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     内镜技术应用于治疗甲状腺疾病具有美容效果好、疼痛轻、恢复快的优点而受到广大患者的青睐,因此内镜甲状腺手术得到快速的发展,出现了各种各样的手术径路,各种手术方法都有其优缺点,目前尚无一种大家公认的最好的内镜甲状腺手术方法。一种比较完善的内镜甲状腺手术方法应在具备安全性和可行性的基础上,还要具备手术创伤小、美容效果佳,操作容易,并发症少,预后好、易推广的特点,而国内常用的双乳晕内镜甲状腺手术由于胸前皮肤组织韧而致密,血液循环不丰富,因此术后该部位常出现一手术疤痕,最大的有2-3cm长,影响了美观,而内镜甲状腺手术最大的好处就是美容效果好,这样的疤痕使该径路的内镜甲状腺手术的效果大大折扣,也给患者带来局部搔痒隐疼不适的感觉,为了克服这个不足,有学者对该手术切口进行了改进,即将原正中的横切口改为一侧胸骨旁的竖切口,这样的改进有一定的效果,但不明显,有的患者仍出现疤痕疙瘩,为了克服这些缺点,有必要探索一种美容效果更好,创伤小,恢复快,预后好而操作难度与乳晕径路相当的内镜甲状腺手术方法。为改善美容效果我们将乳晕径路的胸壁切口转移到腋窝,进行了内镜经腋窝单孔甲状腺手术(Trans-axillary single-port endoscopic thyroidectomy(TASPET))和内镜双乳晕同侧腋窝径路甲状腺手术(bilateral breast and ipsilateral axillary approach(BBIAA)),本课题对这两种手术方法进行研究,探讨其安全可行性,并与标准的乳晕径路内镜甲状腺手术进行比较分析,分析不同手术径路的的创伤大小,并发症情况及美容效果等情况,提出神经和甲状旁腺保护应坚持的原则,探索一种合理的内镜甲状腺手术方法。
     结果34例均成功的完成手术,无中转手术,手术时间104±25.3min;术中出血量10.5±3.69m1;手术分离皮瓣的面积78.6±8.64c m2;术后无并发症,术后第一天引流量84.5±62.56ml。术后住院时间2-3天,术后第一天VAS疼痛评分0-2分,术后随访2-12个月,无复发,对美容效果满意。
     结果52例均成功的完成手术,1例由于出血中转手术,手术时间124.6±32.98min (70-195min)术中出血量24.8±42.29ml (5-200ml);手术分离皮瓣的面积147.85±9.32cm2(128-170cm2)术后第一天引流量103.33±69.02ml(10-270ml)。术后住院时间3-4天,术后VAS疼痛评分2.29±1.7(0-7)分,术后胸前皮肤麻木感8例,喉返神经损伤3例,喉上神经损伤1例,无永久性神经损伤。低钙血症2例,术后随访4-20个月,无复发,对美容效果满意。
     目的比较BBIAA、TASPET、内镜双乳晕径路((bilateral breast approach endoscopic throidectomy(BBAET))三种甲状腺手术的临床效果,以探索内镜甲状腺手术的合理方案。
Endoscoic thyroidectomy is a safe and effective method that gives good surgical completeness, minimal invasion, quick recovery and an excellent cosmetic result. Therefore,This method is a good choice for patients with surgical thyroid diseases.Since the first reported endoscopic parathyroidectomy for hyperparathyroidism in1996, various endoscopic techniques have been applied to benign thyroid diseases including those that involve access via breast, anterior chest wall, axilla, breast-axilla,single-port,and trans-oral.which had advantages and disadvantaes separately.Endoscopic thyroidectomy by the breast approach is a populary surgery now, but there was usually a scar in the chest wall, which induced discomfortable and bad cosmetic result.there were some measures to improve this disadvantages,but the result were not ideal. However, ideal approch of endoscopic thyroidectomy should be safe, simple maniplation, less postoperative complications minimal invasion, quick recovery, an excellent cosmetic result and easy spread. So it is necessary to explore a ideal approch of endoscopic thyroidectomy. For this reasion,Trans-axillary single-port endoscopic thyroidectomy (TASPET) and endoscopic thyroidectomy via bilateral breast and ipsilateral axillary approach(BBIAA) had been developed,The aims of this study are to analyze their surgical outcomes and to evaluate the effectiveness and safety,the results of two approchs were made a systematic comparative analysis.
