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     本文选取8个(Howland Forest, Harvard Forest, Wind River Forest, Rannells Prairie,Freeman Ranch, Chestnut Ridge, Metolius and Marys River)不同类型陆地生态系统作为研究对象,通过对对生态系统CO_2通量及其碳稳定同位素的观测和模拟,证实了大气边界层模型可以用于区域尺度碳通量的估算;发现了生态系统呼吸碳的稳定同位素与PPF、 TA和VPD正相关,与SWC负相关;警示了在利用碳同位素反演模型时,要考虑生态系统对碳稳定同位素判别A的年际变化。主要研究结果如下:
     1观测和比较了4个不同生态系统(Howland Forest, Harvard Forest, Wind RiverForest, Rannells Prairie)CO_2通量特点、年际变化、季节变化;解释了影响生态系统CO_2通量年际变化、季节变化的因素;发现了生长季的降水量是影响生态系统(除了Howland Forest)NEE年际变化的一个重要因子。
     5分析了影响模拟值和观测值的不一致的原因。第一个不一致是CBL模型高估冬季通量(除了Wind River site),EC-MOD的模拟结果和塔的观测相似。影响CBL模型高估的原因是冬季石化燃料的排放。第二个不一致是因为尺度的不匹配,通常通量塔的测量值只代表几公里的地方特征,而模拟的NEE代表相对较大的空间面积(106km2),反演模型往往得出较小通量。6比较了8个不同生态系统(Howland Forest, Harvard Forest, Wind River Forest,Rannells Prairie, Freeman Ranch, Chestnut Ridge, Metolius and Marys River fir)冠层上空大气CO_2碳稳定同位素δ(13)~C特点;发现了明显的δ(13)~C的季节变化和年际变化;分析了影响生态系统δ(13)~C年际变化、季节变化的因素。发展了生态系统冠层上空大气CO_2混合浓度及其碳稳定同位素δ(13)~C的变化关系相反,是植物光合作用对碳稳定同位素的判别的结果,反映了生物活动对大气层的作用。比较了不同生态系统大气边界层和对流层CO_2混合浓度和(13)~C的差的特点。7模拟了生态系统净碳交换的稳定同位素值(δ(13)~Cbio),比较了不同生态系统δ(13)~Cbio的特点。Rannells prairie的δ(13)~Cbio最小。对每一个生态系统,δ(13)~Cbio年际变化不大。相比之下,Harvard Forest各年一致性最强,Howland Forest年际变化较大。不同月份的δ(13)~Cbio变化也不大,Wind River Forest5-9月δ(13)~Cbio几乎一样,月变化最大的是Freeman Ranch和Rannells prairie。8观测和比较了生态系统呼吸碳的稳定同位素(δ(13)~CR)。生态系统δ(13)~CR的季节变化明显(特别是在针叶林生态系统),冬季δ(13)~CR低于生长季,出现夏季峰值。森林生态系统的δ(13)~CR值较高,介于-24‰和-30‰之间;草地生态系统δ(13)~CR值偏低,介于-12‰和-18‰之间。Freeman Ranch生态系统δ(13)~CR值变化幅度最大,介于-16‰和-30‰之间9详细分析了生态系统呼吸碳的稳定同位素和环境因子的关系。发现了生态系统冠层呼吸碳的稳定同位素与PPF、TA和VPD正相关,与SWC负相关。在周和水平的相关性高于月水平。10用通量权重法模拟了生态系统对碳稳定同位素的判别A,比较了不同方法(树木年轮晚材、叶子、keeling-plots和通量权重法)模拟的A值。并分析了A和环境因子的关系。森林生态系统的A的值介于17.3‰和20.0‰之间,平均值为18.5‰。不同方法估算的A比较结果显示了三个主要特点:1)在Wind River Forest, Keeling-plots估算的A比树木年轮碳同位素值(15-16.7‰)高1-2‰;2)Keeling-plots估算的A值与通量权重法估算的A值类似,平均值为~19‰(2002-2007at the Wind Riversite);3)叶子碳同位素值估算的A值与树木年轮碳同位素值估算的类似,但是比Keeling-plot估算的稍低。 A值与生长季可用水正相关。这主要是因为气孔对干旱胁迫的反应的结果。 A值的变化幅度18‰-20‰反映了Ci/Ca大概0.59-0.68的变化。11用不同方法估算了和比较了6个生态系统(Howland Forest, Harvard Forest, WindRiver Forest, Freeman Ranch, Metolius和Marys River)水分利用率WUE。FreemanRanch和Metolius的WUE较低。发现了生态系统的WUE与大气饱和压亏缺(VPD)负相关。Harvard Forest和Metolius Ponderosa Pine相关系数分别最高和最低。碳同位素法估算的生态系统水分利用效率与涡动协方差估算的WUE在Howland Forest, HarvardForest, Wind River Forest and Metolius Ponderosa Pine Forest高度一致。涡动协方差法低估了(与碳同位素法相比)Freeman Ranch和Marys River Fir两个生态系统水分利用效率。可能因为Freeman Ranch是一个C3和C4植物混合草地生态系统;Marys River Fir临海,受海雾信号影响。LE高估了冠层蒸散,造成EC WUE高于(13)~CR-WUE。
     12综合评价了4个生态系统。Harvard Forest净生态系统交换(NEE)和生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)保持最大。Howland forest生态系统的呼吸(R)比较大。森林生态系统的储碳能力大于草地,三个森林生态系统的储碳能力顺序是: Harvard Forestsite> Howland Forest> Wind River Forest。 Howland Forest的年净碳吸收量可以和Harvard Forest相比,与Harvard Forest不相上下。但是Howland Forest生长季长与Harvard Forest。Harvard Forest的最大吸收峰大于Howland Forest。研究中也分析了4个生态系统储碳能力都有增加的趋势和所在区石化燃料排放增加的趋势(特别是Harvard Forest)。
Carbon problem is a hot topic recently which seems to hit the scientific creationists thehardest, also has interesting implications for today’s earth. Research on carbon sink/source ofterrestrial ecosystem is one of the main issues of global carbon cycle. The rapid developmentof remote sensing, eddy covariance technology flux measurement and stable isotopetechnology have greatly improved the progress of research on terrestrial ecosystem carboncycle. Currently, modeling is one of the tools to study regional/global terrestrial ecosystemcarbon cycle. Developing of fusion approach (flux data, remote sensing data and model),increasing the precision of measurement and modeling could greatly improve ourunderstanding/modeling/predicting of terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle.
