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On the basis of analysis and comprehend of water right theory, by using the theories synthetically, such as law theory, economics theory, game theory, mathematics, managing method etc., water right conversion mode and water right conversion value evaluation model were analyzed with the analysis of abroad water right conversion mode and water right markets. It will guide our country the water right converts, promote the formation of the water right trades market in our country.Firstly, this text draw lessons from the mature market of water in west country, according to Chinese state of the nation, researched the mode, frame construction which were fit for the Chinese market of water, gave a short- term and long- term programming mode, designed the water right futures trade of constitute with trade the mode, and analysed the possibility and necessity from several angles .Secondly, after wholly analyzed the positive exterior and negative exterior that water right bring when converting, established water right conversion exterior effect of the whole analysis model and five statures model analysis model from the resources of water, industry, agriculture, ecosystem with economy five systems, analyzed combinable relation and parameter inside each systems mutually connection relating in a specific way between water right conversion and industry, agriculture, the resources of water and economy ,and analysed water right conversion exterior effect combining the solid cases. Thirdly, on the base of the thought and the foundation of the principle property evaluation, land evaluation, mineral industry power valuation, established the the models of the cost method, market method and income method about that water right value evaluation , and converted the parameter in the model proceeded the study, then took yellow river water right convert as an example from the water right assign, stanza water, need the water, to the water right convert, convert the list price and convert the water measures with compensate expenses etc, proceeded the substantial evidence the calculation. Forthly, on the foundation of analyzing the game elements in water right conversion market, converted the list price of our country water right from the angle of the game analysis, established the entry- level water right and the formal water right respectively. Finally according to the market of water must keep up with the developping , inquiried into the strategy of the water right conversion completely perfect our country, from the system, management, lawmaking etc, moreover promoted our country water market of perfect furtherly.
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