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     提出一种基于固件虚拟的流媒体分发网络资源重构模型,并基于该模型提出一种基于重构的资源分配算法。针对流媒体分发网络的动态拓扑及带宽需求,基于平台化支撑、构件化处理的思想,构建基于底层承载网络中核心节点虚拟化的流媒体分发网络,提出一种基于固件虚拟的流媒体分发网络资源重构模型,从而提供更为灵活的可定制拓扑及带宽的流媒体分发服务。此外,基于上述模型,面向资源分配过程提出一种基于重构的最小利用率优先算法(Reconfiguration-based Least Ultilization First algorithm,R-LUF),R-LUF算法充分利用资源均衡以及动态重构的优势,能够实现承载网络资源的全网动态均衡,有效提高了资源利用率以及请求成功率。
     针对设计目标的不同,分别提出一种面向跨域时延保证的域间内容路由算法,以及一种面向流量优化的域内内容路由算法。首先在宏观流量管理层面证明了基于网络状态感知提高流媒体分发系统服务质量并进行系统优化的可行性,然后在微观层面设计内容路由算法:域间内容路由方面,基于约束分离思想,对网络层和应用层路由机制进行多约束联合建模,提出一种面向跨层内容路由的时延模型,并基于该模型提出一种提供跨域时延保证的跨层联合内容路由算法(Inter-domain Delay-guaranteed Cross-layer combined contentrouting algorithm, IDC),然后通过仿真实验验证了IDC算法在服务能力、资源分配和传输时延等方面的优势;域内内容路由方面,面向流量优化将域内内容路由过程抽象为多目标匹配优化模型,通过建立下载速率最大化和网络费用开销最小化二者的协同优化实现网络流量的帕累托最优,提出一种基于协同的分布式域内内容路由算法(Cooperation-based Distributed Intra-domain content routing algorithm, CDI),并通过仿真验证了CDI算法的收敛性和性能。
     设计可重构网络的流媒体混合分发方案,并给出一种面向热点数据的动态滑动推送机制。基于本文研究成果,结合新一代高可信网络对流媒体分发的需求,设计基于分层的流媒体混合分发方案(Layer-based Hybrid Multimedia Distribution System,LHMDS),并给出一种面向热点数据的动态滑动推送机制(Dynamic Sliding Push-delivery mechanism, DSP)。DSP机制采用“广播+单播”的独特流媒体分发架构,基于资源重构可支持面向网络拥塞状态的动态分发网络拓扑变化,从而实现热点流媒体数据的滑动推送,在保证用户服务质量的同时提高了资源利用率。仿真结果表明方案中各技术均能达到预期目标,并且该方案已在新一代高可信网络试验床中得到了初步应用,应用效果良好。
Multimedia promotes the architecture innovation of Internet, changes the Internet’s traditional stiff exhibition forms, endows network appplications with more entertainments and interactions. Providing personalized interactive multimedia distribution services has become the core function for network operation. Based on above recognition, the New Generation Highly Trustworthy Network of National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 program) dedicates to build as the next generation network and national service testbed, which could carry new interactive multimedia services, provide reliable quality of services guarantee and exibit reconfiguration characteristic. At present, hybrid distribution technology is the leading technology, however, due to the lack of theoretical basis and mathematic model, researches on the hybrid distribution technology are still at an initial stage, and many key problems have not been resolved. So the multimedia distribution technology of the reconfigurable network has become the foundamental theory of network construction for the New Generation Highly Trustworthy Network. Considering the requirements of multimedia services in resource ultilization and quality of services, this thesis makes researches on the hybrid multimedia distribution technology of the reconfigurable network based on the researches of the New Generation Highly Trustworthy Network.
     This thesis makes researches on hybrid multimedia distribution technology as well as dynamic resource reconfiguration technology of the reconfigurable network respectively at first, and then analyzes the application mode, performance and advantages of hybrid distribution technology in the reconfigurable networks. The hybrid distribution scheme of the reconfigurable network is provided at last. In detail, the main research achievements of this thesis are as follows:
     Establishing the user behavior model of multimedia distribution system, and proposing the analytical expressions of average delay of users in C/S, P2P and hybrid distribution system respectively. This thesis makes researches on the user behavior in multimedia distribution system and establishes the user behavior model based on the classical Kermack-McKendrick model in epidemiology at first, and then analyzes the system performance under Kermack-McKendrick model, proposes the analytical expressions of average delay of users in C/S, P2P and hybrid distribution system, which could provide theoretical guidance for our future researches. The analysis of analytical expressions of average delay is also performed at last and the conclusion is: given the propagation parameters of multimeida file, the delay varies in inverse proportion to the number of people possessing the file at the strategy switching time.
     Presenting a resource reconfiguration model of multimedia distribution network based on hardware virtualization, and providing a resource allocation algorithm based on reconfiguration for multimedia distribution system. Considering the dynamic requirements of multimedia distribution networks in topology and bandwidth, this thesis establishes multimedia distribution networks by the virtualization of core nodes of substrate network based on the design of platformation and component assembling, and then presents a resource reconfiguration model of multimedia distribution network based on hardware virtualization, which could provide more flexible and custom multimedia distribution services based on dynamic topology and bandwidth allocation. In addition, this thesis provides a reconfiguration-based least ultilization first algorithm named R-LUF, which could obtain dynamic resource load-ballance of substrate resources globally by taking advantages of load balance and dynamic resource reconfiguration, and therefore improve the resource ultilization and request acceptance.
     Presenting an inter-domain content routing algorithm to provide corss-domain delay guarantee and an intra-domain content routing algorithm to optimize traffic respectively due to the difference of design goal. This thesis proves the feasibility of quality of service improvement and traffic optimization based on network status perception in macroscopical level at fisrt, and then makes researches on content routing algorithms in microcosmic level. For the inter-domain content routing, this thesis proposes a delay model for inter-domain content routing based on multi-constraints modeling by combining network layer and application layer routing mechanisms, and then provides an cross-layer combined content routing algorithm named IDC to provide corss-domain delay guarantee. The results of simulation show that IDC algorithm performs better in service providing and resource allocation as well as delay. For intra-domian content routing, this thesis models the content routing by multi-objective matching optimization problem to optimize traffic, establishes the cooperation optimization of maximum download rate and mimimum network cost which could get the Pareto Optimum of traffic optimization, and provides a cooperation-based distributed intra-domain content routing algorithm named CDI, whose convergence and performance are also proved by simulation.
     Presenting the architecture of layer-based hybrid multimedia distribution system of the reconfigurable network, and proposing a dynamic sliding push-delivery mechanism for hotspot file. Based on above researches, this thesis presents the architecture of layer-based hybrid multimedia distribution system (LHMDS for short) considering the requirements of the New Generation Highly Trustworthy Network, and provides a dynamic sliding push-delivery mechanism named DSP for hotspot file. DSP mechanism takes the unique multimedia distribution architecture by both broadcast and unicast, could acclimatize itself to the distribution network topology due to the congestion status based on resource reconfiguration, and therefore push hotspot file dynamically, which could guarantee service of quality as well as improve resource ulitilization. The simulation proves the feasiblity of the scheme, and the scheme also has been applied in the testbed of the New Generation Highly Trustworthy Network and performs well.
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