments. Furthermore, analyze the root causes of the problems deeply.
     The situations of developed countries'(area's) IPTV regulation are displayed in the sixth part, which mainly describes the United Kingdom, the United States and Hong Kong regulation situation of IPTV. And discuss the great reference on the regulation of China's IPTV regulation reformation.
     In the last part of this dissertation, under the guidance of the basic regulation economics theories combined with the foreign advanced experience of the main developed countries or area, some related advices and suggestions are proposed about the regulation system reformation to promote the development of China's IPTV regulation. Mainly include the establishment of an independent regulatory unit, build and improve the legal regulation system of IPTV regulation, and some measures and proposals about IPTV content regulation and IPTV market regulation, price regulation and IPTV quality regulation.
     All in all, there are multidisciplinary research methods in this thesis, such as the combination of positive analysis and normative analysis, as well as game analysis. Meanwhile, through the comparison from the developed countries'regulation system, it is examined that the current reality of IPTV regulation conditions in China and its underlying causes, and several practical advices and suggestions are proposed in order to provide a reasonable theoretical perfect path of IPTV Regulation, and ultimately promote the development of IPTV industry in China.
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