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This thesis analyzes the impacts of social problems report on audience psychology from the aspect of interdisciplinary between sociology and psychology. An implicit assumption in this thesis is that the media attention to social issues is not only essentially a valid Opinion Supervision on the decision-making ability of the government, but a useful approach for audience to build social cognitive view and form social identification, however, the unreasonable controlling the amount of public opinion may also lead to cognitive bias.
     The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the existing problems during the process of social problems report in China by survey methods, meanwhile, the impacts of social problems report on audience psychology is analyzed and the guiding strategies of report on social problems to the audience psychology is studied in this thesis. According to Social Constructivism and Agenda-Setting theory, this thesis presents the assumption that the forming of audience's attitude towards social problems report depends on their individual factors, their behavior of media utilizing and their cognitive situation about media topics.
     This thesis selects the problem of undergraduate employment as the breakthrough to report on social problems, which is based on two investigations carried out in Tianjin. One is the attitude of undergraduate towards the media report. The investigation includes questionnaire investigations on 647 students of 8 Universities in Tianjin, and interviews with 115 graduates, 3 parents of undergraduate and 2 previous graduates. The other is the content analysis of the most four representative and influential mainstream print media in Tianjin, at the same time, the thesis makes a overall analysis and evaluation of significance construction and existing problems of the research topic. This thesis also uses the questionnaire survey and content analysis data.
     The main contents of this thesis consist of three parts:
     1.The undergraduate employment problem is analyzed as a "social problem". 4 mainstream print medias of Tianjin is selected for this analysis, namely, Tianjin Daily, JINWAN BAO, MEIRIXIN BAO and City Express, the survey analyzes the subject of these newspaper report, report genres, news sources, report perspective, image constructing of undergraduate, and the attitude of undergraduate towards employment. This thesis concludes that there also exist some problems about social problems report: the audience's passive position, insufficient amount of report and large proportion of negative report, poor proximity with real situation, and unsuitable discourse ways.
     2.The empirical study of the psychological impact of undergraduate on employment is made. A total 647 undergraduates from 8 universities in Tianjin are selected to conduct the questionnaire survey, we use the "investigation questionnaire of the attitude of undergraduate to employment reports" designed by ourselves as the investigation tool, this investigation is implemented from three different levels including the audience's individual factors, their behavior of media utilizing and their cognitive situation about media topics. It can be concluded that the audience's individual factors and their behavior of media utilizing have significant influence on forming their attitude towards media, while their cognitive situation about media topics has limited effect with their attitude forming, which is partially proved the assumptions. At the same time, the study discovers that social problem report play an active role in the aspects of forming social cognition and enhancing social identity, but more negative reports will lead to the audience's reverse emotion and psychological stress.
     3.The guiding strategies of social problems report to the audience psychology are also analyzed. Combined with previous research, this thesis believes that the social problems report in our country have the following main problems: first, the report's structure is imbalance; Second, the recognition on the social problems is not very clear and the reports are lack of previous warning capabilities; Third, the previous opinion leads to unfair interpretation and official style report greatly influences the audience psychology. Aiming at the media behavior, this thesis proposes the following strategies, (1) Sufficiently satisfying the right to know--returning to the main audience, and building social cognitive view: Construction of social cognition for the public view, to satisfy the public's understanding of the needs of the social environment. (2) Creating a public space ~ enhancing social and psychological tolerance: creating a good atmosphere with a public platform for expression their opinions for the public. (3) The fairness of media discourse ~ effectively preventing the social bias,, implementing the right of access to media for various interest groups, reflecting the care for every human being and each group. (4) Appropriate principle in media reporting—enhancing social cognition, reaching consensus in the community: which includes two aspects of meanings, one is opportunity seizing, and another one is moderate interpretation. (5) Executing with humane care ~ enhancing social emotions, promoting social harmony: it has two aspects of meanings. First, being close to the people's daily life and concerning about public opinion. Second, the vulnerable groups and marginalized groups existing in the social problems should be provided sympathy and help.
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