     This study carefully selected8different terrestrial ecosystems (Howland Forest, HarvardForest, Wind River Forest, Rannells Prairie, Freeman Ranch, Chestnut Ridge, Metolius andMarys River). By measure and model the ecosystem CO_2flux and its Carbon stable isotope,we suggest that the equilibrium boundary layer budget method can serve as a routine,diagnostic analysis to interpret long-term NEE observations in flux networks, providing anintermediate-level analysis to complement aircraft/MODIS based integration efforts forestimates of continental carbon budget. We find that the carbon isotope composition ofecosystem respired CO_2is positive to PPF, TA and VPD, negative e to SWC. We noted theimportance of the variation of annual ecosystem(13)~C discrimination when using inversionmodel. The important results list as follows:
     1Measured and compared different ecosystem (Howland Forest, Harvard Forest, WindRiver Forest, Rannells Prairie) CO_2flux, interannual and seasonal variation. By understoodthe factors which affect the variation, we found out that the growing season precipitation wasthe main factor which could affect ecosystem interannual NEE variation.
     2Introduced and compared the approaches of study ecosystem CO_2flux. Also weanalyzed the factors that contribute to the uncertainty of each approach. The uncertainty intower eddy CO_2fluxes include but are not limited to: instrument deficiency (e.g. loss ofspectrum energy under low turbulence), oversimplification in theory (e.g. zero divergence incomplex terrain) and representative errors (e.g. tower locations not representative of dominant vegetation types). Uncertainties associated with the inverse modeling approach employed hereinclude: errors in the CO_2mixing ratio measurements (both near the surface and in the freetroposphere), unreliable estimates of boundary layer heights and vertical transport across thetop of the atmospheric boundary layer, and the assumption of an equilibrium boundary layerover time periods longer than synoptic scales. There are several sources of uncertaintyassociated with EC-MOD flux estimates, including uncertainties in the: eddy fluxmeasurements, land cover, model structural, representativeness of the AmeriFlux sitelocations (Xiao et al.2008,2001), and finally, the negligence of fossil CO_2fluxes.
     3Introduced the CBL model. We found the seasonal variation of BLH, highest at July,lower at winter. We conducted a series uncertainty analysis of CBL model and discussedtoward equilibrium H2O and CO_2exchange in the ABL at monthly time scales. We evaluatedthe contribution and limitation of CBL model.
     4We evaluated the EC-MOD approach, and discussed the uncertainty of estimating NEE.
     5We analyzed the factors which attributes to the difference in the model and tower NEE.The first type of systematic differences was found in the wintertime fluxes, in which CBLmodel fluxes were consistently larger than tower NEE at all but Wind River site. The EC-MOD approach consistently predicted wintertime fluxes closer to the tower measurementsthan the CBL model, irrespective of EC-MOD spatial scale. The factor influence wintertimefluxes is the effects of fossil fuel emission which could proved by the regional fossil fuelfluxes of CO_2estimated from CO data measured and δ(13)~C values associated with net CO_2fluxes (δ(13)~Cnet). The second type of systematic differences results from a scale mismatchbetween tower and model footprints. Inversion models relying on mixing ratio observationshave often reported smaller fluxes when compared to tower-based NEE measurements.
