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On February 17th 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia, which immediately drew different reactions from international community. A number of States recognized independence of Kosovo, while some other States refused granting recognition to Kosovo even expressed that independence declaration of Kosovo violated the norms of international law being illegal. The recognition side and the non-recognition side constitute opposite camps, between which one of their key debates is whether Kosovo possesses the right of peoples'self-determination and then secedes from Serbia in international law.
     Under colonial context and the situation of subjection to alien subjugation, domination or exploitation, the people have the self-determination right. There is virtually no controversy about this point. Beyond this scope, based on evolution of the principle of peoples'self-determination experienced in the second half of the past century, contemporary international law including Declaration on Principles of International doesn't preclude the exercising possibility of external self-determination, namely, secession. However, reference to concrete exercising of such possibility, there has not yet a set of definite regulation set up in international law.
     Kosovo's status has used to be an autonomous province within Serbia. As to the legality question of Kosovo's independence declaration, the General Assembly adopted resolution to enquiry the International Court of Justice (ICJ). On July 22nd 2010, ICJ delivered its Advisory Opinion considering that, the independence declaration of Kosovo didn't violate any applicable international law. Nevertheless, regarding to the legal result of the independence declaration, whether Kosovo has satisfied the qualification criteria of a State, the role of other States'recognition and relevant subjects, in particular, in respect of whether international law invests an entity belonging to the territory of specific sovereign State the right to secede from that State, ICJ didn't say any words. As to in what kind of situation the secession right could be exercised, ICJ kept silent and made no break-through in its Advisory Opinion.
     Surrounding the debates creating from Kosovo independence, the present dissertation recalled the historical background of Kosovo, discussed whether Kosovo possesses the right of secession from Serbia via carrying out the principle of people's self-determination. Simultaneously, in regarding to whether Kosovo satisfies the qualification criteria of State, and the final status of Kosovo in international law, this article will examine as well and provide constructive opinions. As to aftermath analysis and research on analogous problems of people's self-determination and territory separation disputes in international legal practice, the present writer expects that this article can sacrifice some referential value.
1'Kosovo MPs Proclaim Independence', BBC NEWS, Published on Feb.17,2008. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7249034.stm
    2'Kosovo Declaration of Independence', (2008) Pmbl.Para.7. http://www.assembly-kosova.org/?cid=2,128,1635
    5 Paul Reynolds,'Legal Furore over Kosovo's Recognition', BBC NEWS, Published on Feb.16,2008. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7244538.stm.
    6 UNGA. Res.63/3. Para.5. (Oct.8,2008) UN. Doc. A/RES/63/3联合国大会该项决议将求询国际法院的问题表述为:"Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?"
    7 ICJ Advisory Opinion,'Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion)', released on July 22,2010, http://www.icj-cij.org/homepage/index.php.
    11[s] 同上第83段:Debates regarding the extent of the right of self-determination and the existence of any right of "remedial secession", however, concern the right to separate from a State. As the Court has already noted (see paragraphs 49 to 56 above), and as almost all participants agreed, that issue is beyond the scope of the question posed by the General Assembly. To answer that question, the Court need only determine whether the declaration of independence violated either general international law or the lex specialis created by Security Council resolution 1244 (1999). "
    12 Constitutional law professor and one-time Serbian legal advisor, Thomas Fleiner, said that the ICJ has lost its legitimacy, 'Expert:ICJ has lost its legitimacy', published on July 24,2010. http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2010&mm=07&dd=24&nav_id=68649.
    14同上。托马斯.弗雷勒教授(Thomas Fleiner)认为The judges believe that this sentence [the Kosovo government proclaimed independence] does not violate international law, but at the same time believe that Kosovo does not have the right to a unilateral secession. Everyone can understand that this is a case of contradiction."
    22 Noel Malcolm, Is Kosovo Serbia? We Ask a Historian, THE GUARDIAN, Feb.26,2008, available at http://www. guardian.co. uk/world/2008/feb/26/kosovo. serbia.
