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The evolution of fixed star having something to do with nuclear reaction, the star generally loses partial mass in its final period and finally collapses into compact star (white dwarf, neutron star or black hole). After the process of matter ejection stellar body will continue collapsing into black hole if the mass of the nuclear-energy-exhausted star is more than 3 MQ. Black hole is the prediction of general relativity on the condition of great gravitation. As the research of X-ray astrophysics, the research of black hole has been made rapid progress, providing substantial basis for black hole physics and making exploring and researching black hole be front-line subjects. In fields of observation and measurement, scientists have examined the existence of black hole. People also have made a series of researching theoretical work on black hole's radiation etc., while relative issues need being studied furtherly.
    In this paper, researches on black hole's radiation effect and relative issues including the nonthermal effect of the black hole with mass multipole moment, there exists a new kind of Dirac energy levels and the crossing region of Dirac energy levels. The advent of the region leads to the occurrence of nonthermal radiation and even with great energy in some directions, which hasn't been reported both domestic and abroad, and when spreading in universe, black hole's nonthermal radiation is influenced by stellar matter, in which stellar gas is very apparent. The average range of nonthermal radiation particles is direct proportion to the energy extent of nonthermal radiation particle, but also inverse proportion to the density of stellar gas,
    however, to the stationary black hole with mass multipole moment and nonstationary black hole, the average range of their nonthermal radiation particle still has something to do with direction, which are the new results reported firstly. Through the event horizon temperature of a kind of Manko black hole with mass multipole moment can derive that the value is a constant except singular points, near which the temperature values are irregular. As one of the novel conclusions, such phenomena about the distribution has been paid reasonable explanation. The studies on the nonthermal radiation of a kind of nonstationary black holes show that it owns the characteristics of direction and the energy extent of the radiation particles varies in different direction, in which aspect can get some new and meaningful results, namely the exact expressions on the maximum energy of the particle. Besides, successfully calculating the electromagnetic four-potential in the spacetime of charged black hole expressed by the generali
    zed spherical coordinate and furtherly solving the H-J equation of such spacetime make it possible to get the exact description of the energy extent of nonthermal radiation particle and to study the characteristics of such black hole's nonthermal radiation. Wholly speaking, all above new conclusions are relatively significant for black hole physics and providing some new methods and clues for further researching black holes.
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