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Delphic oracle is the phenomenon of religion associated with the history of ancient Greece. It was the living guide and spiritual support of ancient Greeks. From the 6th century B.C., it became the most popular Greek oracle. Its consultants were from all Hellas and beyond. It has a very significant impact on the ancient Mediterranean World. Analysis on this subject can help us understand the history of the ancient Greece and the Mediterranean lands. This article based on the classical literature and archaeological materials, studied the existing Delphic oracle, and selected various oracles to make case analysis, in order to get a more profound understanding.
     This article comprises introduction, five chapters and conclusion.
     The introduction mainly explains the background of this subject, the research objectives, significance, ideas and main innovations, and makes synthetically comment on relative historical materials and domestic and international research situations.
     Chapter one:The issuance of Delphic oracle. Delphi located in the Phocis region of central Greece, is the very important religion center. From the early 6th century B.C. to the end of the 4th century B.C., different forces fought to each other here, where broke out three holy wars. There were three stages of issuance of Delphic oracle:before issuance, priests and priestess of the temple to bathe separately at the Castalian spring, made preparations for sacrifice; after sacrifice, to ensure that Apollon willing to issue oracle, the requestor entered the chamber, the oracle of Pythia Priestess, the priest sorted out the records and gave them to the requestor; the requestor fathomed and understood the oracle.
     Chapter two:The oracles to polis affairs. When ancient Greek polis or hellenistic leagues encountered events, they usually sent emissaries to Phocis, and requested oracles for the destiny of polis, the choice of dominator of polis, the overseas colonization of polis, the catastrophe of polis, the wars and negotiations between polis and other important issues. After elaboration of them separately, took ancient Greek events like the colonization of Thera, the Persian War, and the Peloponnesian War as the cases of Delphic oracle to analyze the affection it made on these events.
     Chapter three:The oracles to private business. Although the amount of Delphic oracle to the private business is much less than the oracle to ancient Greek polis, but it was also an important aspect of understanding the daily life of ancient Greeks. According to the enquiring content of requestors, this article divided these oracles into six classes, origin and future, marriage, for an offspring, diseases, dreamland and death, and analyzes them separately.
     Chapter four:The oracles to the surrounding world. Along with the affection of the Delphic oracle, the people who came to request oracles not limited to indigenous people and colonists, but also emissaries from Lydian empire and Rome. The oracles to Lydian empire mainly focus on the period of Mermnadae, to Rome mainly focus on personal future, regime changes and wars.
     Chapter five:The affection and characteristics of Delphic oracle. The author analyzes the impact on the Mediterranean World from the aspects of politics, economy, military, religion, and morals, and summarizes the characteristics. Comparing with other oracles, the impact of Delphic oracle is more profound, and its contents are more creditable.
     Finally, in conclusion, the author analyzes the reasons of ultimate decline of Delphic oracle from the internal and external factors. From the internal factor, it is the consequence of the too close combination of Delphic oracle and politics and the decline of worship of Apollo; from the external factor, it has great relations with the downfall of polis political system and the emergency of Christianism.
1 John Roberts Edited, The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World, Oxford University Press,2005, p.444-445.美国不列颠百科全书公司编著;中国大百科全书出版社不列颠百科全书编辑部编译:《不列颠百科全书:国际中文版》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1999年,Vol.12,第409页。
    2埃斯库罗斯在其《被缚的普罗米修斯》一剧中描述了许多希腊人用以占卜的方法。他认为普罗米修斯传授了人类许多解读未来的方法,例如:如何分辨哪些梦境会成为现实;如何理解偶然听到的令人们感到困惑的声音;如何区分爪子弯曲的(crook-taloned)鸟类的飞行代表的是吉兆还是凶兆,鸟类各种各样的生活方式,彼此间的争执和爱恋,以及它们的繁衍;平滑的内脏,有斑点的对称的肝脏(liver-lobe),以及什么颜色的胆囊可以取悦众神;用包裹在脂肪中的大腿骨(thigh-bones)和长长的脊椎献祭;如何分辨献祭的火焰中所透露的信息。Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, with an English translation by Herbert Weir Smyth; appendix and addendum by Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1996,480-499.[古希腊]埃斯库罗斯:《埃斯库罗斯悲剧三种》,罗念生译,《罗念生全集》(第二卷),上海:人民出版社,2007年,第110页。
    2 Aristophanes, The Birds, edited and translated by Jeffrey Henderson, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1996,715-722.