     6We compared the Midday CO_2mixing ratios and δ(13)~C of atmospheric CO_2measuredabove the canopy at8ecosystem(Howland Forest, Harvard Forest, Wind River Forest,Rannells Prairie, Freeman Ranch, Chestnut Ridge, Metolius and Marys River fir). We foundthe seasonal interannual variation. We analyzed the factors which affect the variation. Wefound the reverse variation of CO_2mixing ratios and δ(13)~C of canopy atmospheric CO_2whichcaused by plant photosynthetic discrimination of(13)~C. Also we compared the CO_2mixingratios and its δ(13)~C between canopy and BL.
     7We estimated the ecosystem (13)~C values associated with NEE (δ(13)~Cbio), and comparedδ(13)~Cbioof different8ecosystems. Rannells prairie showed the lowest δ(13)~Cbiovalues. Generallyspeaking, δ(13)~Cbiokept consistent (better consistence appeared at Harvard Forest,the greaterinterannual variation appeared at Howland Forest). Monthly δ(13)~Cbioshowed also consistent(δ(13)~Cbioof Wind River almost the same from May to September. the greater monthly variation appeared at Freeman Ranch and Rannells prairie).
     8We measured and compared the carbon isotope ratios of ecosystem respired CO_2(δ(13)~CR). Higher δ(13)~CRvalues (-24‰和-30‰) appeared at forest ecosystem and lower δ(13)~CRvalues (-12‰and-18‰) appeared at grassland. Seasonal fluctuations of δ(13)~CRwererepeatedly observed in many of our study sites. Generally speaking, values of δ(13)~CRare moredepleted in winter, with progressive enrichment from the onset of a growing season to the endof summer. This seasonal pattern of δ(13)~CRappeared to be more consistent in coniferousforests。Freeman Ranch showed a bigger variation (-16‰and-30‰).
     9We analyzed the relationship between δ(13)~CRand environmental variables on weeklyand monthly time scales and found out that δ(13)~CRwere positive to PPF TA and VPD,negative to SWC (higher correlation coefficient at weekly scale).
     10we used a flux-weighted approach to estimate canopy-level(13)~C of plantdiscrimination (ΔA) for each of the study sites and compared the ΔA value of differentecosystem. These observation-based estimates of ΔA fall in the range between17.3‰and20.0‰with an average ca.18.5‰in forest ecosystems. Our estimates are very close to thevalue expected from wood cellulose samples that was thought to be most appropriate foratmospheric inversion analysis The Latewood cellulose was extracted from tree ring samplesand analyzed for(13)~C ratios from1996to2009. These ΔA estimates from woody tissues werecompared with those derived from bulk leaves, Keeling-plots and the flux-weighted approach.Our results suggest3important patterns:(1) ΔA values derived from nocturnal air samples(Keeling-plots) were consistently2-4‰higher than those derived from wood cellulose (15-16.7‰),(2) ΔA values derived from Keeling-plots were similar to those derived from theflux-weighted approach, with an average value~19‰between2002-2007at the Wind Riversite, and (3) bulk-leaf ΔA values were close but somewhat smaller than Keeling-plot ΔA. Weanalyzed the relationships between annual-mean ΔA and the growing-season water availability.ΔA positive correlation was observed between ΔA and water availability within a site, likelyas a result of a general stomata response to drought stress during dry years. AΔ change from18‰to20‰approximately corresponds to a change from0.59to0.68in Ci/Ca.
     11We estimated and compared the ecosystem WUE at6ecosystems (Howland Forest,Harvard Forest, Wind River Forest, Freeman Ranch, Metolius and Marys River). The WUE ofFreeman Ranch and Metolius showed the lower values. We found a strong negativecorrelation between WUE and VPD for all sites, with Harvard Forest site and MetoliusPonderosa Pine site showing the highest and lowest sensitivity, respectively. We comparedecosystem WUE calculated using eddy covariance flux (EC WUE) and carbon isotope (δ(13)~CR-WUE) measurements. There was good agreement between WUE values calculated using eddy covariance flux and carbon isotope measurements at all but the Freeman Ranch site. EC-WUEvalues underestimate long-term expected WUE at Freeman Ranch site (an open savannasystem) and Marys River Fir (a coastal forest with frequent fog formation) site. At these twosites, LE likely overestimate canopy transpiration, resulting in an underestimation ofecosystem WUE when compared to(13)~C-based WUE values.
     12We evaluated the main4ecosystems. Harvard Forest consistently showed the greatestNEE and GPP, while Howland forest showed the greatest R. The net annual C uptake in theHowland Forest is comparable to Harvard Forest, the longer growing season in HowlandForest compensates with the result that both sites have the similar annual rates of C storage.Although maximum rates of uptake are greater at Harvard Forest than at Howland Forest. Theuptake ability of the forest ecosystems (Harvard Forest site> Howland Forest> Wind RiverForest) were greater than grasslands. Also we analyzed the increasing tendency of CO_2uptakeability and regional fossil fuel emission (especially at Harvard Forest).
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