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Chinese rice wine is one of the world's top three most ancient wine, which is also China'soldest and most culturally traditional species of wine. It is gradually characterized by a warmtaste of alcohol, low alcohol content, rich in nutrients and bland wine taste, along with thecontinuous improvement of the brewing process, which is loved by consumers. With the rapiddevelopment of China's foreign trade in recent years, Chinese rice wine companies areexploring foreign markets to promote economic efficiency. Under the background ofincreasingly fierce market competition and gradual deepening global labor division, theinternational competitiveness of a state’s specific industry is reflected in the course ofcomparison interest which is bond by the value-added chain, that the survival and developmentof Chinese rice wine industry is largely dependent on the international competitiveness.However, Chinese rice wine industry, small production scale and hysteretic product innovationin general, long upholds the traditional processes and suffers a relatively severe homogeneouscompetition. Therefore, a study on the international competitiveness of Chinese rice wineindustry will be of critical importance to the sustainable development, technological innovationand intensive international influence.
     Thesis be researched on the international competitive power of Chinese rice wine industry.Related literatures were analyzed systematically on the basis of researching the background,purpose and meaning of the thesis, finding many problems of the research in internationalcompetitiveness of Chinese rice wine industry, such as lack of the related research on theregional characteristic or volatile substances contents designed to enhance internationalcompetitiveness of Chinese rice wine industry. To deepen the understanding of current situationand characteristics of Chinese rice wine production and trade, the thesis summarized thecharacteristics of trade in Chinese rice wine after the thorough analysis of the geographicaldistribution of the rice wine, constitute of export categories, competitiveness index of rice winetrade, and the market concentration of export from the perspective of comparative advantagetheory and international competitiveness, quality characteristics of Chinese rice wine areanalyzed, leads to the conclusion that quality characteristic is the formation and improvementof international competitiveness of Chinese rice wine. From the diamond theory in analysis ofproduction factors to technology promotion for international competitiveness, we concludedthat technological innovation is an important way of promoting international competitiveness;conditions of marketing are the key to international competitiveness.
     To strengthen the pertinence of Chinese rice wine’s export, upgrade internationalcompetitiveness level, the analysis about the volatile material of species and the relative contentmeasurement results in different regional wine was that the relative content of ester and alcoholmaterial of different regional wine was supreme; used main ingredients analysis and poly classanalysis method to explore wine in main volatile material; quantitatively analyze different areawine in organic acid and free fatty acids, to research the characteristics of different regionalwine; the rice wine variety and origin identification technique based on DR-FTIR and SIMCATechnology has been made, presented in a more targeted effective initiatives to enhanceinternational competitiveness. Analysis of technological innovation, the role of knowledge innovation in the wine trade and through empirical analysis of Chinese rice wine patent andacademic literature of the interrelationship between trade and Sino-Japanese rice wine was alsobeen presented. Starting from the marketing concept and channel construction, comparing thedifferences between domestic and international wine marketing concept and mode of operation,and from the angle of consumer preferences through survey questionnaires, we have examinedthe relationship between wine consumption and the related indicators.
     On the basis of the above analysis, this work puts forward the countermeasures andsuggestions to improve the international competitiveness of Chinese rice wine by strengtheningmacro-control of the government, mobilizing trade association functions, and improving thesystem of knowledge and technological innovation, etc. That will make a great referential valueto the sustainable and healthy development of Chinese rice wine industry.
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