    1 Polybius, The histories, with an English translation by W.R. Paton, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1979,8.28.6-8.
    3 Polybius, The histories,1993,12.5.6-8.
    4 Apollodorus, The Library, with an English translation by Sir James George Frazer, London:W. Heinemann; New York:G.P. Putnam's Sons,1995,1.4.1.阿波罗多洛斯:《希腊神话》,周作人译,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1998年,第26页。
    3 Plutarch, Moralia, with an English translation by Frank Cole Babbitt, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1999,68D.普鲁塔克:《论埃及神学与哲学——伊希斯与俄赛里斯》,第127页。
    6 Tacitus, The annals, with an English translation by John Jackson. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1998,3.63.3.[古罗马]塔西佗:《编年史》,王以铸,崔妙因译,北京:商务印书馆,1981年,第184页。
    4 Homer, The Odyssey, with an English translation by A.T. Murray; revised by George E. Dimock, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1998,75-82.[古希腊]荷马:《荷马史诗·奥德赛》,王焕生译,北京:人民文学出版社,2008年,第131-132页。
    9《阿伽门农》一剧讲述的是阿伽门农为出兵攻打特洛伊,将其女伊菲格涅娅(Iphigenia)杀死,作为祭品献给阿尔特弥斯,请求女神不要再发出逆风,使希腊的船只得以开赴小亚去攻打特洛伊,这引起了他的妻子克吕泰墨斯特拉(Clytemnestra)的愤恨,在阿伽门农返回后将其杀死。第二部曲《奠酒人》描写了阿伽门 农的儿子欧列斯铁斯为父报仇杀死了其母克吕泰墨斯特拉和她的情人埃癸斯托斯(Aegisthus)。在这之后,他一直被复仇女神追赶着,要他偿还他母亲的血债。第三部曲《复仇女神》描写了因被复仇女神追赶而疲惫不堪的欧列斯铁斯在接受阿波罗神的涤罪后,受其指点前往雅典。在那里雅典娜女神成立了一个法庭来审判这一案件。最终欧列斯铁斯被赦免。索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯的《厄勒克特拉》都描写的是这一题材,索福克勒斯认为欧列斯铁斯是无罪的,而欧里庇得斯认为他是有罪的。[古希腊]埃斯库罗斯:《埃斯库罗斯悲剧三种》,第20页。
    3索福克勒斯认为,在人物刻画方面,他是“按人应有的样子来描写,而欧里庇得斯却根据人的实际形象塑造角色”。因而,在他的作品中,更多地是展现了当时雅典统治阶级上层的价值规范,而欧里庇得斯的则展现了当时的社会风情。[古希腊]亚里士多德:《诗学》,陈中梅译注,北京:商务印书馆,2003年,第178页。Aristotle, Poetics, edited and translated by Stephen Halliwell, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1999,1460b.33.
    6 Propertius, Elegies, edited and translated by G. P. Goold,Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1999, 4.6.26-58.
