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Innovation is an key impelling force to national economy. As the cell of marketeconomy, enterprise should be the mainstay of self-innovation and play a significantrole in the process of changing the pattern of economic growth, upgrading economicstructure and constructing innovative country. However, because of various reasons,domestic enterprises only have limited self-innovation ability, which is manifested inlow research and development investment, insufficiency of other innovation section,imperfect innovation mechanism and absence of entrepreneurship. The limitedself-innovation ability has greatly restricted domestic enterprises' internationalcompetitiveness.
     Although the research and development and other innovation section investmentare beneficial to enterprises' self-innovation ability, the innovation model andmechanism play a more important role. Proper innovation model can fully exertenterprises' present ability and resources and gain more benefit. Effective innovationmechanism can largely fire employee's enthusiasm and avoid mistake.
     This dissertation aims to research the model and mechanism of self-innovation.Based on the analysis on background of self-innovation's being put forward,self-innovation is redefined and classified. Self-innovation's characteristic is pointedout, which is high risk, high investment, long period, high return,government-correlation and endogenesis.
     The influence factors of self-innovation is deeply investigated. It is pointed outthat the nation innovation system, government's innovation policy, intellectualproperty right protection environment, financial support system, technology market,talent market, market structure, technological stage and trend are the externalinfluence factors and research and development ability, manufacturing ability,marketing ability, innovation investment ability, innovation management ability,entrepreneurship and innovation culture are internal influence factors. The organizingform of self-innovation project is also analyzed.
     Three models of enterprises' technological self-innovation are analyzed and theinfluence of internal and external factors have been reviewed. Qualitative principles for model selection have been put forward. And the fuzzy synthesis judgment basedquantitative selection method has been designed. The incentives and meanings ofcooperative innovation among supply chain enterprises have been analyzed and thecooperation model is discussed.
     To realize the synthesis judgment of technological self-innovation ability, thecomponent of technological self-innovation ability has been investigated, thesynthesis judgment index system is established, the judgment standards of all indexeshave been put forward and synthesis judgment based on AHP and gray correlationanalysis is realized. The influence and performance forecasting of innovation is alsodiscussed and the performance forecasting index system and judgment standard is putforward.
     Finally, using the above theory, a case study of GESAC is carried out.
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