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Objective: To evaluate the curative effect and security of the invigorating kidney and stronging ridge soup used to treat kidney deficiency and blood stasis of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) .
     Methods: Applying a randomized, control methods, 60 cases of kidney deficiency and blood stasis in patients with AS were randomly divided into traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine group.The first group were given the invigorating kidney and stronging ridge soup, the western medicine group were given sulfasalazine (SASP) treatment, continuous medication for 6 months. Adopting the ASAS20 and BASDAI50 standards developed by international ASAS Working Group and efficiency of TCM Syndromes criteria to evaluate the efficiency of Chinese medicine treatment of AS.
     Results: The Bath disease activity index, Bath functional index, pain、inflammation index and clinical symptoms have shown obvious improvement, lumbar flexion, lumbar scoliosis, ESR, CRP were also improved.The treatment group's clinical symptoms improved significantly.
     Conclusion: The invigorating kidney and stronging ridge soup used to treat AS has obtained satisfying clinical effects.its function mechanism possibly related to the anti-SARS, the analgesia, the improvement blood stream change, the enhancement immunity, suppressing the osteoclast and so on.its security and the compliance is good, it has the broad application prospect.
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