    1凯撒利亚的优西比乌,约公元260-339年,因其对凯撒利亚教会长老、他的老师旁非鲁斯(Pamphilus)十分推崇,又被称为旁非罗的优西比乌(Eusebius Pamphili),古典作家、历史学家和圣经学者。优西比乌所在的凯撒利亚名为“凯撒利亚·玛里蒂玛”(Caesarea Maritima),位于地中海东海岸。公元前313年,君士坦丁颁布宽容敕令(Constantine's edict of toleration)后不久,优西比乌当选凯撒利亚主教。优西比乌的著作颇丰,有四卷本的《君士坦丁传》(A Life of Constantine)、《驳波菲利》(Against Porphyry)、《驳摩尼教徒》(Against the Manicheans)、《诗篇注释》(Commentary on the Psalms)等,其中最为著名的是《教会史》(The Ecclesiastical History)。在《教会史》中,优西比乌“首次勾勒出了基督教在关键性的前三百年[从基督到君士坦丁]间的兴起状况”,是“了解早期基督教主要的原始资料”。[古罗马]优西比乌:《教会史》,[美]保罗·L·梅尔英译、评注,瞿旭彤译,北京:三联书店,2009年,引言,第1页。
    3希罗多德曾说过,“佩拉司吉人(Pelasgians)原先给众神举行各种献祭仪式,在祈祷时也呼唤他们,这是我在多铎那听说的。但他们没有给任何一个神起名,因为他们从没听说过这些神的名字。他们把其称为神,因为这些神把万物安排的井井有条,并且主宰万物。在过了一段很长的时间之后,他们了解到那些从埃及传入的神都有名字,稍后他们又听说了狄奥尼索斯这一名字。又过了一段时间之后,他们就这些名字向多铎那的神谕所请求神谕,因为这个神谕所是希腊境内最古老的神谕所,在当时也是唯一的神谕所。当佩拉司吉人请示多铎那神谕所他们是否应该采纳那些从外国传入的神的名字时,神谕所命令他们使用这些名字。从那时起,他们在献祭众神时都使用这些名字。后来希腊人又从佩拉司吉人那里学到了这些名字。”Herodotus, The Histories,2.52.1-3.[古希腊]希罗多德:《历史》,王以铸译,第134页。
    5H. J. Rose, A handbook of Greek mythology:including its extension to Rome, London:Methuen,1953, p.135.
    8 Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Greek historical writing, and Apollo:two lectures delivered before the University of Oxford June 3 and 4,1908, translation by Gilbert Murray, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1908, p.30.
    10 W.K.C. Guthrie, The Greeks and their gods, London:Methuen,1954, p.73.
    6 Joseph Fontenrose, PYTHON:a study of Delphic Myth and its Origins, By University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles,1959, p.1
    1H. W. Parke & D. E. W. Wormell, The Delphic Oracle, Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1956, p.416,421.
    2 Hugh Bowden, Classical Athens and the Delphic oracle:Divination and Democracy, Cambridge Press,2005, p.158.
    3 Hugh Bowden, Classical Athens and the Delphic oracle:Divination and Democracy, p.159.
    4Robert Parker. Greek States and Greek Oracles, in P. A. Cartledge, Crux:Essays in Greek History presented to G. E.M. de Ste. Croix. Duckworth,1985.
    1 Arthur Stanley Pease, Notes on the Delphic Oracle and Greek Colonization, Classical Philology, Vol.12, No.l.(Jan.,1917), p.3.
    2 Joseph Fontenrose, The Delphic Oracle:Its Responses and Operations with a Catalogue of Responses, University of California Press,1978, Introduction, p.7.
    2波桑尼阿斯在其《希腊游记》中仅提及了前5座神庙。Pausanias, Description of Greece, with an English translation by W.H.S. Jones, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1995,10.5.9-14.
    8 Plutarch, Moralia,417F. Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris, edited and translated by David Kovacs, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1999,1244-1258.[古希腊]欧里庇得斯:《欧里庇得斯悲剧六种》,罗念生译,《罗念生全集》(第三卷),上海:人民出版社,2004年,第312页。
    6传说提洛岛为阿波罗神的出生地,因此阿波罗神每年夏季都会在提洛岛上的神谕所中发布神谕。提洛岛的阿波罗神庙(Hieron)与圣湖比邻。W. W. How and J. Wells, A commentary on Herodotus with introduction and appendixes, Oxford [Oxfordshire]; New York:Oxford University Press,1991, p.255.
    9[美]保罗·麦克金德里克(Paul MacKendrick):《会说话的希腊石头》,晏绍祥译,杭州:浙江人民出版社,2000年,第157-160,163,282页。
    1o王以欣:《神话与竞技:古希腊体育运动与奥林匹克赛会起源》,天津:天津人民出版社,2008年,第 86页。
    1 H. W. Parke, Greek oracles, London:Hutchinson University Library,1967, p.63.
    2斯特拉波称其为克里萨战争(the Crisaean War),发生于公元前595年左右。Strabo, Geography, with an English translation by Horace Leonard Jones; based on the unfinished version of John Robert Sitlington Sterrett, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1995,9.3.4.
