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The new century will be a even more fierce competition and the living environment.Most enterprises will face a series of challenges, such as speed, change, uncertainty , flexibility and so on. Under the high pressure including an increasingly competitive market, ever-changing customers' demands and accelerating technological innovation, enterprises must have the ability to learn agilely. Only with the agile learning ability, enterprises can respond timely to the changes and obtain sustainable development.
     In the 1970s and 1980s, American scholars brought forward the well-known agile manufacturing for the U.S. manufacturing sector to deal with the intense competition and changeable environment and maintain the status of world power. The successful application of the agile thought in the manufacturing area made the thought expanded rapidly in all fields: from the agile manufacture to agile enterprise organization, the agile supply chain management, agile project management, and agile learning, all this is the strategic thinking to develop in depth and inevitably. The proposal of agile learning is agile thinking expands in the scope and develops in depth. In practice, agile manufacturing is popular in countries around the world because of the renewal of the U.S. manufacturing sector. In China, for the unsuccessful implementation of agile manufacturing, we have to look for the deep-seated motive of implementation of agile manufacturing.The motivity of agile manufacturing comes from agile learning. Only achieving agile learning, the organization can realize agile manufacturing and become an agile organization.
     The competitive environment of last century creats agile manufacturing, and the new century gives the birth of agile learning. Based on the study of literature and practice in the confusion and reflection, from the characteristics of organizational learning and the theory of agile manufacturing, the author defined the concept of agile learning and supported that the thought and strategies of agile learning should be built on the systematic theoretical framework, so the paper proposed the ideal of organizational learning elememts system and studied it. Based on it, the paper futher innovative constructed a system of agile learning elements in theoretical. Agile learning in this paper means an enterprise or an organization learn new knowledge agilely so that respond rapidly to the external environment changes. More specifically, it means that with the modern information technology tools, the enterprises or organizations rapidly integrate the various elements of learning, effectively coordinate and optimize the allocation of the resources to achieve agile learning and innovation to give rapid response to external environment changes and ultimately improve their core competitiveness. It focuses on fast, efficient and flexible learning to continue to innovate and respond to changes of the external environment. This concept includes the quick response to demand, the integration of learning resources, the adjustable agility of learning process, human resources management synergies and flexible mechanism of learning and so on. The theoretic agile learning elements system includes agile learning external drivers, internal drivers(shared vision), learning resources, learning supports, learning process, learning patterns, interpersonal trust and human resources management practice support. The article constructs a theoretical research model of agile learning elements system, which includes agile learning external drivers, internal drivers, agile learning elements and agile ability.
     On the basis of theoretical research, the paper conducts an empirical research according to the samples of China's enterprises. Based on the exploratory factor and confirmatory factor analysis to the theoretic agile learning factors system by computation model, the paper distinguish the different importance of the elements, and then established a practice of Chinese enterprises agile learning elements system: agile learning external drivers, internal drivers(shared vision), learning resources, learning supports, learning process, learning patterns, interpersonalship and human resources management practice support. First, the paper determines the main factors by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, and then studies the relationship between the factors and agile learning by regression analysis. We get all levels factors of agile learning through the analysis and comparison of the regression results. It shows that: the factor of learning process is the most important factor, and it is a good support for the theoretical model of this paper, in which the learning process is the core of agile learning system. The organizational strategic goal is the second-class important factor, it reflects the importance of agile learning internal driving force. The interpersonal trust factor and human resource management practices support factor (especially access to staff support, staff training support and the performance evaluation support) are the third-important factors. Interest relation factor, emotional tie factor, efficiency of work factor, learning support factor are the fourth important factors, which reflect the impact of the interpersonalship (interest relation factor and emotional tie factor), exploitation learning pattern and the teamwork form to the agile learning. Agile learning external drives, network information are the fifth-important factors, which partly effect agile learning. Finally, the paper further studies the model of agile learning elements system by Bayesian classification model. It concludes that the model is reasonable. All results of the empirical research mostly support the theoretical research in this paper.
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