    23见注释1, MALCOLM,第282页。
    25有关第二次世界大战期间阿尔巴尼亚人法律地位的细节,参见Angelo Piero Sereni, The Legal Status of Albania,35 AM. POL. SCI. REV.311,311-17 (1941).
    35同上,art. 111, para.3.
    36同上,art.112, para.2.
    40英文版南斯拉夫1974年宪法,参见《南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国宪法》,Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 重印于 CONSTITUTIONS OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD (Albert P. Blanstein & Gisbert H. Flanz eds.,1986), 第47页。
    68 1992年4月27日,塞尔维亚与黑山成立南斯拉夫联邦共和国(the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, FRY) 。参见《南斯拉夫联邦共和国宪法》(CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA),网址http://www. worldstatesmen. org/Yugoslav_Const_1992. htm 。值得注意的是,当南斯拉夫联邦共和国成立时,既未赋予科索沃与塞尔维亚或黑山同等的联邦地位,而这一地位也非阿尔巴尼亚族人的要求。
    74 James Crawford, the creation of states in international law,2nd ed. (Oxford:OUP,2006)第408页。
    75科索沃民主联盟(The Democratic League of Kosovo)在地下议会当中赢得了130个席位当中的96个,参见注释1,VICKERS,第260页。
    82有关“代顿和平协定”(the Dayton Peace Accords)的更多细节,参见注释74, CRAWFORD,第528-30页。
    96全称为“关于科索沃和平与自治的朗布伊埃临时协定”(Rambouillet Accords on Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo),1999年2月23日起草,网址http://www. commondreams. org/kosovo/rambouillet. htm.协定计划由南斯拉夫、塞尔维亚及科索沃阿尔巴尼亚代表签署,欧盟、美国及俄罗斯作为见证人签署。
    109 见Dino Kritsiotis, The Kosovo Crisis and NATO's Application of Armed Force Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,49 INT'L & COMP. L. Q (2000).第330,330页。
    111 见Antonio Cassese, Ex Iniuria Ins Oritur:Are We Moving Towards International Legitimation of Forcible Humanitarian Countermeasures in the World Community? 10 EUR. J. INT'L L(1999)第23,24页。
    113见Military-Technical Agreement, June 9,1999。网址:http://www. nato. int/kosovo/docu/a990609a. htm.
    128见On the Authority of the Interim Administration in Kosovo, UNMIK/REG/1999/1 (July 25,1999),第1部分。网址:http://www. unmikonline. org/regulations/1999/re99_01. pdf。
    134有关科索沃临时自治政府宪政框架的更多信息,参见UNMIK/REG/2001/9 (May 15,2001),网址: http://www.unmikonline.org/regulations/2001/reg09-01. htm 。
    140 Ralph Wilde, From Danzig to East Timor and Beyond:The Role of International Territorial Administration,95 AM. J. INT'LL(2001).第583,595 页.
    141 Michael Bothe & Timo Marauhn, UN Administration of Kosovo and East Timor:Concept, Legality and Limitations of Security Council-Mandated Trusteeship Administration, in KOSOVO AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY:A LEGAL ASSESSMENT 217,230-35 (Christian Tomuschat ed.,2001).
    142见2003年12月12日《安理会主席声明》,U.N. Doc. S/PRST/2003/26 (Dec.12,2003).
