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Wheat stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most important diseases of wheat production in China and many other countries worldwide. It is the most economical and effective method to breed and utilize the wheat resistant cultivar for controlling the disease. The research on resistant mechanism to rust fungi is the basis of breeding resistant cultivar selectively and utilizing host rsistace in reason. In this paper, the histology and ultrastructure of resistant mechanism of a new wheat material-Yilipu to Puccinia striiformis were examined by means of fluorescent microscopy,differential interference contrast microscopy,and electron microscopy. It provided scientific basis for avaluating resistant features and application potential of wheat material. The mainly results were as follows:
     (1) The main histological manifestation of the pathogen development in the Yilipu wheat included inhibition of hyphal growth, delay of hyphal branching and colony formation, decrease of formation of haustorial mother cells and haustoria, at the same time, occurrence of host cell necrosis in different degrees.
     (2) The observation by scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the pathogen can enter pore of stomatal by developed appressorium or apical of germ tube both in Yilipu and susceptible wheat cultivar. Later, a series of abnormal changes occurred in intercellular hyphae, haustorial mother cells and haustoria during pathogen development in the Yilipu. The cytoplasm became more electron-dense and vacuoles increased in number and in size which digested the protoplasm. The cell wall of intercellular hypha and haustorial mother cell were thichened irregularly. The mitochondria became swollen and increased in mumber,then hypha disintegrated gradually. The cytoplasm were degraded into central vacuole gradually and haustorial mother cells lost their physiological function. The extrahaustorial membrane was wrinkled, the extrahaustorial matrix is widened and great amount of fibril or granular deposits accumulated here. The cell walls of hostorial body degraded gradually and perforated, At the end, the haustorial body were malformed and necrosed. At the same time, the structural defense reactions such as formation of cell wall apposition, papilla, encasement of haustorium and necrosis of host cell were essentially more pronounced in the infected wheat leaves of the Yilipu than in the susceptible one. All constitute essential factors of resistance.
     (3) As compared on susceptible wheat cultivar, the observation of Yilipu following infection by the pathogen revealed a striking resistant characteristics in histology and ultrastructure.
     (4) The observation discovered that pathogen could invade epidermal cell of wheat leaves and developed into haustorium in it .It suggested that resistance to rust fungi could expressed in epidermal cell besides mesophyll cell.
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