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随着当前Web上信息量的不断增长,人们迫切要求Web上的内容是计算机可以理解的,并可以由计算机自动来做有意义的处理。1998年,Web的创始人TimBurners-Lee首次提出了“语义Web" (Semantic Web).语义Web是当前万维网的一个扩充,网页上的内容不仅仅是通过自然语言来描述,而且增加了一种计算机可以理解的语义,从而使计算机也可以参与进来,帮助人们获取有用的资源。由于语义Web要实现的是信息在知识上的共享和语义上的互操作性,从而便于机器处理和交互,所以语义Web中的信息应采用共享的词汇描述,并赋予严格的语义。
     目前存在的方法一般都是基于强表达能力的描述逻辑(Expressive Description Logic),不适用具有大规模现实数据的本体,因为这些描述逻辑本体推理时最差情况下复杂度是指数级的。作为一种易处理描述逻辑(Tractable Description Logic), DL-Lite可以保证在大型数据上仍然具有多项式级时间的推理。本文基于易处理描述逻辑DL-Lite讨论了语义Web上不一致本体的处理,分别在诊断不一致本体、超一致查询问答及度量不一致性三个方面提出了解决方法,具体贡献如下:(1)诊断不一致本体通过分析DL-Lite本体中不可满足概念或角色所具有的特点,
As the increasing growth of Web information, it is urgent that Web contents need to be understandable for computer so that computer can process Web contents automatically and meaningfully. To solve this problem, Tim Berners-Lee first put forward the Semantic Web, which is an evolving extension of the World Wide Web in 1998. For Semantic Web, Web contents can be expressed not only by natural language, but also in a format that computer can read and use, thus computer can find Web sources automatically. Since the main aim of Semantic Web is that information can be shared and cooperated so that computers can interact each other, the shared knowledge with a standard format is needed.
     As an explicit specification of shared conceptualization, ontologies can define concepts and relations among them for one or more domains, so that concepts and relations among them can have explicit, unique definitions that people can accept in a shared knowledge base. So ontologies play an important role in Semantic Web. It is important to create, manage and maintain ontologies with high quality.
     However, ontologies may be created by distribution, multi-authorship, or different data sources. All these characteristics may introduce inconsistencies. Also, the reuse, merging or further extension of ontologies may result in inconsistencies in ontologies. When in-consistency occurs, the classical entailment in logics is explosive:any formula is a logical consequence of a contradiction. Therefore, conclusions drawn from an inconsistent ontology by classical logic inference may be completely meaningless. So it is essential to study how to deal with inconsistent ontologies.
     So far, most existing approaches mainly focus on expressive description logics (DL) which suffer from worst-case exponential time behavior of reasoning. As an important tractable DL family, DL-Lite can keep all the reasoning tasks tractable, in particular, with polynomial time complexity with respect to the size of the ontology. In this paper, we focus on DL-Lite and discuss how to deal with inconsistencies of Semantic Web ontologies. We mainly provide solutions to inconsistency debugging, paraconsistent query answering, and inconsistency measuring. Our contributions include the following points:
     (1) Inconsistency Diagnosis After analyzing some features of unsatisfiable concepts or unsatisfiable roles in DL-Lite, we present a novel algorithm for computing all minimal unsatisfiability-preserving sub-TBox (MUPS) of an ontology for an unsatisfiable con-cept or role in a DL-Lite ontology. We also present a comparison of our algorithm with another representative algorithm. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm is effecient and has an advantage over the previous work.
     (2) Paraconsistent Query Answering We propose to paraconsitent conjunctive query an-swering (CQA) in DL-Lite and extend the classical framework of query answering over DL-Lite ontologies to a three-valued semantics framework. We present a novel algorithm for paraconsistent query answering over DL-Lite and show that its compu-tational complexity is LOGSPACE in the size of the ABox.
     (3) Measuring inconsistency degrees of ontologies We propose a fine-gained approach to measuring inconsistency degrees of DL-Lite ontologies based on three-valued se-mantics. For a DL-Lite ontology, we show that it is desirable to consider all individ-uals, ABox and the negative inclusion closure of TBox to measure inconsistency and use them to define an inconsistency degree of a DL-Lite ontology. We present a pre-cise algorithm to compute the proposed inconsistency degree of a DL-Lite ontology and show that it is polynomial with respect to the size of the whole ontology. Unlike the approach that adopts a sequence of values to measure inconsistency in other pa-pers, we define a single value to measure inconsistency of a DL-Lite ontology which is more intuitive to be used as an inconsistency degree than a sequence of values.
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