    148见安理会报告《科索沃历史年表》,网址http://www.securitycouncilreport. org/site/pp. aspx? c=glKWLeMTIsG&b-2693009&printmode=1
    159见塞尔维亚共和国外交部2007年11月20日新闻发布,题为"Belgrade's Proposal Freezes Kosovo Status for 20 Years",网址:http://www.mfa.gov.yu/Policy/CI/KIM/2111076_e.html该新闻公报对阿兰岛模式(Aaland Islands Model)作了概述。
    162 Dan Bilefsky, Europe Warns Kosovo on Separation, N.Y. TIMES,2007年11月20日A12部分。
    163 Dan Bilefski & Nicholas Wood, Talks on Kosovo Hit a Dead End, Rice Says, N.Y. TIMES,2007年12月8日A6部分;以及Dan Bilefski, U.S. and Germany Plan to Recognize Kosovo, N.Y. TIMES,2008年1月11日A9部分。
    165见网址:http://www. europar1. europa. eu/meetdocs/2004_2009/documents/dv/sede250608factsheetkosovo_/SEDE250608F actsheet Kosovo_en. pdf.166同上。
    175 UN Charter, art.1. Para.2. Similar language also appears in UN Charier, art.55. UN Charter, see website of United nations.http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/index.shtml.
    176 Antonio Cassese, Self-determination of peoples:a legal reappraisal (New York:CUP,1995) 65.
    177 Judge Rosalyn Higgins, Self-Determination and Secession, in Julie Dahlitz ed., Secession and international law (Cambridge:CUP,2003) 21,23.
    179 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, (1960) UNGA. Res.1514 (XV), Princ.Ⅵ.
    180 Antonello Tancredi, A Normative'Due Process'in the Creation of States Through Secession, in Marcelo G. Kohen ed., Secession:International Law Perspectives (Cambridge and New York:CUP,2006)171,175.
    182 Bing Bing Jia, the Independence of Kosovo:A Unique Case of Secession? (2009) Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol.8, Issue 1,27-46.
    184 UNGA Res.1542 (Dec.15,1960). Also see UNSC Res.389 (Apr.22,1976).
    185 UNSC Res.384 (Dec.22,1975) deplored the "intervention" of the armed forces of Indonesia in East Timor, calling upon all States to respect the right of the East Timorese people to self-determination and Indonesia to withdraw without delay all its forces from the territory.
    188 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Dec.16,1966) 999 UNTS.171. GA. Res.2200A (XXI), UN. Doc. A/6316; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Dec.16,1966) 933 UNTS.3. GA. Res.2200A (XXI), UN. Doc. A/6316.
    189 Robert McCorquodale, Self-Determination:A Human Rights Approach, (1994) 43 INT'L& COMP. L.Q.857,858.
    190 Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations (1970) UNGA. Res.2625. Annex, s.l, or (Oct.24,1970) 25th Sess., UN. Doc. A/8082.
    191 Malcolm N. Shaw, the Role of Recognition and Non-recognition with Respect to Secession:Notes on Some Relevant Issues, in Julie Dahlitz ed., Secession and International Law (Cambridge:CUP,2003) 243,248.
    195 Gregory Fox, Self-Determination in the Post-Cold War Era:A New Internal Focus? (1994) 16 MICH. J. INT'L L734-36.
    200参见魁北克分离案判决书Secession of Quebec [1998] 2 S.C.R.222 (Can.). "A right to secession only arises under the principle of self-determination of people at international law where'a people'is governed as part of a colonial empire; and'possibly'where'a people'is denied any meaningful exercise of its right to self-determination within the state of which it forms a part.
    201同上第217,126页:"The recognized sources of international law establish that the right to self-determination of a people is normally fulfilled through internal self-determination--a people's pursuit of its political, economic, social and cultural development within a framework of an existing state. A right to external self-determination (which in this case potentially takes the form of the assertion of a right to unilateral secession) arises in only the most extreme of cases and, even then, under carefully defined circumstances."
    206 Noel Malcolm, Kosovo:A Short History xxvii (London:Macmilan) 315-16.
    208 Antonello Tancredi, A Normative'Due Process'in the Creation of States through Secession, in Secession:International Law Perspectives 175-77 (Marcelo G. Kohen ed.,2006).
    210 SC. Res.1244, Annex 2, Para.6. (June 10,1999) U.N. Doc. S/RES/1244.
    212 Michael Bothe & Timo Marauhn, UN Administration of Kosovo and East Timor:Concept, Legality and Limitations of Security Council-Mandated Trusteeship Administration, in Christian Tomuschat ed., Kosovo and the International Community:a Legal Assessment (Cambridge:CUP,2001) 217,230-35.
