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In recent years,with the development of economic globalization,human capital, especially the high-capacity,high-quality human capital as an important factor in the country's economic development and technological progress is becoming a valuable resource for all countries'competion.The latest data released by the Chinese Ministry of Education show that along with China's economic take-off and the government's efforts,China has become the world's leading receiving country of "return"and "brain circulation". Meanwhile,the data from the China Scholarship Council shows that from1996to2009the return rate of the state's public school students are97%,many students graduated from overseas well-known university,even if they can find high-paying jobs in the United States, also return. The phenomenon occurred in India and Taiwan as well. It can be seen that the current returnees back is becoming the main force of regional economic development and technological progress. And the issues of returnees reflux as an international human capital flow as well as returnees back making effect on regional technological progress has caused widespread concern in theoretical circles.
     Combined with the recent Chinese eighteen's "innovation-driven development strategy"requirements, this study suggest that it seems quite necessary to analyze the international knowledge spillovers of returnees reflux and its impact to China's technogical progress. It is helpful to provide some valuable information for the government's policy to attract foreign talents to back.
     This paper launched a more systematic study for returnee's knowledge spillovers and technological progress by literature research methods,comparative analysis methods,induction methods, deduction methods and mathematical analysis methods. In theoretical part, the paper has summarized related theories of brain return, knowledge spillovers and technological progress, and strives to enrich fundamental research of the knowledge of returnees and technological progress. Meanwhile, the paper make a general principal analysis of whether returnee choose to return, on this basis analyze theoretical mechanism of knowledge spillovers arising from returnees back. First, conducting research from analyzing the knowledge spillovers channel of returnees back and analyzing the logical relationship of between returnees back and its knowledge spillovers respectively. Then analyzing influencing factors of returnees'knowledge spillovers, and laiding a solid theoretical foundation for the later empirical analysis section.On the one hand, in the empirical part, the paper conducted an investigation of returnees'basic situation and characteristics, with the purpose to find out the differences existed in returnees'respective fields, years of education, studying abroad country distribution, employment units and other areas.On the other hand,estimate returnees' knowledge spillovers and the impact to the regional technological progress.On this basis analyzing of returnees'human capital level and the impact of technology gap to china's the technological progress furtherly.
     By collecting and evaluation of the previous literature,this topic of returnees back knowledge spillovers and technological progress needed to be further expanded in four areas.In theoretical aspects:the theoretical mechanism of returnees reflux generates knowledge spillovers needed explore furtherly;the influence factors of returnees' knowledge spillovers needed deeper excavation.And needed returnee's general principles induction. In the Empirical aspects, it is required to use reasonable measurement methods to estimate returnee's knowledge spillovers; we need to make a comparison between returnee's international knowledge spillovers and the other three channels of FDI, international trade, patent; Further research is needed on the relationship between returnees'human capital level and its knowledge spillovers and between technology gap and returnees's knowledge spillovers. Early scholars have few studies in this field.
     Based on the weakness or blank in theoretical part as well as the analytical part related to returnees with overflow of knowledge and analysis of its technical progress, the study is expanded the main part of this article.With the conclusion of essential theoretical judgments after the systematic analysis of the impact that returnees exert upon technology in China.
     (1) Not all students studying abroad eventually return their homeland. Only when they are at the median level in terms of capability, they would choose to acquire median educational level and return after a period overseas.It shows that current returnees aren't the top technological innovation talent with a very high level of competence on the whole.
     (2) The mechanism of returnees with overflow of knowledge is carried out through human capital effect, network effects, technology simulating among enterprises, competitive effects and spatial agglomeration effects.
     (3) Spillovers from returnees are affected by a wide range of factors,not only restricted in the origin. This essay figures that the factors consist of three main aspects, character of knowledge, micro subjective factor and macro environmental factor.
