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We are in the midst of a creative revolution. When an industry or organizationcommences to seek vitality and a fresh start, it begins to search for new value. As such,when a country starts to seek new development, the new value of "creativity" will be thefirst choice. It brings a new economic growth point, and creative industries all over theworld create today, a value of$22billion daily, increasing by a rate of5%. Somecountries exhibit higher rates, as much as14%in the United States, and12%in Britain.It has brought a new way of life and changes to the symbols of value from the traditionalrational consumption choice to the spirit of pursuing happiness. This is the era of acreative economy. It brings up a new "development mode" containing the economy,culture, science and technology, and social development at both the macro and microlevels. Within the past10years, the cultural creative economy has been the policy andstrategic option of overthrowing the traditional model of economic development. Thissets in motion, a thorough innovative economic operation mechanism that optimizes theindustry structure by promoting regional competitiveness and guides a modern way oflife by expanding employment, increasing the social welfare, and promoting humancultural diversity in each country and region.
     In2011, China's per capita GDP reached$5,000, which means that culturalconsumption enters the demand of a "breakout" period, marking an important turn andchange in China's economic growth mode affecting its urban, industrial, social,consumption structures and the progress of science and technology. As a new industryand format, the theory and practice of cultural creative industries are currently in theexploration and progress stages. The development mode of China’s cultural creativeindustry and its operation mechanism is the core content of this dissertation.
     The objective entails theoretical research on the development of domestic andinternational cultural creative industries, related literature, review, analysis, concept andstatus of similar systems and roles. This study proposes to explore the presentdevelopment model of China’s cultural creative industry that is dominated by humanoriented business enterprises, guided by market conditions. It also explores the reform of the cultural system and its empowering effect on the population with digital andinformation content as the medium and intellectual property rights as protection. Thisentails an examination of the operational mechanism of China’s cultural creative industrydevelopment in the aspects of personnel training, intellectual property protection,investment, financing, environmental support and industry evaluation.
     Existing problems regarding the factors of industry scale, industrial distribution andstructure; product content; cultural trade barriers; and legal regulations are discoveredthrough China’s recent statistical data and the practical experience of cultural creativeindustry development. This reveals an existing gap in the direction of China’s culturalcreative industry development from the analysis of successful experiences of similarcultural creative industry developments of Great Britain, United States, Japan, SouthKorea, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada and other countries. Such mitigatingfactors preventing positive results require shaping dialogue and practice that implementscorrective measures within the current policy proposals of China’s cultural creativeindustry development.
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