    4 Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, Epic Cycle, Homerica, translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1998,3b.397-433.
    6 Aeschines, The Speech Against Ctestphon, with an English translation by Charles Darwin Adams, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1988,107-110.
    7 Plutarch, Solon, with an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin, Cambridge, Mass:Harvard University Press,
    1 Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian war, with an English translation by Charles Forster Smith,1999. 1.112.5.
    4狄奥多罗斯认为妇女在55岁以后才有资格担任佩提亚女祭司。Diodorus, Historical Library, translated by Charles L. Sherman, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1995,16.26.6.
    1Plato, Phaedrus, translated by Harold North Fowler, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1999, 244a-b.
    2 G. Lowes Dickinson, The Greek view of life, New York:Doubleday,1922, p.28.
    1 Robert Flaceliere, Greek Oracles, Translated by Douglas Garman, W. W. NORTON & COMPANY, INC., New York,1965, p.39.
    2 Aeschylus, Agamemnon,1225,1995.参阅[古希腊]埃斯库罗斯:《阿伽门农》,第238页。
    5 J.T. Hooker, Mycenaean Greece, London:Routledge & K. Paul,1976, p.213-214.
    3 Herodotus,3.57.4. The Greek anthology, with an English translation by W.R. Paton, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1995,14.82.
    4 Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian war,1.24.1-1.25.2.[古希腊]修昔底德:《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》,第23-24页。
    5 Aristotle, Politics, with an English translation by H. Rackham, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1990,1285b.
    10 Justin(Marcus Junianus), Epitome of the Philippic history of Pompeius Trogus, translated by J.C. Yardley; with introduction and explanatory notes by R. Develin, Atlanta, Ga.:Scholars Press,1994,16.3.4.
    3 H.D.F. Kitto, The Greeks. Baltimore. Maryland:Penguin Books,1951,p.83.[英] H.D.F.基托著:《希腊人》,徐卫翔、黄韬译,上海:上海人民出版社,2006年,第76页。
    1 Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, edited and translated by Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1994,15-30,65-75,95-100.
    3 Isocrates, Speeches and Letters, with an English translation by George Norlin, Cambridge. Mass.:Harvard University Press,1991,6.33.
    2[英]霍华森,希弗斯编:《牛津古典文学词典:英文》(The Concise Oxford Companion to Classical Literature),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年,第537页。
    2 Charles W. Fornara, Archaic times to the end of the Peloponnesian War, Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; New York:Cambridge University Press,1983,pp.22-24.译文转引自[英]奥斯温·默里(Oswyn Murray):《早期希腊》(Early Greece),晏绍祥译,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年,第110-111页。
    2 Thucydides,2.54.4-58.3.[古希腊]修昔底德:《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》,第161-163页。
    7 Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus,773-793,994-998.俄狄浦斯杀父娶母的悲剧的起因,通常认为是由于冷酷命运的安排。但欧里庇得斯在其悲剧《腓尼基妇女》中却把俄狄浦斯的厄运同其父拉伊俄斯被诅咒联系在一起。拉伊俄斯是卡德摩斯的曾孙,因底比斯政权被安菲翁(Amphion)夺走而避难于皮萨,在珀罗普斯的王宫长大,并爱上了珀罗普斯的儿子克里西普斯(Chrysippus)。安菲翁家族遭遇厄运后,拉伊俄斯回国继承王位。他随车劫走了克里西普斯,致使其羞愤自尽。珀罗普斯因而诅咒拉伊俄斯无嗣,若有子嗣则必会被其子杀死。详情参见王以欣:《神话与历史:古希腊英雄故事的历史和文化内涵》,北京:商务印书馆,2006年,第194-223页。
    5 Aelian, On the characteristics of animals, with an English translation by A. F. Scholfield, London:W. Heinemann; Cambridge, MA:Harvad University Press,1972,12.31.
