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  • 英文题名:The Influence of Renin-angiotensin Blockers Given during Pregnancy on the Cardiac Structure and Artery in Offspring Rats
  • 作者:林旭
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:内科学
  • 学位年度:2013
  • 导师:谢良地
  • 学科代码:100201
  • 学位授予单位:福建医科大学
  • 论文提交日期:2013-06-01
     研究亲代自发性高血压大鼠给予给肾素血管紧张素阻断剂后对子代大鼠血压、心脏、血管的影响,以及血管紧张素受体(AngII type1b receptors,AT1b)和血管紧张素受体相关蛋白(Angiotensin receptor-associated protein,ATRAP)在上述过程中的作用。
     2各实验组QRT-PCR检测子代大鼠心脏AT1b及ATRAP基因mRNA表达和western blot检测AT1,ATRAP蛋白水平的表达,以及焦磷酸测序心脏AT1b及ATRAP基因启动子区甲基化程度。
     3体外培养心肌细胞,给予血管紧张素Ⅱ (100nmol/l)及卡托普利(10-9-10-5mmol/l)或氯沙坦(10-9-10-5mmol/l)同时干预,QRT-PCR检测AT1bmRNA、ATRAP mRNA表达, western blot检测AT1,ATRAP蛋白的表达,以及焦磷酸测序检测AT1b及ATRAP基因启动子区甲基化程度。
     2亲代SHR给予卡托普利、氯沙坦干预后,子代在8周龄、16周龄时心脏AT1bmRNA及AT1蛋白有不同程度的下降(P<0.01);ATRAP mRNA及蛋白有不同程度的上升(P<0.01)。
     4体外培养心肌细胞,给予ANGⅡ(100nmol/l)及10-5、10-6mmol/l卡托普利和氯沙坦时, AT1b mRNA及AT1蛋白表达有所减少(P<0.01);ATRAP mRNA及蛋白表达有所增加(P<0.01)。
     5体外培养心肌细胞,给予ANGⅡ(100nmol/l)及10-5、10-6mmol/l卡托普利和氯沙坦时, ATRAP基因启动子区域甲基化程度有所降低(P<0.01)。
     To study the influence of renin-angiotensin blockers given during pregnantstages on the structural and functional changes of heart and artery in adult offspringrats.
     Spontaneously hypertensive rats were fed with captopril or losartan throughoutpregnancy and or weaning, whose offspring were fed with captopril or with losartanentil16weeks old. Blood pressure, left ventricular mass index, wall to lumen arearatios(WPL) of mesenteric artery(3rd grade branch), endothelium-dependentvasodilation and endothelium-independent vasodilation of thoracic aorta andmesenteric artery(3rd grade branch) were determined in8and16-week-old offspringof captopril treated SHR or losartan treated SHR, which raised with captopril(F1CF1C)or with losartan(F1LF1L). The same detection indicators above were determined in8and16-week-old offspring of captopril treated SHR or losartan treated SHR whichwere raised without captopril (F1CF1N) or without losartan (F1LF1N) and in offspring ofSHR raised with captopril(F1NF1C) or with losartan(F1NF1L). The mRNA expression ofAT1gene and ATRAP gene in heart were detected in each group at8and16weeksold by QRT-PCR. DNA methylation was also detected by pyrosequencing. Theprotein expression of AT1and ATRAP in the male offsprings’ heart were detected ineach group by western blot. The immortalized cardiomyocyte cell line H9c2whichexpresses endogenous AT1and ATRAP was cultured with angiotensin II (100nmol/l)and10-9-10-5mmol/l captopril or losartan. The mRNA expression of AT1b gene andATRAP gene were detected in H9c2cell by QRT-PCR. DNA methylation wasdetected also by pyrosequencing. The protein expression of AT1and ATRAP weredetected in H9c2cell by western blot.
     1.F1CF1N, F1NF1C, F1CF1C,F1LF1N,F1NF1L, F1LF1Loffspring rats had lower blood pressure(P<0.01), lower left ventricular weight index(P<0.01), lower WPL(P<0.01), higher endothelium-dependent vasodilation(P<0.01) and higherendothelium-independent vasodilation(P<0.01).
     2.AT1b mRNA and AT1protein of heart were lower in F1CF1N, F1NF1C, F1CF1C(P<0.01),F1LF1N,F1NF1Land F1LF1L(P<0.01)at8weeks old.AT1b mRNA andAT1protein of heart were lower in F1NF1C, F1CF1C,F1NF1Land F1LF1L(P<0.01)at16weeks old. ATRAP mRNA and ATRAP of heart were higher in F1CF1N, F1NF1C, F1CF1C,F1LF1N,F1NF1L,F1LF1L(P<0.01)at8and16weeks old.
     3.DNA methylation of ATRAP gene was decreased in F1CF1N, F1NF1C, F1CF1C,F1LF1N,F1NF1Land F1LF1L(P<0.01).
     4.10-9-10-5mmol/l captopril and losartan decreased AT1b mRNA(P<0.01) andthe protein expression of AT1(P<0.01) in H9c2cell.10-9-10-5mmol/l captopril andlosartan increased ATRAP mRNA(P<0.01)and ATRAP(P<0.01)in H9c2cell.
     5.10-9-10-5mmol/l captopril and losartan decreased DNA methylation of ATRAPgene in H9c2cell(P<0.01).
     1. The treatment which parental SHR feed captopril or losartan andprehypertension treatment could improve blood pressure of SHR offspring. Structureand function of heart and artery were improved also by parental treatment.
     2. The treatment which parental SHR feed captopril or losartan andprehypertension treatment could improve endothelium-dependent vasodilation andendothelium-independent vasodilation of offsprings’ thoracic aorta and mesentericartery(3rd grade branch).
     3. The profit of structure and function of heart and artery might associate withAT1b and ATRAP.
     4. DNA methylation of ATRAP gene might associate with the mRNA and proteinexpression of ATRAP.
     5. Internal environment of perinatal had tremendous impact on the formation ofblood pressure and functional changes of cardiovascular system.
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