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Urbanization is the carrier of industrialization and informationization. It is important for driving economic development and social development. At the same time, it can accelerate the social modernization. It is a serious task that how to correspond the development of the city economy, society and environment. City Planning and construction in bionomics became more and more popular in recent research.
     The Jilin province is located in the middle of the northeast of China .Its economic is underdevelopment, and the urbanization rate is lowly. In the 21 century , on the basis of investing the province situation carefully again and knowing the relations between the economic development and environmental protection, Jilin provinces make a important strategy decision. That is building for ecological province and making the city development for urbanization . By the development of recent years, Jilin Province has been formed the development of Ecology - Environmental protection economy preliminary as the mainly way. To make the development of Ecology– Environmental city as the important carrier of the development of Ecology– Environmental province, also as the key point of the Entire distribution of the development of Ecology - Environmental Protection Economy, Jilin Province has started the ecology economical urban construction comprehensively. It has been formed the urbanization pattern of the Jilin province characteristic at the first step .It has promoted the development of all cities of the province .It has promoted city improvement of the ecological environment and civilized construction of ecology. It has also made a great effect of driving the whole province’s economic and the development of society.
     How to comprehend the new matter of“Eco-economic City”? There are three steps. First we must build the system info, development model and relevant policies. Then we should quantitative the contribution of the eco-economic city to Sustainable development. Thirdly, we should also weigh the quality of the operation of the eco-economic city. This is the key of the research of the development of the eco-economic city and the construction of the eco-economic city. So this paper is very important both in theoretics and practicality. The author takes the scientific concept of development, the strategy of sustainable development and the eco-environment benefit economy theory as direction. This paper used the statistic analyse method, the energy distribution method and the Sustainable development evaluation system to research such matters as:
     Firstly, based on thorough analysis and the discussion about connotation and the characteristic of the city ecological environment, the function and the characteristic of city ecosystem, the meaning of urban ecology economic system, the basic contradiction and law of motion, the urban multiplexed system of ecology,economic and society has constructed. This system includes three sub-systems,which are ecosystem, economic system and social system, its basic function includes three aspects, namely economical function, social function and ecology function. These three functions displayed through the economical reproduction, the population reproduction and the ecological environment reproduction. These three kind of reproductions interweaves in the system, so it form five kinds“class”input-output relations, which is input, transformation and output relations among material class, energy class, information class, stream of people and value class. The essence of ecology economical city construction and the urban sustainable development is to realize coordinated development of the urban ecology economic society multiplexed system. Therefore, study on the constitution, basic function and chief feature of this multiplexed system’s to grasp its inner link and the regularity, may instruct the ecology economical urban construction well.
     Secondly,through the acquisition of information and on-the-spot investigation, this paper has carried on the investigation and the analysis on ecological environment, the economy, the social condition of the chief city in Jilin Province.The result indicated that Jilin Province is one of ecological environment relatively good provinces, the environmental pollution is light. The industry foundation in Jilin Province is quite abundant, but the pillar industry enters the decline stage mostly from the innovation stage during the system switch and the marketability process. The industrial development speed slows down, the most industrial enterprise seize up. The rate of economic development is lower than the national average level, the industrial structure and even the entire economic structure unreasonable is the primary cause for regional economies development slow. The population density is low, the urban scale is not big, and the urbanization rate is not high. Although the economy development is relatively lag, but the environment capacity ability, the structural adjustment, the economic society development potential are big.Jilin province has a better and quicker development good condition.
     Thirdly, based on ontrastive analysis to the domestic and foreign ecology economical city evaluating indicator research development, according to the target selection principle,the appropriate index were chosen to establish synthetic evaluation indicator system of the Jilin Province ecology economical city.this paper used multi objective quality synthetic evaluation model which build up with the weighting summation and the weighting squaring unify, to carry on the synthetic evaluation on city ecosystem's state of the chief cities in entire province. The evaluation results indicated, Ed value of Jilin Province presents the increasing tendency year by year basically. Changchun’s ecology economical urban development condition is best, the Ed value is situated head of every year the entire province and Jilin and Tonghua are subsequent. All this is consistent with the actual status of the three cities in Jilin Province economy, society, culture and ecological building. Baicheng,Si Ping and other ecology economical urban development speed is in the leading position in the entire province. The measure results can help to know objectively and understand the city ecological environment quality change, the weight ecology economical city's sustainable development condition.It has the important meaning for formulating the socio-economic development strategy and the industrial disposition plan, the effective adjustment city function correctly, improving the city ecological environment quality, to guarantee the urban economy and the environment coordinated development.