    2Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound,645-675.[古希腊]埃斯库罗斯:《普罗米修斯》,第114页。
    2亦可拼作Aglaurus或Aglaulus,神话中的雅典公主,克洛普斯一世(Cecrops I)之女。一般认为,阿葛罗若丝和她的姐妹们因违背雅典娜的禁令,私自打开箱子看到里面的蛇孩,惊骇坠城而死;但也有说她是在一次战争中为拯救雅典城,甘愿服从神谕坠卫城而死。雅典人为纪念其壮举而在卫城供奉她。雅典即将成年的年轻战士(ephebes)要在其祠堂前履行宣誓仪式。王以欣:《神话与历史:古希腊英雄故事的历史和文化内涵》,第522页。
    3 Xenophon, Constitution of the Lacedaemonians, translated by E.C. Marchant and G.W. Bowersock, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1984,8.5.
    2 Homer, Iliad, with an English translation by A.T. Murray, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1999, 3.400,4.140,18.290.
    3 Propertius,3.3.13-24.[古罗马]普罗佩提乌斯:《哀歌集》,第247页。4格兰特先生认为哈德良的巡游目的有二:一是出于纯粹的猎奇;二是让始终关怀备至的军队出于高度戒备状态。[英]迈克尔·格兰特(Michael Grant):《罗马史》,王乃新、郝际陶译,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年,第235页。
    4 Pliny, the Elder, Natural history, with an English translation by H. Rackham,1999,34.12.26. Plutarch, Numa, 8.10.
    4[美]杰里·本特利、 赫伯特·齐格勒、 希瑟·斯特里兹:《简明新全球史》,魏凤莲译,北京:北京大学出版社,2009年,第150页。
    2 Hesiod, Works and day, translated with an introduction and notes by M.L. West, Oxford; New York:Oxford University Press; 1999,109.
    1. Aelian, Historical miscellany, by N.G. Wilson,1997. On the characteristics of animals, II-III, by A. F. Scholfield,1971,1972.
    2. Aeschines, The speeches ofAeschines, by Charles Darwin Adams,1988.
    3. Aeschylus, The Suppliant maidens, The Persians, Prometheus Bound, The Seven against Thebes, by Herbert Weir Smyth,1996. Agamemnon, The Libation-bearers, Eumenides, Fragments, by Herbert Weir Smyth,1995
    4. Apollodorus, The Library, by Sir James George Frazer, Ⅰ-Ⅱ,1995,1996.
    5. Aristophanes, Acharnians, Knights, by Jeffrey Henderson,1998. Clouds, Wasps, Peace, by Jeffrey Henderson,1998. The Lysisterata, The Thesmophoriazusae, The Ecclesiazusae, The Plutus, by Jeffrey Henderson,1996. The Peace, The Birds, The Frogs, by Jeffrey Henderson,1996.
    6. Aristotle, The Athenian constitution, by H. Rackham,1996. Poetics, by Stephen Halliwell,1999. Politics, by H. Rackham,1990.
    7. Arrian, Anabasis of Alexander, by P.A. Brunt, Ⅰ-Ⅳ, Ⅴ-Ⅶ,1999,1996.
    8. Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams, by A.W. Mair. Aratus and G.R. Mair,1989.
    9. Demosthenes, Orations,Ⅲ, by J.H. Vince,1998. Orations, IV, by A.T. Murray,1994. Private orations, V, by A.T. Murray,1990. Private orations, In Neaeram, VI, by A.T. Murray,1988. Funeral speech, Erotic essay, Exordia and letters, by Norman W. DeWitt and Norman J. DeWitt,1986.
    10. Diodorus Siculus, Diodorus of Sicily in twelve volumes(The library of history), Ⅰ-Ⅵ, by C.H. Oldfather,1998,2000,1993,1989,1989,1993;Ⅶ, by Charles L. Sherman,1995;Ⅷ, by C.Bradford Welles,1997;Ⅸ-Ⅹ, by Russel M. Geer,1998,1996;Ⅺ-Ⅻ, by Francis R. Walton,1999,1967.
    11. Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the eminent philosophers, by R.D. Hicks,1995.
    12. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The critical essays, by Stephen Usher,2000. The Roman antiquities,Ⅱ,Ⅶ, by Earnest Cary,1993, 1984.
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