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     2.利用6713对SSR引物对im突变体和I4005及TM-1进行全基因组扫描。在im突变体和I4005之间共找到257个多态性标记。其中186个SSR标记产生193个多态性位点,分布在31个连锁群上。im基因座和4个SSR标记NAU1190, DPL0170, NAU3995和NAU1197位于同一条连锁群上。该连锁群属于棉花3号染色体(A3),覆盖55.5cM,标记间平均距离为13.9cM。im基因座两侧最近的标记为DPL0170和NAU3995,分别相距21.8cM和32.5cM。 im突变体和TM-1之间仅发现3个位于A3染色体上的多态性标记,NAU3639, NAU1190和DPL0170,它们分别与im基因座相距10.2、24.3和23.3cM。
     3.为了进一步精细定位im基因,为图位克隆该基因奠定基础。利用以TM-1为背景携带海岛棉海7124A3染色体片段的3个染色体单片段代换系(CSILs),CSIL028、 CSIL030和CSIL031与im突变体杂交,构建了CSIL028×im F2, CSIL030×im F2和CSIL031×imF2作图群体。使用棉花公共遗传图谱A3连锁群上的SSR标记在这3个F2群体中分别检测到47、7和12个SSR多态性标记。其中,以CSIL028×imF2为作图群体构建的遗传图谱最为密集,47个SSR标记联同im基因座覆盖80.9cM,平均标记间距离1.8cM。im基因被定位于BNL2443和cgr6528标记之间,分别相距3.6和1.3cM。在以CSIL030×imF2和CSIL031×imF2为作图群体构建的遗传图谱中发现只有单侧标记与im基因座连锁,最近的标记NAU5444和NAU3479分别与im基因座相距30.3cM和40.0cM。同时连锁分析显示CSIL030和CSIL031中所导入的海7124A3染色体片段上不包含im等位基因。
     4.通过比较im突变体与14005、TM-1、CSIL028、CSIL030及CSIL031在纤维品质及衣分上的差异,发现除了短纤维指数im突变体显著高于其他5个材料外,在纤维长度、比强度、马克隆值、成熟度、整齐度和衣分等多个性状上,im突变体均显著的低于其他5个材料(P<0.001)。对5个F2:3群体的QTL分析显示,每个群体中均有多个性状相关的QTL成簇分布在im基因座周围,解释的表型变异从18.2%-82.03%。利用BioMercator v2.1对这5个群体QTL的meta分析显示,除了纤维比强度之外,和其他6个性状相关的成簇分布在im基因座周围的QTL均分别是一个一致性QTL。这6个一致性QTL被定位在一个很小的区间内,它们95%的置信区间分别为1.22、0.72、0.56、0.89、0.76和0.67cM,两侧最近的标记均为BNL2443和cgr6528,解释的平均表型变异为27.16%-69.61%。
Cotton(Gossypium spp.) is an important economic crop and cotton fiber is leading natural textile fiber in the world. Cotton fiber is a unicellular hair originating from the seed epidermis. Fiber development consists of four overlapping stages:fiber initiation, fiber elongation, secondary cell wall deposition and maturation. Because of some unique characters of cotton fiber, cotton fiber is regarded as an ideal model for studies of plant cell elongation and cell wall biogenesis. Mutants are powerful tools to help us understand genetic and molecular mechanism of important genes. The immature fiber mutant (im) is a specific cotton fiber mutant, which regarded to result in defective secondry cell wall. The research work about im mutant will help us better understand the complex process of fiber secondary cell wall biogenesis and explore the molecular mechanism of gene regulation. It could also help us find some potential excellent genes for cotton gene engineering in improving fiber quality traits. In the present study, the inheritance analysis and mapping of the im mutant and QTL analysis for multiple fiber quality traits and lint percentage are performed. Also, the differential genes expression profiling of im mutant and TM-1during fiber secondary cell wall development is analyzed. The majory results are listed as following:
     1. The im mutant and two cotton lines, G hirsutum acc. TM-1and14005were compared for differences in fiber characteristics. The im mutant has no fluffy fibers like as in normal cotton lines and fibers in im mutant are still tightly matted around seeds, although the cotton bolls have opened. Two hybrid combination,(im×TM-1) and im×I4005) are developed by using im mutant corssing with TM-1and14005. All F1plants had nomal fiber characteristics. However, among all of the F2segregation populations, only two phenotypes, normal and matted fibers, were found. The data in each segregation population fit a Mendelian pattern of inheritance with a ratio of3:1(Table1), which reconfirmed that im was ahomozygous recessive gene.
