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Objective To analyse the characters of clinical pathology of urinary malignancies in patients with renal transplantation.
     Methods A retrospective study was performed on 2159 renal allografts under at least 0.5 year immunosuppression from 1978-2009. All of the cases were operated.
     Results 42 cases of uroepithelial tumors were found in 2159 cases undergoing renal transplantation with the incidence being 1.9%.42 cases had intact medical history and all of the cases were demonstrated pathologically.35 cases(83.3%) were diagnosed on account of hematuria,7 cases (16.7%)were diagnosed by medical examination including 2 anuric patients. all of the patients accepted operations, additional therapies including chemical or radiological.9 cases accepted patent operation of radical nephrectomy and transurethral cuffing cystectomy, length of stay was 17-25 days; 11 cases accepted retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy and transurethral cuffing cystectomy, length of stay was 13-19 days;22 cases haved TURBT, length of stay was 0-10 days;4 cases died of wide metastasis.
     Conclusions Patients with renal transplantation should pay more attention on urological routine examinations,the operations with less trauma should be choosed, at the same time, the dosage of immunosuppressants was reduced to maintain normal function of the graft.
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