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目的观察大鼠视网膜胚胎发育过程中神经细胞分化、组织结构的改变及低氧诱导因子-1α(hypoxia inducible facter 1α,HIF-1α)的时空表达,探讨HIF 1α在视网膜发生和发育过程中的作用。
Objective To investigate the differentiation of nerve cells、alternation of tissue andspace-time expression of hypoxia inducible factor 1(HIF-1) during embryonicdevelopment of rat retina, and explore the role of HIF 1 in retina development withinthis time.
     Method Rat retina of embryo 10 days-20 days (E10-E20)、postnatal (PO) and adult(12 months) was examined by light and electron microscopes; Different expression of HIF-1αprotein and HIF-1αmRNA was examined by immunohistochemical and RT-PCR methods.
     Result The development of rat retina began in 10th day of embryo (E10), andoptic cup was formed including inner and outer layer; in 14th day of embryo (E14), the pigmentepithelium cell of outer layer was monolayer arranged,and the neural epithelium became thinckinggradually.; in 16th day of embryo(E16), the neural epithelium became two parts: inner and outerneural layers; in 18th day of embryo(E18), chievitz layer with light staining appeared; in 20th dayof embryo(E20), inner plexiform layer was formed and gangliocyte became differentiation. in thefirst day of postnatal (P1), retina was divided into pigment epithelium layer、neuroblast layer andgangliocyte layer; in 7th day of postnatal (P7), inner and outer nuclear layers emerged, and in15th day of postnatal (P15) retina formed the structure of 10 layers. HIF-1αin rat retinaexpressed highly in embryo、lower postnatal and lowest in adult,
     Conclusion The development of rat retina begin at 10th day of embryo. In 14thday of embryo, outer pigment epithelium cell became monolayer, and neuralepithelium was differentiating gradually, newly born rat retina developes insufficiently,and till postnatal 15th day, the differentiation of retinal lays primarily completes. The highlyexpression of HIF-1αof embryo promote in this period hypoxia circumstance existespecially in earlier embryo. So HIF-1αmight participate the process of embryo developmentof rat retina.
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