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The relationship between technology development and economic growth is researched by many economists. As we gradually step into the era of knowledge economy, technology has played a more and more important role in the development of economics, so, the competition of comprehensive national strength in the future has become the competition of technology. Efficiency evaluation is an important method in evaluation the contribution of technology to the growth of economic. The research of this dissertation begins with the introduction of economic growth theory, analyzes the relationship between efficiency evaluation and economic growth, and the most important part of this article is the research of the methods for evaluating the efficiency of economic growth. The main contents of this dissertation are as follows:
     Firstly, this dissertation begins with the analysis of economic growth mode and introduces the evolution process of economic growth theory, highlighting some main points of the economic growth theory. It then researches the relationship between technology, economic growth and the evaluation of efficiency, and establishes the theoretical system for analyzing the efficiency of economic growth.
     Secondly, the dissertation researched two kind methods for efficiency evaluation: parametric estimation method and non-parametric estimation method, whose representative methods are stochastic frontier approach (SFA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). Then, the dissertation researched the main idea, mathematical model and calculation method of SFA and DEA, and evaluated the efficiency of commercial bank in China in 2006 with SFA and DEA.
     In the Third place, the dissertation researched the change of productivity, and its evaluation method from the view of efficiency index. Based on the introduction of productivity change theory, the dissertation points out some indexes that are usually used for evaluating productivity change, among which, Malmquist index is commonly used. The research of Malmquist index is mainly from the view of its rationale, calculation method and decomposition. In the end, the dissertation analyzes the productivity change of China’s commercial bank from 1997 to 2006.
     Finally, the dissertation researched the congestion of production factors in the growth of economics, from the view of the economic intension of congestion, reason and the evaluation method. Then, the dissertation compared the differences between parametric estimation method and non-parametric estimation method, when used for efficiency evaluation, and points out the direction for future research.
     The innovations of this dissertation are: first, established a unified system of efficiency indicators, and then analysis the relationship among those indicators; second, analysis the decomposition of Malmquist index from different point; third, use SFA, DEA, and Malmquist index anysis the efficiency change of China’s commercial bank, and then compared the difference of these efficiency measure methods.
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