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Pharmaceutical industry is the most important industry field which being
    improved in most countries, for the large market and high revenue, and people pay
    more attention to the quality of life with the life level going up. Innovation is most
    important for supplying the suitable product and services to people in the
    pharmaceutical industry as a technology-based industry. Therefore, pharmaceutical
    innovation and its value comes true are becoming a important era for the entrepreneur
    and the theorist.
     The management of pharmaceutical innovation is a very complex problem.
    Pharmaceutical product affect the health and safety of people directly, its development
    and production is based on multi science knowledge. Pharmaceutical innovation can
    produce the customers’value after through the rigid investigation by the government
    based on scientific proof. During the process of pharmaceutical innovation, global
    pharmaceutical industry faces most problems, such as protection period of patent
    drugs ended and being ended, rigid regulation, the challenge of complex production
    process, long development cycle, market response time, clinical trial process etc. In
    China, we can notice an indication of the innovation system in which corporation
    plays the leading role and the success of new product and new technology in the
    market, but our national corporations still need to resolve the special problems on
    managing the innovation in China in order that we can develop pharmaceutical
    industry by continuous innovations.
     The success of innovation means the value comes true in the market. The value
    management is the most important study field in the research of modern management
    theory. This point is not only an accounting method representing the result of
    operation, but also a kind of management idea and thoughts. Based on it, corporation
    must confirm the strategy to select a business action for its maximum value. It is a
    whole value management system including the business action, strategy and
    organization infrastructure. Based on this theory, it is possible to reveal the value of
    pharmaceutical innovation, and to improve the business level of innovation.
     The whole dissertation start from the pharmaceutical industry network and the
    characteristic of pharmaceutical product and service, analyse the expectation and
    action of customer, corporation, government and other parts during the value-creating
    process, sum up the characteristic of the operation of pharmaceutical industry network
    (Chapter 3). And discuss the whole value-create of the pharmaceutical network based
    on the analysis of the action and its value of all parts in the network (Chapter 4). On
    the basis of above, analyse the innovation circumstances of several model
    ?Supported by the significant project of the humane & social studies of the Ministry of Education of China in 2002
    No. 02JAZ790003
     - 2 -
    corporations on-the-spot invstigation by author, find out the problem our national
    corporations faced such as take innovation from the situation taken as a whole, from
    point of view on network, put forward the way what the innovation of pharmaceutical
    industry needs is the management constellation on the resources in the network to
    overcoming the difficulties (Chapter 5). In view of the seperation of network
    resources, from the definition of management constellation, doing the model analysis,
    concluding the surpport condition of management constellation (Chapter 6). As a
    conclusion, after analysed the innovation organization trends of international
    pharmaceutical corporation, the dissertation point out that the corporation need
    organization innovation to redeploy the resource in the pharmaceutical industry
    network in order to create the new value, our national pharmaceutical corporation
    should select the organization model with the characteristics such as
    cross-organization, face-process, flexibility. And set forth the principle that lead by
    corporation, coordinate by g
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