     2. A total of6,713SSR primer pairs were screened to detect polymorphisms among im,14005and TM-1. Two hundred and fifty-seven polymorphic SSR markers were detected between im and14005. One hundred and ninty-three polymorphic loci from186SSR markers were mapped on31linkage groups, and the im locus and four SSR loci (NAU1190, DPL0170, NAU3995and NAU1197) were identified in a linkage group. According to previous mapping information, the linkage group was assigned on chromosome3(A3), which covered55.5cM, with an average distance of about13.9cM. The DPL0170and NAU3995loci were linked to the flanking the im locus, with a distance of21.8cM and32.5cM, respectively. However, only3polymorphic SSR markers were detected between im and TM-1and anchored on chromosome A3. They were NAU3639, NAU1190and DPL0170, and all were linkaged with im locus, with a distance of10.2,24.3and23.3cM, respectively.
     3. In order to lay a good foundation for future map based cloning of the im gene, fine mapping of the im gene was performed. Three F2mapping populations, CSIL028×im F2, CSIL030×im F2and CSIL031×im F2, were constructed by using im mutant respectively corssing with three different chromosome segment introgression lines (CSILs), which were characterized by carrying one homozygous chromosome3(A3) segment from G. barbadense cv Hai7124in the background of a genetic standard line of the upland cotton, TM-1. Molecular mapping showed that47,7and12polymorphic SSR loci were individually detected and anchored on the three selected overlapping CSILs on chromosome3(A3). Of these, the linkage map constructed based on (CSIL028×im) F2contained the most markers and covered80.9cM. with an average distance of1.8cM. The im gene was anchored between BNL2443and cgr6528loci with a distance4.6cM and1.3cM, respectively. The SSR markers linked to the im locus on the linkage map were detected based on (CSIL030×im) F2and (CSIL031×im) F2. The nearest marker to the im locus was NAU5444with a distance of30.3cM and NAU3479with a distance of40.0cM respectively. In addition, the linkage analysis showed that the introgression chromosome segment transferred from G. barbadense cv. Hai7124in the CSIL030and CSIL031lines might carry an im allelic locus not from Hai7124, but from TM-1.
     4. A comparison analysis was performed between im mutant and other five cotton lines,14005, TM-1, CSIL028, CSIL030and CSIL031for fiber quality traits and lint percentage. Except for short fiber index, TM-1had higher fiber quality index than im mutant on the tarits including fiber length, fiber strength, micronaire, fiber maturity, fiber uniformity ratio and lint percentage (P<0.001). The results of QTL analysis based on five populations showed that QTLs related to multi-traits in each population were clustered near the im locus with a high percentage of phenotypic variance, ranging from18.2%to82.03%. The meta-analysis for QTLs from five populations revealed some consensus QTLs by using BioMercator v2.1program. Except for fiber strength, QTLs for other six traits including fiber length, micronaire, fiber uniformity ratio, short fiber index, fiber maturity and lint percentage which clustered near by im locus were all regarded as on consensus QTL. They were located on a small interval, with95%confidence interval1.22,0.72,0.56,0.89,0.76and0.67cM, respectively. They shared same flanking markers, BNL2443and cgr6528and had mean of phenotypic variation that ranged from27.16%to69.61%.
