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This study respectively chose thirty brands from The 100 Best Global Brands 2005 and 100 Best Chinese Famous Brands. 415 undergraduate students evaluated the sixty brands’image including 27 attributes of corporate image and product image. Then this paper utilized discriminant analysis to compare the difference between Chinese and foreign brand image.
     The results indicated that Chinese undergraduate students gave a higher score to foreign than Chinese brand. The differences between Chinese and foreign brand image were brand awareness, size, influence, the proportion of overseas sales versus total sales, philanthropy activity, negative information, product quality, brand grade and technology content. Thereinto, the proportion of overseas sales versus total sales played a most important role in discriminating Chinese and foreign brands, accounting for 42.29 percent of the total discrimination. The other eight factors’relative importance weights were quality accounted 14.87%, size accounted 13.51%, influence accounted 9.47%, brand grade accounted 7.56%, brand awareness accounted 4.02%, technology content accounted 3.98%, philanthropy accounted 3.24% and negative information accounted 1.07%.
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