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Petroleum is an important energy source and industrial raw material. Large quantitiesof crude oil and oil products are leaked or spilled to the natural environment during oilexploration, mining, transportation, processing and consumption. The environmentpollution caused by petroleum is increasingly serious and the pollution may even lead toan ecological disaster. Therefore, identifying and concentration measurement of petroleumpollutants are the important content of environmental monitoring and management.
     This paper employs fluorescence spectroscopy as primary means. Based on theanalysis of the petroleum pollutant components characteristics, the paper presents anidentification and measurement method for petroleum pollutant components in mixedsystem. The method combines the three-dimensional fluorescent spectroscopy with theparallel factor analysis, and is tested by experiments.
     This paper demonstrates the feasibility and applicability of fluorescence methodoverall measurement in crude oil and petroleum products pollutant according lightelectroluminescent theory and related data of petrochemistry.
     The experiment instruments characteristics and fluorescence spectra measurementinfluence resulted in scattering phenomenon are researched, and then the method ofremoval the influence is studied. The excitation and emission scan range is selectedconsidering of substances composition and elimination of scattering. Three dimensionalfluorescence spectrum and projection spectra of each dimension of samples are acquiredand spectral features are analyzed through the fluorescence spectrum measurement of theselected samples.
     Through measuring the fluorescence spectrum of sample organic solution, thespectrum difference between the solution and pure sample is researched. Through theresearch of multivariate calibration and parallel factor analysis theory and methods, thispaper applies parallel factor analysis method as the basic means for measurement andidentification of petroleum pollutants composition mixed system. Experimental sample setis consisted by dilution and blend of CCl4solutions of different samples. First, the numberof parallel factor analysis factors is determined according to spectral features of analyte. Then, the identification of characteristic spectra and quantitative measurement are realized.A sample is set as interference composition, and its influence on spectrum resolution andquantitative measurement of the main components is studied in the mixed system. Byexperiments, primary components of each predicted sample set are identified and theirconcentrations are measured.
     Application principle and method of surfactant micelle solution in the measurementand analysis of fluorescence are researched. Spectrums of petroleum samples in sodiumdodecyl sulfate micelle solutions are measured. The method of measuring complicatedcomponents petroleum pollutant content in the water with micelle sensitizing fluorescencemethod is verified. In this paper, the effective range of micelle method applying topetroleum samples is determined by experiment. Then coexistence system sample is madethrough dilution and mix, and the components of system are measured at the same time byapplying the parallel factor analysis method. The factor number is determined andconcentrations of each component in the prediction samples are estimated and the factorswhich represent sample content are identified through the analysis of the mode ofconcentration factor curve of load. For the samples which spectra are highly overlapped,local spectrum combined with the method of parallel factor analysis is used to estimatesectional component content firstly. The concentration of the other samples are estimatedby applying parallel factor analysis after reconstruction of correction samples withsamples exclude known component finally. The experiments show that in a certain rangeof concentration, micelle sensitizing fluorescence analysis and parallel factor analysis canrealize the identification and quantitative measurement of petroleum pollutant componentsin mixed system.
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