    213'Press Release', Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serb. Published on Nov.20,2007. http://www.mfa.gov.yu/Policy/CI/KIM/2111076_e.html.
    214见注释7,ICJ Advisory Opinion.
    215 UNGA.Res.63/3, see n.6联大决议文向国际法院求询问题原文为:‘'Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?"
    219'Who Recognized Kosova as an Independent State'. Retrieved on July 21,2010. http://www.kosovothanksyou.com.
    221 Rudiger Wolfrum, Kosovo:Some Thoughts on its Future Status, in Sienho YEE and Jacques-Yvan Morin eds., Multiculturalism and International Law (Brill Publishers,2009) 561,563-564.
    222 Martin Dixon & Robert Mccorquodale, Cases and Materials in International Law (Oxford:OUP,2003) 154.
    223 Ian Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law,6th ed. (Oxford:OUP,2003) 86-87.
    224 James Brierly, the Law of Nations (OUP,1963) 138.
    225 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of Slates (Dec.26,1933) 49 Stat.3097,165 L.N.T.S.19.
    227 David Harris. Cases and Materials on International Law (UK:Maxwell,2004) 144-45.
    229 Malcolm N.Shaw, International Law 368 (5th ed.2003).
    230 Christian Hillgruber, the Admission of New States to the International Community, (1998) 9 EJIL491,494.
    232 Jeffrey Herbst, State Politics in Zimbabwe xiii (Berkeley:University of California Press,1990).
    233 S.C. Res.217. Para.3, U.N. Doc. S/RES/217. Published on Nov.20,1965. http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NRO/222/88/IMG/NR022288.pdf?Open Element. The U.N. has considerable influence over State recognition and whether an entity possesses the rights of States. Indeed, "in practice since the U.N. is only open to States, admission to the U.N. amounts to recognition of statehood." See Malcolm N.Shaw, International Law,5th ed. (Cambridge:CUP,2003) 251.
    235(1993)4 EJIL 72.
    237 Malcolm N.Shaw, International Law 253-54 (5th ed.2003)
    240见注释223,Ian Brownlie,第88页。
    241 Jure Vidmar,'International legal responses to Kosovo's declaration of independence", (2009) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law3. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3577/is_3_42/ai_n31906738/?tag=content;coll
    242 UN.SCOR,63rd Sess.,5839th mtg. at 14. (Feb.18,2008) U.N.Doc. S/PV.5839. "It is not ideal for Kosovo to become independent without the consent of Serbia and without consensus in the Council. My Government believes that the unique circumstances of the violent break-up of the former Yugoslavia and the unprecedented United Nations administration of Kosovo make this a sui generis case that creates no wider precedent--a point that all EU member States agreed upon today.
    243同上第19段:“My country's recognition of Kosovo's independence is based upon the specific circumstances in which Kosovo now finds itself. We have not, do not and will not accept the Kosovo example as a precedent for any other conflict or dispute."
    244 (2008) 102 American Journal of International Law 640, quoting the Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Recognizes Kosovo as Independent State, US Department of State Press Statement No.2008/117. Published on Feb.18,2008. http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2008/02/100973.htm. " The unusual combination of factors found in the Kosovo situation — including the context of Yugoslavia's breakup, the history of ethnic cleansing and crimes against civilians in Kosovo, and the extended period of UN administration — are not found elsewhere and therefore make Kosovo a special case. Kosovo cannot be seen as a precedent for any other situation in the world today."
    245 Bob Rae, in Thomas Walkom,'Problems with Kosovo recognition', Published on Mar 202008, http://www.thestar.com/article/348034.
