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生姜(Zingiber officinale Rosc.)为多年生宿根作物,生长期长,养分需求量大,若栽培管理不当,极易造成植株早衰或徒长。因此,通过合理施用植物生长调节物质调控其生长发育进程,对提高生姜产量有重要的意义。为此,本文研究了新型植物调节剂复硝酚钠(Compound sodium nitrophenolate)、DA-6(N, N-diethyl aminoethyl hexanote)对生姜生长、产量及生理特性的影响,主要研究结果如下:
     1.采用二次饱和D-最优设计方法,建立了复硝酚钠、DA-6施用量与生姜产量之间的二元二次数学模型。通过对模型解析表明,复硝酚钠、DA-6均可显著提高生姜产量,但二者配施对生姜产量的交互效应为负值,表明复硝酚钠、DA-6不能混合施用。在本试验条件下,复硝酚钠、DA-6单施适宜用量分别为387和303 g/667m~2,其生姜产量分别达3118.60和3092.95 kg/667m~2,分别比对照增产26.59%和25.55%。
     2.土壤分别增施复硝酚钠400 g/667m~2、DA-6 300 g/667m~2,均具有显著促进生姜植株生长、提高生姜产量的效果。生姜生长前期以促根的效果最为显著,但随着生长的进行,植株各器官鲜质量均显著高于对照。生姜收获时,复硝酚钠、DA-6处理的株高分别比对照增加11.59%和14.02%,分枝数分别增加24.59%和28.69%,产量分别提高18.53%和22.30%,但复硝酚钠、DA-6处理间差异不显著。此外,复硝酚钠、DA-6还不同程度地提高了生姜根茎淀粉、可溶性蛋白质及氨基酸含量,改善了品质。
     4.通过对生姜叶片黄化区姜田土壤分析,确定了生姜叶片黄化的主要原因是土壤养分不平衡,表现为有效养分总量偏低,微量元素特别是Zn元素匮乏,土壤有效锌含量仅1.4mg/kg左右,低于1.5 mg/kg的临界值,排除了人们普遍认为pH不适或盐分过高导致生姜叶片黄化的观点。黄化姜田生姜植株养分含量普遍较低,其中锌元素差异显著,根茎、茎、叶中锌含量分别比正常植株低85.2%、50.5%、15.9%。
     5.通过对生姜叶片黄化姜田增施不同肥料,不同程度的提高了叶片叶绿素含量,促进了生姜生长,增产幅度达24.1%-46.1%,其中增施硫酸锌6 kg/667m~2效果最好,增产率达46.1%,其次为15 kg/667 m~2硫酸镁,增产率达38.0%。
     复硝酚钠、DA-6也可显著减轻生姜黄化症状,通过增施复硝酚钠200、400 g/667m~2、DA-6 200、400 g/667m~2,叶绿素含量提高了3.24-3.93倍,类胡萝卜素含量提高了2.35-2.77倍,其中以400 g/667m~2效果最好,生姜叶片叶绿素含量几近正常生姜叶片。增施200、400 g/667m~2复硝酚钠、200、400 g/667m~2DA-6,产量分别达3050.5 kg/667m~2、3295.1 kg/667m~2、3303.8 kg/667m~2、3802.8 kg/667m~2、较对照分别增产32.0%、42.6%、42.9%、64.5%。
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), perennial crops, is a kind of rhizome of products of vegetable crops, and its growing season length, nutrient demand, if cultivated properly managed, can easily result in premature aging or leggy plants. Thus, by proper application of plant growth regulators regulate its growth and development process to improve yield and quality of ginger has important significance. To this end, we study a new type of plant growth regulator compound sodium nitrophenolate and DA-6 (N, N-diethyl aminoethyl hexanote) on ginger growth, yield and physiological characteristics, the main results are as follows:
     1 Studied with the design of quadratic saturation D-optimal regression, and established a mathematical model, in which sodium nitrophenolate and DA-6 were independent variables and ginger yield was dependent variables. Through analysis of the model, the results showed that sodium nitrophenolate and DA-6 could significantly enhanced ginger yield, but the interaction of them was negative, which showed that sodium nitrophenolate and DA-6 could not be mixed to apply to ginger. In this experimental conditions, the appropriate amount of single application of sodium nitrophenolate and DA-6 were 387 and 303 g/667m~2, respectively, with the yield of ginger were 3118.60 and 3092.95 kg/667m~2, respectively, and the yield increased by 26.59% and 25.55% compared with the control, respectively.
     2. Adding the soil, respectively, sodium nitrophenolate 400 g/667m~2, DA-6 300 g/667m~2, were significant for the growth of ginger plants, ginger yield improved results. Ginger root growth early in order to promote the most significant effect, but as growth progresses, the fresh weight of plant organs were significantly higher than the control. Ginger harvest, the compound sodium nitrophenolate, DA-6 processing plant height was increased by 11.59% and 14.02% respectively, the number of branches increased by 24.59% and 28.69%, yield increased by 18.53% and 22.30%, but nitrophenolate sodium, DA-6 was no significant difference between the treatments. In addition, the compound sodium nitrophenolate, DA-6 also increased to varying degrees, ginger rhizome starch, soluble protein and amino acid content, and improved quality.
     3 Adding sodium nitrophenolate and DA-6, can significantly increase the ginger’s chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, in the ginger’s strong growth period, compound sodium nitrophenolate, DA-6 treatment, respectively, chlorophyll content ginger CK higher than 4.58%, 17.97%, photosynthetic rate increased by 14.40%, 20.45%. Ginger swollen late sodium nitrophenolate, DA-6 root activity were 51.2% higher than CK, 66.7%. Ginger leaf nitrate reductase in September reached the maximum when, DA-6, were treated with sodium nitrophenolate CK higher than 30.1%, 20.8%.
     4 By soil analysis of etiolated ginger’s region to determine the ginger etiolated leaf is mainly due to soil nutrient imbalances, manifested as lower the total available nutrient, trace element Zn in particular, lack of available zinc content of soil 1.4 mg/kg only about less than 1.5 mg/kg threshold, excluding the pH is generally accepted that high salt causes discomfort or etiolated ginger leaves the point of view. Etiolated ginger plant nutrient content is generally low, in which zinc significantly different roots, stems and leaves of plants of zinc content lower than the normal 85.2%, 50.5%, 15.9%.
     5 Through the etiolated ginger leaves applied field by different fertilizers, different degrees of increased leaf chlorophyll content, and promote the growth of ginger, an increase of 24.1%-46.1% range, of which zinc sulfate 6 kg/667m~2. Adding the best, yield rate of 46.1%, followed by 15 kg/667 m~2 ZnSO4, followed by 15 kg/667 m~2 MgSO4, an increase rate of 38.0%.
     Compound sodium nitrophenolate and DA-6 can significantly reduce the symptoms of etiolated ginger, by Adding Sodium nitrophenolate 200,400 g/667m~2, DA-6 200,400 g/667m~2, chlorophyll content increased 3.24-3.93 times and carotenoid content increased by 2.35-2.77 times, of which 400 g/667m~2 best, nearly normal chlorophyll content ginger leaves. Adding 200,400 g/667m~2 compound sodium nitrophenolate, 200,400 g/667m~2 DA-6, yields were up to 3050.5 kg/667m~2, 3295.1 kg/667m~2, 3303.8 kg/667m~2 and 3802.8 kg/667m~2, respectively, compared with the control 32.0%, 42.6%, 42.9% and 64.5%.
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