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     进入90年代中期,在以美国国防高级研究计划局(DefenseAdvanced ResearchProjects Agency,DARPA)为首的一批机构带动下,可穿戴计算技术得到了军方、工业界、大学等多方面研究力量的关注和重视。国际上主要的发达国家都有相关的著名大学和研究机构成立了专门的研究中心或实验室,专注于可穿戴计算技术的研究,其在工业、军事等重要领域的研究成果不断见诸报道,国内也有多个大学、科研院所逐步进入了该研究领域。
     鉴于上述分析,本文针对可穿戴计算技术在工业领域的应用,特别是针对企业工程技术人员作业任务辅助方面的应用,提出构建基于可穿戴计算的企业现场作业辅助系统(Enterprise On-siteTask Assistant System,EOTAS),并围绕其开展可穿戴计算软件支撑关键技术研究。主要研究内容和创新之处可概况如下:
The idea of wearable computer had appeared early in the 1960s, and the real emergence of wearable computer was available in the 1980s. It broke through the bondage from the tranditional desktop computing model, and depicted a brand new computing pattern for the goal of "people-oriented and human-computer combined".
     In the mid-1990s, with the strong support from the military institutions headed by United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research of wearable computing technology is progressing quickly drivend by the strength of military, industry and academe. Many famous and research institution of developed country set up special reseach center or laboratory for wearable computing research. The research production continues to be seen in these fields. Some domestic universities and research institues gradually moved into these research fields.
     In recent years, the application of wearable computer in the industrial and military fields enters into a practical stage followed with the rapid development of circuit materials, manufacturing arts of computer, and structural design. Many difficulties and chanllenges came forth in research of wearable computing software. The reason mainly include two sides: Firstly, the feature differences exist between the wearable computing and mobile computing, pervasive computing; Secondly, the support software technology research of mobile computing and pervasice computing is still in exploration stage.
     In view of the above analysis, according to the application of wearable computing in the industry field, the Enterprise On-site Task Assistant System (EOTAS) is presented in this paper, especially to the application of assistant to the personnel in manufacture fields. The work about some key software supporting technologies is discussed. The main contents include five parts as follows:
     1. Construction of aware workshop experiment prototype and research of context information service.
     Due to complexity and diversity character of enterprise task field, and the technical complexity of target equipment, the complexity of personnel's requirement, the information assistant requirement is also complex and diverse; bring great difficulties and challenges to the construction of EOTAS. In this paper, a new "Aware Workshop (AW)" concept is presented and defined, and an experiment prototype of AW is constructed. Based on AW, the context information service is researched, in order to provide hierarchical, open, complete and high efficient information service including knowledge acquirement, representation, storage, evolution and utilization. The context knowledge representation and evolution methods are mainly discussed.
     2. Research of EOTAS structure description and autonomous construction methods.
     The autonomous construction pattern of EOTAS drivened by AW context brings some special particularity of EOTAS structure, which weakens the support provided by trandition software system structure description method. In this paper, prototype software is developed to outline the EOTAS typical structure characters. The research work of EOTAS structure description method is discussed. Then, a new modular extended hierarchy colored Petri net (MEHCPN) is presented. Base on MEHCPN, the EOTAS autonomous construction methods is presented, which combine the Model Driven Architecture, Open Service Gateway Initiative and Petri Net Markup Language.
     3. Research of EOTAS dynamic schedule method.
     In orde to avoid the bad effect on the system real time performace and computing resource cost which the frequent EOTAS reconfiguration brings, need extend the function set of EOTAS, and then bring a new dynamic schedule requirement to EOTAS. In this paper, some research about EOTAS dynamic schedule method is discussed. At first, a new wearable human-computer collaboration concept formal is presented according to the multi-modal interaction on wearable computer. Then, EOTAS dynamic schedule method based on a new extended fuzzy colored Petri net (EFCPN) is presented, for the dealing with uncertainty and unstructured problem.
     4. Research of EOTAS application.
     According to the typical task about enterprise on-site equipment test, diagnosis and maintence, some EOTAS application system is build. Contents about the context acquisition methods, concrete implementation of context knowledge base and MEHCPN software toolkit development for EOTAS autonomous construction is discussed.
     5. Research of EOTAS performance support technologies.
     According to the requirement of performance guarantee, including real-time performance requirement, reliability evaluation requirement, security and privacy protect requirement, etc., the context prediction problem is discussed, and some domain knowledge description method and context prediction method base on knowledge reason is presented. Combined with some relevant work from trusted computing research field, a trusted model adapted to EOTAS structure character is build, and the computing method of reliability is discussed.
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