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Educational resources are increased significantly with the rapid development of the Internet. Itis significant to introduce the structured P2P technology into the educational resource sharingsystem in order to share the educational resources better and improve the scalability androbustness of the system. But the traditional structured P2P technology can not meet the demandof the complex query. Therefore, this paper focuses on how to meet the demand of the complexquery and further improve the query efficiency and the performance of the system, and exploresthe ways to improve the structured P2P network from the four aspects (the basic routing, the loadbalancing, the Churn resistance and the incentive mechanism) according to the characteristics ofthe educational resources. Some research results are obtained after several years’ research. Thispaper presents a structured P2P routing mechanism which can support the multiple-attributemultiple-keyword fuzzing-matching complex query and improve the recall ratio in the limitedhops. It analyzes the internal causes of the DHT load imbalance and presents an integrated loadbalancing mechanism which includes two new mechanisms: the similar-close-transpositionmechanism and the dynamic-forwarding mechanism. The mechanism can improve the loadbalancing of the structured P2P system which supports the complex query, and can reduce theadditional load caused by the frequent mobility of the nodes while giving consideration to thequery efficiency of the system. It also presents an adaptive hot-set-reverse-cache mechanism forthe “hot-spot” issue of the structured P2P networks which support complex queries. Thehot-set-reverse-cache mechanism can accelerate the speed of the system load balancing, andreduce the additional load caused by the access information statistics. Finally, the paper analyzesthe causes and the solving methods of the Churn problem in the P2P network, and presents anadaptive hierarchical DHT network model. It discusses the routing optimization of the model andpresents three sub-mechanisms: the query-priority-limit mechanism, the query processing loadbalancing mechanism and the double-transform load balancing mechanism, which improves theChurn resistance of the system and is conducive to the overall performance upgrade of thesystem.
     The main innovation points of this paper are as follows.
     (1) This paper presents a structured P2P resource information retrieval model which cansupport the multiple-attribute multiple-keyword fuzzing-matching complex query, andoptimizes the routing mechanism of it.
     It proposes a structured P2P resource information retrieval model (MAKF_Chord) which isbased on Chord and supports the multiple-attribute multiple-keyword fuzzing-matching complexquery, in order to better meet the characteristics of the educational resource attribute values andimprove the scalability and adaptability of the system and the response speed of the user request.This model improves the generation mode of the resource key-value and puts forward thebidirectional-fingerprint mechanism. It also improves the mapping mode of the resource information and proposes a bidirectional-mapping mechanism. Then, it improves the basicrouting of Chord and proposes a dynamic forwarding mechanism for the complex query. It usesthe prediction process to further improve the query efficiency of the system. The experimentalresults show that the model has higher recall ratio and better load balancing.
     (2) This paper analyzes the load imbalancing causes of the structured P2P network andproposes an integrated load balancing mechanism which includes thesimilar-close-transposition mechanism and the dynamic-forwarding-balancing mechanism.
     It proposes the similar-close-transposition mechanism and the dynamic-forwarding-balancingmechanism to further improve the load balancing of the complex-query sharing system andreduce the additional load caused by the nodes’ frequent moving while giving consideration tothe query efficiency of the system. It also applies the two mechanisms to the load balancingmodel (SP_ALBM) which is proposed in the paper. The similar-close-transposition mechanismselects the similar-resource-information set which has the greatest transposition benefit in theheavy-load-node, transfers it to the adjacent light-load-node in a maximum limited range, andreduces the mobility of the nodes while improving the load balancing effect. This mechanismrealizes the maximization of the total transposition benefit of the relative load using the batchmechanism of the request processing. The similar-close-transposition mechanism reduces theadditional load of the resource transposition and optimizes the transposition through the“conditional probability retrieval” mechanism and the “conditional forwarding” mechanism. Andits “aperiodic moving” mechanism can aperiodically adjust the distribution of the key space andfurther improve the performance of the load balancing. The dynamic-forwarding-balancingmechanism adjusts the forwarding-load regulation-factor of the node according to the periodicload statistics and the change of the successful forwarding rate, and limits the forwarding of theheavy-load-nodes according to the factor. It applies the load sensing division of the query rangeand the forwarding node selection to forwarding more requests to the light-load-nodes, so as toimprove the routing load balancing.
     (3) This paper proposes an adaptive hot-set-reverse-cache mechanism for the “hot-spot”issue of the structured P2P networks which support complex queries.
     It improves the cache management mechanism and the traditional access information statisticswhose basic unit is the single file in order to betterly solve the load imbalancing caused by the“hot-spot” issue in the structured P2P networks which support complex queries. And it proposesan adaptive hot-set-reverse-cache mechanism which is called HSRC. The mechanism canadaptively determine the basic unit of the access information statistics according to the numberof the resource information records which are stored on the node, adds up the hot-sourceinformation and caches the “hot-spot” resource information records and the similar ones into thereverse node which hits the current node most. The mechanism reduces the access informationneeded to maintenance, and speeds up the load balancing. This paper gives the adaptive hot-setstatistics algorithms for three kinds of common resource information mapping of the structuredP2P networks which support complex queries. It also improves the cache managementmechanism, and proposes the cache-balancing-factor-based periodic least frequently hitalgorithm (PLFH) and the distributed hot-set-cache update algorithm which further improve the load balancing effect of the system.
     (4) This paper analyzes the Churn problem of P2P networks and the solving methods,and presents an adaptive hierarchical DHT network model. It also further studies therouting optimization and proposes the query-priority-limit mechanism and the pertinentload balancing mechanism.
     It analyzes the problems of the existing hierarchical DHT network in the aspects of the systemmaintance and the load balancing, and proposes an adaptive hierarchical DHT network model.This model improves the joining/leaving methods of nodes so that the nodes can adjust theirmethod according to the current joining/leaving frequency of the system, which reduces the
     maintenance load and improves the Churn resistance of the system. It improves the networkconnections and the resource information search algorithm of the nodes in the lower layer,which improves the query efficiency while weakening the influence of super nodes’ failure onthe nodes in the lower layer. This paper proposes the query-processing load-balancingmechanism and double-transform load-balancing mechanism to further balance the system loadby using the operation, the resource and the adaptability of the node in the lower layer. It alsoproposes the query-priority-limit mechanism which is based on the forwarding-hop-limit andthe limited-preemption deadline-priority queue management. The mechanism is conducive toencouraging the lower nodes and promoting the overall performance of the network system.
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