    246见注释242,第6段:"The Russian Federation continues to recognize the Republic of Serbia within its internationally recognized borders. The 17 February declaration by the local assembly of the Serbian province of Kosovo is a blatant breach of the norms and principles of international law--above all of the Charter of the United Nations--which undermines the foundations of the system of international relations. That illegal act is an open violation of the Republic of Serbia's sovereignty, the high-level Contact Group accords, Kosovo's Constitutional Framework, Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)-which is the basic document for the Kosovo settlement and other relevant decisions of the Security Council." 247 Thomas Grant, the Recognition of States:Law and Practice in Debate and Evolution (Westport, Connecticut:Praeger, 1999)2.
    250 Malcolm N.Shaw, International Law,5th ed. (Cambridge:CUP,2003) 185.
    251 Gerald McGinley, the Creation and Recognition of States, in Sam Blay et al. ed., Public International Law:an Australian Perspective (South Melbourne:OUP,2005) 193.
    252 John Dugard, Recognition and the United Nations. (Cambridge:Grotius Publications Ltd,1987) 135. "An act in violation of a norm having the character of jus cogens is illegal and is therefore null and void. This applies to the creation of States, the acquisition of territory and other situations, such as the case of Namibia. States are under a duty not to recognize such acts."
    253 Responsibility of States for Intentionally Wrongful Acts, (Dec.12,2001) UNGA. Res.56/83, Annex art.40. UN. Doc. A/RES/56/83/Annex.
    267 Anthony Aust, Handbook of International Law, (New York:CUP,2005) 136-37.
    268 Report of the International Committee of Jurists Entrusted by the Council of the League of Nations with the Task of Giving an Advisory Opinion upon the Legal Aspects of the Aaland Islands Question, League of Nations O.J., Spec. Supp. No.3 (1920) 8-9.
    270 Int'l Crisis Group,'Kosovo Countdown:A Blueprint for Transition'14 (2007). http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/europe/balkans/188_kosovo_countdown___a_blueprint_for_transition.pdf.
    273 Hilary Charlesworth & Christine Chinkin, the Boundaries of International Law:a Feminist Analysis (Manchester: Manchester University Press,2000) 133.
    274'Press release', Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Website of government offices of Sweden. Published on Mar.04,2008. http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/10358/a/99714
    276塞尔维亚总统Boris Tadic在安理会致辞中阐述:"The Republic of Serbia will not accept the violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Government of Serbia and the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia have declared the decision of the Pristina authorities [the Declaration of Independence] null and void. Likewise, we are taking all diplomatic and political measures to prevent the secession of a part of our territory."见注释242,第5段。
    277 Robert D. Sloane, the Changing Face of Recognition in International Law:A Case Study of Tibet, (2002) 16 EMORY INT'L L. REV.107,110-111. (Arguing failure to distinguish political recognition from legal recognition and civil legitimacy results in ambiguity along with the risk that confusing political recognition with perceptions of legitimacy can result in the perpetuation of injustice).
    278见注释210"(e)[facilitating] a political process designed to determine Kosovo's future status, taking into account the Rambouillet Accords...(f)[in] a final stage, overseeing the transfer of authority from Kosovo's provisional institutions to institutions established under a political settlement."
    279 C Tomuschat, Yugoslavia's Damaged Sovereignty over the Province of Kosovo, in G Kreijen et al ed., State, Sovereignty and International Governance, (Oxford:OUP,2002) 341. 280 C Tomuschat, at 347.
    281 Security Council 6367th Meeting (PM), at 3,7. Published on Aug.03,2010. http://www.pfcmc.com/News/Press/docs/2010/sc10000.doc.htm
    283 Serbia's'Plan of Action'involves the recall of its Ambassadors from any State which recognizes the Republic of
    Kosovo and that it will take'concrete measures'against such States, at http://www.srbija.sr.gov.yu/vesti/vest.php?id=43314
    23. Antonio Cassese, Ex Iniuria Ins Oritur:Are We Moving Towards International Legitimation of Forcible Humanitarian Countermeasures in the World Community? (1999) EUR. J. INT'L L 10.