     In the empirical part, we first studied the influence of returnee's knowledge spillover effects on Chinese technology progress.On this basis, we conducted an empirical research on the returnees'human capital level with its knowledge spillover effect and the influence of technology gap at home and abroad for returnees'knowledge spillover effect. Then we discussed the effect of returnees returning back on Chinese technology progress, some valuable conclusions are obtained.
     (1) Returnees'reflux effects on Chinese technology progress is significant,and it has lagged effect,that is,returnees'reflux to various provinces and cities with corresponding combination of human capital can promote the technological progress within a certain period. We found that returnees'knowledge spillover present unbalanced. Empirical study shows that the higher the level of economic development,the scientific research of provinces and cities,investment, financial market environment,the greater effect of returnee's knowledge spillover.
     (2) We found that in the field of international knowledge spillovers, returnees'back is an important way equal to the foreign direct investment and imports and patent technology. It is undoubtedly that the technology innovation is a great path of "economic catch-up" by importing high-level talents in the global talent wars and absorbing overseas talents knowledge spillover effect.
     (3) We concluded that human capital absorption capacity for returnees reflux's knowledge spillover effect is different in different regions. It shows that returnees'reflux combined with high levels of human capital improve the level of technology. We further found that the relationship between a province's ability of absorbing human capital and the knowledge spillover effect shows the characteristic of the monotonicity of the single threshold.
     (4) The provinces and cities'returnees human capital has a greater influence on knowledge spillover effect. When the level of one area's returnee's human capital reaches a certain level, the knowledge spillover effect of returnees presents a significant jump and acceleration phenomena, and the Chinese returnees'overall human capital levels gradually raised.
     (5)There is an u-shaped relationship between the technology gap at home and abroad and returnees'influence of technological progress. When the technology gap is larger at the initial stage,the knowledge spillover effect caused by returnee is on the rise,after reaching a certain critical level,it showed a trend of decline, and as the technology gap narrowed,returnees to the technology progress effects show the negative correlattion.In terms of China's current situation, the corresponding relations between the knowledge spillover effect of most of the provinces with the domestic and foreign technology gap and returnees is still located in the inverted u-shaped curve segments. Furthermore, we concluded that knowledge spillover effect of returnees'backflow is governed by endogenous technology gap at home and abroad and it presents the nonlinear dynamic evolution law from weak to strenth and back to weak again. Because of the certain threshold value of the technology gap, the knowledge spillover effect of returnees'reflux shows the characteristics of nonlinear. At the same time, having the absorption capacity is the precondition of matching the local enterprises to obtain knowledge spillover effect of the returnees. We found that the great technology gap is not conducive to domestic enterprises to absorb and imitate advanced technology which returnees bringing back.
     The contribution and innovation of the research is reflected in the following aspects: First, unlike the previous studies, this paper will be the first to compare the channel of returnees on impacts of country's technological progress with the other three international knowledge spillovers channels. And it was first discovered that in the field of international knowledge spillovers, returnees'reflux is an important way equal to the foreign direct investment and imports and patent is undoubtedly that the technology innovation is a great path of "economic catch-up"by importing high-level talents in the global talent wars and absorbing overseas talents knowledge spillover effect.
     Second,the paper combine the theoretical analysis of the relationship between knowledge spillovers、progress and Economic growth,and discuss the relationship between returnees' human capital level with returnees'knowledge spillovers,and furtherly discussed the impact of the technological gap betweenn the Chinese provinces with the developed countries.Currently, there are still some controversies in these areas. This study will provide further empirical evidences for this.
     Third, the study integrated the areas of human capital flows in labor economics, the field of talent as well as the field of technological progress in macroeconomics, targeting the three cross-frontier areas, and expanding the previous studies which was mainly in the single perspective of talents or labor economics.
     Fourth, based on the previous literature on the empirical part, the study used a relatively new model of panel threshold model in econometrics. Analyzed the impact of the human capital level of returnees and the technology gap on the technological progress, for this part of some related research are still in the blank. Therefore, this study applied this relatively new measurement method to new areas, and further attention to the previous literature yet covered.
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