     5. The cellulose content in fibers was measured at different fiber developmental stage including19,22,25,30,35and40DPA, and maturation both in im mutant and TM-1. The im mutant had significantly lower cellulose content in fibers than TM-1at each fiber developmental stage. The accumulation of cellulose in im might be propobably suppressed partially. The statistical analysis for thickness of fiber cell wall was also performed at13,19and25DPA and maturation developmental stage. There was no difference between two lines at13and19DPA, but im had thinner fiber cell wall (P<0.001) than TM-1at25DPA and maturity, suggesting the defect of the development of fiber secondary cell wall (SCW) in im mutant and thinner cell wall in im was most likely due to the reason for reduction of cellulose. The fructose, glucose and sucrose content in fibers at10,13,16,19,22,25,30,35, and40DPA were also measured. TM-1and im mutant shared similar changing trend. But the fructose and glucose content were higher in fibers of im mutant than that in TM-1during the later SCW development. During the developmental interval25~35DPA, higher sucrose content in fibers of TM-1was found than that in im mutant, which might be relative to different cellulose synthesis content between two accessions. A presumption was that the normal carbohydrate metabolism was affected in im mutant resulted from the im mutant gene, and sucrose distributed into the pathway of cellulose synthesis in im mutant was less than that in TM-1.
     6. In order to explore the mechanism of fiber development and reveal potential mutant candidate genes, we employed cotton cDNA microarray to evaluate the variation of transcription profiling within and between im and TM-1at13,16,19,22and25DPA. The comparison analysis for the variation of transcription profiling between adjacent time points during fiber development within two lines revealed that TM-1had more differentially expressed genes (DEGs) than im mutant (fold change>2, and FDR<0.05), during the fiber developmental interval13~16,16~19, and19~22DPA. In particular, during the fiber developmental interval13~16DPA, only98DEGs were detected in im mutant, whereas494DEGs were detected in TM-1at same fiber developmental interval. Conversely, more genes were differentially expressed in im mutant than that in TM-1between22and25DPA. There were236genes differentially expressed in im mutant but only60genes differentially expressed in TM-1. The results revealed different variation levels of transcription profiling within the two lines. And there was a putative delayed fiber developmental progress in im mutant. The maximum transcriptional variation between TM-1and im mutant occurred at16DPA and a total of1308genes altered their expression levels, which suggested that16DPA was a very important fiber developmental stage. The GO annotation for DEGs and enrichment analysis indicated that onset of secondary cell wall biosynthesis for fibers in TM-1approximately occurred at16DPA, whereas the same fiber developmental program in im was delayed until19DPA, suggesting an asynchronous fiber developmental program between TM-1and im mutant. At the some fiber developmental atage of SCW,16and19DPA, most enriched GO terms for DEGs between TM-1and im mutant were associated with carbohydrate metabolism and cell wall biogenesis progress. Many genes which have been confirmed to be required for normal development of SCW in Arabidopsis were included in these GO terms. The expression levels of these genes in TM-1were higher than that in im mutant at this fiber developmental stage. However, these GOs associated with carbohydrate metabolism and cell wall biogenesis progress were not over-represented at subsequent developmental stages, suggesting that im gene probably had a major effect on the early stage of secondary cell wall biosynthesis. The im gene might be an important regulatory gene that participated in regulating carbon flux into cellulose synthesis.
     7. Using the recently released cotton D genome sequence information as reference and combined with the im gene mapping results, one hundary and fifty-five genes were predicted to be as im candidate genes. However, only8genes were differentially expressed between TM-1and im mutant. But the difference of gene expression level was not large. The result of GO analysis indicated that73genes involved in different biological processes. Out of them, twenty genes involved in signaling, biological regulation, growth, developmental process, reproduction and carbohydrate metabolic process, respectively. But these genes did not show significant expression difference between TM-1and im mutant. This might also be related to the representative genes in the chip. The KEGG analysis for155genes showed that18genes participated in different pathways, and the carbohydrate metabolism was one of the major pathways. That the roles of these genes played during fiber development and the functional analysis of im candidate gene from these predicted genes required further experimental validation.
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