    24. Angelo Piero Sereni, the Legal Status of Albania, (1941) 35 AM. POL. SCI. REV,311,311-17.
    25. Bing Bing Jia, the Independence of Kosovo:A Unique Case of Secession? (2009) Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol.8, Issue 1,27-46.
    26. Christian Hillgruber, the Admission of New States to the International Community, (1998) 9 EJIL491.494.
    27. Dino Kritsiotis, the Kosovo Crisis and NATO's Application of Armed Force Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, (2000) INT'L& COMP. L.Q 49.
    28. Gregory Fox, Self-Determination in the Post-Cold War Era:A New Internal Focus? (1994) 16 MICH. J. INT'L L734-36.
    29. Ralph Wilde, From Danzig to East Timor and Beyond:The Role of International Territorial Administration. (2001) 95 AM. J. INT'L L 583,595.
    30. Report of the International Committee of Jurists Entrusted by the Council of the League of Nations with the Task of Giving an Advisory Opinion upon the Legal Aspects of the Aaland Islands Question, League of Nations O.J., Spec. Supp. No.3 (1920) 8-9.
    31. Robert D. Sloane, the Changing Face of Recognition in International Law:A Case Study of Tibet, (2002)16 EMORY INT'L L. REV.107,110-111.
    32. Robert McCorquodale, Self-Determination:A Human Rights Approach, (1994) 43 INT'L & COMP. L.Q.857,858. 33.(1993)4EJIL72.
    34. (2008) 102American Journal of International Law 640.
    35. Anthony Aust, Handbook of International Law, (New York:CUP,2005) 136-37.
    36. Antonio Cassese, Self-determination of peoples:a legal reappraisal (New York:CUP,1995) 65.
    37. Antonello Tancredi, A Normative'Due Process'in the Creation of States Through Secession, in Marcelo G. Kohen ed.,
    Secession:International Law Perspectives (Cambridge and New York:CUP,2006)171,175.
    38. C Tomuschat, Yugoslavia's Damaged Sovereignty over the Province of Kosovo, in G Kreijen et al ed., State, Sovereignty and International Governance (Oxford:OUP,2002) 341.
    39. David Harris. Cases and Materials on International Law, (UK:Maxwell,2004) 144-45.
    40. Gerald McGinley, the Creation and Recognition of States, in Sam Blay et al. ed., Public International Law:an Australian Perspective (South Melbourne:OUP,2005) 193.
    41. Hilary Charlesworth & Christine Chinkin, the Boundaries of International Law:a Feminist Analysis (Manchester: Manchester University Press,2000) 133.
    42. Ian Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law,6th ed. (Oxford:OUP,2003) 86-87.
    43. Michael Bothe & Timo Marauhn, UN Administration of Kosovo and East Timor:Concept, Legality and Limitations of Security Council-Mandated Trusteeship Administration, in Kosovo and the International Community:a Legal Assessment 217,230-35 (Christian Tomuschat ed.,2001).
    44. James Crawford, the creation of states in international law,2nd ed. (Oxford:OUP,2006) 560-562.
    45. James Brierly, the Law of Nations (OUP,1963) 138.
    46. Jeffrey Herbst, State Politics in Zimbabwe xiii (Berkeley:University of California Press,1990).
    47. John Dugard, Recognition and the United Nations, (Cambridge:Grotius Publications Ltd,1987) 135.
    48. Judge Rosalyn Higgins, Self-Determination and Secession, in Julie Dahlitz ed., Secession and international law (Cambridge:CUP,2003) 21,23.
    49. Julie Mertus, Kosovo:How Myths and Truths Started a War (1999) 315.
    50. Malcolm N. Shaw, the Role of Recognition and Non-recognition with Respect to Secession:Notes on Some Relevant Issues, in Julie Dahlitz ed., Secession and International Law (Cambridge:CUP,2003) 243,248.
