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Objective: To research on doparainegic neuron synapse plasticity and its celluar molecular mechanism of substantia nigra in Parkinson' s disease model mouse treated by electroacupuncture therapy. Methods:
    The parkinson' s disease mouce induced by 1-methyl, 4-phenyl - 1, 2,3,6 tetrahydropyridine were treated by electroacupuncture therapy on "Hegu(LI4)" and "Taichong(LVS)" acupoints. The treatment was once daily and up to seven as one course which was lasted for 3 courses. Nissles stain for detecting dopaminergic nuron degeneration; electron microscope detecting for morphylogical changes of the dopaminegic neuron synapse plasticity in substantial nigra zone compacta; Immunohistochemistry for the exppresion of tyrosine hydroxylase, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neural cell adhesion molecules, dopamine transpotor, nestin; in situ hybridization histochemistry was applied for testing expresion of tyrosine hydroxylase, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neural cell adhesion molecules and dopamine
    transpotor mRNA. Results: The positive cell numbers of nissles stain
    in model mouce increased after electroacupuncture; The decreased dopaminergic nuron synapses in model mouse were increased in substantial nigra after acunpuncture treatment in which the number density and volume density also enlarged; Compared to model mouse, the expressions of tyrosine hydroxylase, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neural cell adhesion molecules, dopamine transpotor, nestin were enhaced; the mRNA exression of tyrosine hydroxylase, brain-derived neurotrophic factor,
    neural cell adhesion molecules and dopamine transpotor enhaced, too. Conclusions: Electroacupuncture therapy can promote the synaptic
    plasticity of the degenerative dopaminergic neuron in parkinson' s disease mouse. The celluar molecular mechanism is related to the effective of neuronal nourishment by brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cell adhension of neural cell adhesion molecules, endogenous induction of nerve stem cell and acceleration of the synethis and metabolism of dopamine.
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