     Fourthly, according to the energy system theory, taking energy value as the basic unit of measurement,basing the energy systematics, the system ecology as the rationale,this paper transform the system each kind of ecology class to the identical measure standard energy value through energy value transfer ratio.Accordong to standard energy value ,the paper carries on the unification appraisal on the natural environment production with the human economic activity from the macroscopic angle,and did the quantitative analysis overall system's structure function and the economic efficiency. Taking Changchun as the example,the paper did corresponding computation and analysis on the Input-Output of energy value of Changchun’s ecosystem in 2000~2007. A series of analysis evaluating indicator were obtained,such as energy value self-sufficiency, average per person usable value quantity, using intensity, the electric energy value ratio, renewable energy value ratio, the environment capacity and energy value currency ratio and so on. During 2000~2007, each integrant part of Changchun energy value system has a stabler system's contribution ability.The system energy value compose change is small, the overall has the trend of escalation, but also has certain disparity with the developed area.
     Fifthly, combined to Changchun actual situation,the region sustainable development indicator system has beenconstructed from economical-society-environmen-civilization.By using the analytic hierarchy process (the AHP) and the entropy value law,the factor weights were determined. The results can reflect Changchun's present situation characteristic and the trend of development scientifically. The measure results indicated that Changchun's sustainable development ability assumes the trend of escalation, the economical, the environment, social, civilization systems coordinated development. On the ecology social development aspect, Changchun’s integral development level is high. On ecology economic aspect,the tertiary industry occupies GDP the proportion is big, which showed that Changchun's modernized civilized degree is high. On ecological environment aspect, the overall tendency of the environment quality improves year by year, the individual period and individual factor had the worsened phenomenon, whichi after undergoing has the remarkable improvement, does not affect the environment treatment overall rise the tendency. Suggested to raise all the people's scientific development concept consciousness,utilize the resources and the energy reasonably,and consummate the infrastructural facilities unceasingly and improves the lives of the people condition, which to make the environment, the society, the ecology civilization and economical synchronized coordinated development.
     Finally, combined to the Jilin Province ecology economical urban construction's practice, from the discussion ecology economical urban construction's basic content, the paper summarizes the urban construction content for the development ecology economy, the construction ecological environment and the foundation ecology civilization, and the ecology economical urban construction's standard was proposed unified the actual content. Based on this, the ecology economical urban development pattern frame were selective analyzed and established, to propose the extreme development model, the spot axis development model, the network development model Trinity gradualness development model frame, as well as scale pattern, strength pattern, region pattern, industry pattern and mixed pattern communal development type pattern development frame. In view of the ecology economical city's spatial arrangement's characteristic in the entire province scope, the paper summarized the ecology economical urban development level layout, the economic region layout, the time limit layout and the administrative division layout. Taking extra large type ecology economical city—Changchun as the example, the ecology economical urban construction's situation as well as obtains the experience were introduced.Through to Changchun's empirical study analysis, the influence ecology economical city primary factor has been discovered and the construction's safeguard mechanism to strengthen ecology economical urban been proposed.
     The paper innovation and the characteristic lie in: in the urban development pattern, Jilin Province's economic development will integrate the ecology economical city the category for the first time, the synthesis utilization ecology, the modern city development concept and the systems engineering method, the theory and the practice union, all this has manifested characteristics of the innovation, the contemporaneity, the comprehensibility , the feasibility and the strength maneuverability. The paper did deep research on city ecological environment system, the urban ecology economic structure and layout, urban service industry and the overall social function, to discuss realize in the urban whole the ecological environment, the economic development, the city service function and so on coordinated development optimal path from the theory and the practice,and to define all cities the development direction, the pattern development and safeguard mechanism to realize the urban economy society and the ecological environment coordinated development. According to Jilin Province the ecology environmental protection benefit economic development theory which proposed in the ecology province construction, the ecology economical urban construction system and the indicator system were established. The ecology economical city quality synthetic evaluation was carried on by using“changes for weight”to grasp the urban the development tendency. The ecology economical city energy value analysis was done by using energy value theory.the paper used“the entropy power”to carry on the ecology economical city sustainable development evaluation. Simultaneously,the paper carried on a series of research on the ecology economical urban development pattern and the spatial arrangement and so on.It is the first time to explore and complete the ecology economical city system research t in the provincial level.
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