    51. Malcolm N.Shaw, International Law,5th ed. (Cambridge:CUP,2003).
    52. Martin Dixon & Robert Mccorquodale, Cases and Materials in International Law (Oxford:OUP,2003) 154.
    53. Michael Bothe & Timo Marauhn, UN Administration of Kosovo and East Timor:Concept, Legality and Limitations of Security Council-Mandated Trusteeship Administration, in Christian Tomuschat ed., Kosovo and the International Community:a Legal Assessment (Cambridge:CUP,2001) 217,230-35.
    54. Miranda Vickers, Between Serb and Albanian:A History of Kosovo (1998) 12-16.
    55. Noel Malcolm, Kosovo:A Short History xxvii (London:Macmilan) 315-16.
    56. Rudiger Wolfrum, Kosovo:Some Thoughts on its Future Status, in Sienho YEE and Jacques-Yvan Morin eds., Multiculturalism and International Law (Brill Publishers,2009) 561,563-564.
    57. Thomas Grant, the Recognition of States:Law and Practice in Debate and Evolution (Westport, Connecticut:Praeger, 1999)2.
    58.安理会报告《科索沃历史年表》, http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/site/pp.aspx? c=glKWLeMTIsG&b-2693009&printmode=1.
    59.《关于科索沃和平与自治的朗布伊埃临时协定》 (简称“朗布伊埃协定”,Rambouillet Accords on Interim
    Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo), http://www.commondreams. org/kosovo/rambouillet.htm.
    60. 《南斯拉夫联邦共和国宪法》(Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), http://www.worldstatesmen.org/Yugoslav_Const_1992.htm.
    61.北约与南斯拉夫联邦共和国《军事专门协定》(the Military Technical Agreement, June 9,1999) http://www.nato.int/kosovo/docu/a990609a.htm.
    62.塞尔维亚共和国外交部2007年11月20日《新闻公报》,题为“Belgrade's Proposal Freezes Kosovo Status for 20 Years", http://www.mfa.gov.yu/Policy/CI/KIM/2111076_e.html.
    63.美国、欧盟、俄罗斯三方团 2007年11月28日巴登会议《新闻公报》http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/declarations/97300.pdf.
    64.《欧盟驻科索沃法律代表团规则》(the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo,简称EULEX) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2004_2009/documents/dv/sede250608factsheetkosovo_/SEDE250608Factsheet Kosovo_en.pdf.
    65. Bob Rae, in Thomas Walkom,'Problems with Kosovo recognition', Published on Mar 202008, http://www.thestar.com/article/348034.
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    72. Noel Malcolm,'Is Kosovo Serbia? We Ask a Historian', THE GUARDIAN, Published on Feb.26,2008. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/feb/26/kosovo.serbia. On the Authority of the Interim Administration in Kosovo, UNMIK/REG/1999/1 (July 25,1999), http://www. unmikonline.org/regulations/1999/re99_01.pdf.
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    76. Security Council 6367th Meeting (PM), at 3,7. Published on Aug.03,2010. http://www.pfcmc.com/News/Press/docs/2010/sc10000.doc.htm
    77. Serbia's'Plan of Action'. http://www.srbija.sr.gov.yu/vesti/vest.php7id=43314
    78. US Department of State Press Statement No.2008/117. Published on Feb.18,2008. http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2008/02/100973.htm.
    79. UN Charter, see website of United nations. http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/index.shtml.
    80. UNMIK/REG/2001/9 (May 15,2001). http://www.unmikonline.org/regulations/2001/reg09-01.htm.
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    83. Secession of Quebec [1998] 2 S.C.R.222 (Can.).
    84. Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, (1960) UNGA. Res.1514 (XV), Princ.Ⅵ.
    85. Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations (1970) UNGA. Res.2625.
    86. UNGA. Res.63/3. Para.5. (Oct.8,2008) UN. Doc. A/RES/63/3.
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    94. UNSC Res.389 (Apr.22,1976).
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