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Building energy efficiency (BEE) in China is improved mainly by government power. However, in the long run, this way is obviously unsustainable because Chinese existing floor space is so huge and it’s impossible for the government finance to afford it. So, it is necessary to encourage main body of supply and demand to seek for more efficient building through building energy efficiency service market (BEESM). And most of existing research on BEESM is rather unitary, for those researches throw mainly light on the specific operation process, and very little discuss explicitly the BEESM incentive mechanisms. Aimed at the question which exists in present BEESM research, this dissertation is about the research of providing the policy suggestions for BEESM system.
     Through the research on the BEESM main body and operation mechanism, analyzes the pathway of BEESM to BEE. Analyses the quasi-public goods attribute of building energy efficiency service(BEES), which results in the efficiency loss and insufficient voluntary supplies quantity. According to new institutional economics theory, even if the situation of technical knowledge is not changed, the good mechanism possibly will also raise the social total productivity level. Therefore, the government needs effecting through macroeconomic law and regulation to reach public resource allocation function. And the rational incentive system should be designed in order to promote the BEESM development.
     Analyses BEESM boundary. With the boundary strengthened or weakened, the BEESM development would fasten or slow down. Then, establishes the transaction cost model which BEES arises. The model result shows that the main factor of BEESM development is the reduction of transaction cost. In consideration transaction cost situation, when the transaction cost of BEESM is lower than that of BEES provided by internal resources, BEESM only possibly forms. The internal variable affects the BEESM transaction cost includes property special-purpose and the duty complexity, extraneous variable includes BEESM industry competition degree and contract system. Based on this, BEESM endogenous growth model is constructed. BEESM and the economic growth are analyzed. As a result, BEESM development stage is drawn and corresponding strategy should be consistent with BEESM characteristics of every stage.
     Proposes the classification method and BEESM main body of supply and demand and structure preference pattern. Based on that, consider whether ESCO enter the BEESM market using the real options theory to explain. With the option game theory model, the analysis result indicates that the attitude of wait and see of ESCO is brought by its energy conservation investment and the income compensation lag, which enables the investment to have the risk in the economy. When the income and the cost multiple cannot be reached, ESCO hesitates to develop CEM project or not. In addition, BEESM policy uncertainty is also the main reason to enlarge the BEESM entrance uncertainty.
     Through the analysis of BEESM principal agent relation, the incentive model of government and main body of supply and demand is established. The model analysis results show that effort level, incentive intensity, risk and the agent cost should be included in the incentive mechanism. Further, anylyzes the condition of application and key design factors between price-based management incentives (PMI) and performance-based long-term incentives (PLI). The results show that the market transformation should be combined with the incentive mechanism. And the incentive system is established based on the above research, which includes building energy sub-metering system, BEE auditing system, BEE quantity transaction mechanism and BEE marking system. Further, the incentive pathway analysis show that BEESM equilibrium is significantly improved by the four incentive system.
     Apply the above research to analyze Shanghai BEESM incentive policy. The analysis shows that Shanghai BEESM policy belongs to the PMI pattern. And proposes Shanghai BEESM should be consummated unceasingly. Based on Shanghai BEESM applied result and with the above research, BEESM implementation suggestions are drawn including management organization guarantee, flexible management system, BEE objoct inspection system and the information platform.
     Through the research on BEESM incentive system, it can effectively provide the reference for settling the problem of BEESM slow development to a certain degree. With gradual development of BEESM, the research fruits will have the wide application importance.
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