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With the fast growing of global economy development and the modern industry evolution, industrial interaction between producer service and manufacturing becomes an important aspect of regional development research. In the background of new industrialization time, industrialization and information combining closely, and productive manufacturing to service manufacturing shift, at the same time, under the regional background of the Northeast Old Industrial Base promotion and Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone construction, how to interactively develop between producer service and manufacturing, it has the important theoretic value and practical significance.
     The study of producer service and manufacturing always remains in the interactive evaluation of a single area, and is lack of its interactive mechanism, channels and model research. Based on the regional industrial structure evolution theory and industrial cluster theory, the new industrial area theory and the service economic theory, under the guidance of the research method of economic geography, regional economics, industry economics, the thesis has constructed the appraisal mode of interaction development between producer service and manufacturing from the different scales of macroscopic-medium-microscopic with empirical analysis and typical case as mainline. It reveals the interaction, interactive channel, interactive mechanism between producer service and manufacturing, and then summarizes five kinds of patterns of interaction development and sums up development countermeasures.
     Main contents of the thesis are as follows:
     Firstly, according to the regional industrial structure evolution theory and the service economic theory, it grasps the connotations, characteristics of producer service, and establishes the interaction analysis framework of producer service and manufacturing interaction. It summarizes the related theories and methods of production service's analysis and the appraisal in order to provide the theory and the methodology support.
     Secondly, this part elaborates the regional survey and development situation, analyzes the evolution of industrial structure and the trend from productive manufacturing to service manufacturing. From the historical perspective, it analyzes the development of producer service and manufacturing in Dalian City and qualitatively diagnoses its existing problems.
     Thirdly, using the input-output method, this part defines the producer service basing on the intermediate demand, and applies response coefficient and influence coefficient to analyze the reason of producer service expansion from industrial perspective. It analyzes the different demands of manufacturing (resource-based manufacturing, low technology manufacturing, middle technology manufacturing, high technology manufacturing) to producer service, and analyzes the input coefficient of manufacturing. At the same time, by summarizing the input coefficient of manufacturing of internal producer service, it makes the quantitative analysis of industrial interaction between producer service and manufacturing.
     Fourthly, through the mesosphere typical manufacturing and micro enterprise interview and analysis, respectively taken the example of numerical control machine belongs to emerging strategic manufacturing, it was analyzed and scientific diagnosis for interaction development between producer service and manufacturing. Taken the CMT as the example from the microscopic scale, this part analyzes interaction development between logistics industry and manufacturing. The analysis of the medium level and the micro level sets the stage for interaction mechanism and so on.
     Fifthly, according to the quantitative analysis and the qualitative diagnosis of interaction development between producer service and manufacturing, it carries on the synthesis measure from three dimensions of macroscopic-medium-microscopic; then it concludes the relationship between producer service and manufacturing from the process angle and the function angle, and the direct channel and the indirect channel. At the same time, this part puts forward the interactive positive feedback mechanism and negative feedback mechanism of producer service and manufacturing, and five interactive5models, namely internal type interaction, shortest arrangement of interaction, point-point interaction, intermittent interaction and cluster interaction. At last, interactive countermeasures are concluded between producer service and manufacturing.
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