     Part I Total endoscopic thyroidectomy via bilateral breast and ipsilateral axillary approach(BBIAA):a clinical feasibility study
     Objective To explore the feasibility and safety of totalendoscopic thyroidectomy via bilateral breast and ipsilateral axillary approach(BBIAA), and evaluate the outcomes of this procedure.
     Methods Between May2011and august2012,34patients with thyroid diseases underwent endoscopic thyroidectomy via BBIAA.The patients clinical data,operative time,blood loss,drainage amounts,complications, hospital stay,area of skin flap,postoperative visualanalog pain score(VAPS) were analyzed retrospectively. We describe here the details of our operative technique.
     Results Of34patients,33were diagnosed with benign thyroid disease by pathologic diagnosis.1patient were diagnosed with early thyroid papillary carcinoma,The patient returned to the operating room to have a complete endoscopic radical thyroidectomy via the breast approach.34patients successfully underwent endoscopic thyroidectomy. No postoperative complications,Mean Operation time was104±25.3min. Mean blood loss was10.5±3.69ml. The average area of skin flap was78.6±8.64cm2. Mean postoperative drainage amounts on day1were84.5±62.56ml. The average hospital stay after opearation was3to4days. The postoperative VAS on day1were0-2. Follow-up visits range from2to12months suggested that no one had relapse. Furthermore, the patients were uniformly pleased with the cosmetic results of the operation.
     Conclusions Endoscopic thyroidectomy via BBIAA is a safe and effective method that gives good surgical completeness, minimal invasion, quick recovery,simple maniplation,less postoperative complications and an excellent cosmetic result. Therefore,This method is a good choice for patients with surgical thyroid diseases.
     Part Ⅱ Total trans-axillary single-port endoscopic thyroidectomy: a clinical feasibility study
     Objective To explore the feasibility and safety of trans-axillary single-port endoscopic thyroidectomy(TASPET), and evaluate the outcomes of this procedure.
     Methods Between April2011and October2012,53patients with thyroid diseases underwent TASPET.The patients clinical data,operative time,blood loss,drainage amounts,complications,hospital stay,postoperative visualanalog pain score(VAPS) were analyzed retrospectively. We describe here the details of our operative technique.
     Results Of53patients,51were diagnosed with benign thyroid disease by pathologic diagnosis.2patients were diagnosed with early thyroid papillary carcinoma, The2patients returned to the operating room to have a complete endoscopic radical thyroidectomy via the breast approach. Of the53patients,52patients successfully underwent endoscopic thyroidectomy. One case were subjected to open thyroidectomy due to uncontrolled bleeding.Mean Operation time was124.6±32.98min (70-195min). Mean blood loss was24.8±42.29ml(5-200ml). The mean area of skin flap was147.85±9.32cm2(128-170cm2). Mean postoperative drainage amounts on day1were103.33±69.02ml(10-270ml). The mean hospital stay after opearation was3to4days. The postoperative VAS were2.29±1.7(0-7).Regarding postoperative complications, postoperative incision infection occurred in7%of patients,transient hypocalcemia occurred in3.8%of patients and no permanent hypoparathyroidism occurred.,Chest skin numbness occurred in15%of patients, nerve injury occurred in7.6%of patiets,included3patients experienced injury of recurrent nerve and1patient experienced injury of superior laryngeal nerve. No permanent neurological damage. Follow-up visits range from4to20months suggested that no one had relapse. Furthermore, the patients were uniformly pleased with the cosmetic results of the operation.
     Conclusions TASPET is a safe and effective method that gives good surgical completeness, minimal invasion, quick recovery and an excellent cosmetic result. Therefore,This method is a choice for patients with surgical thyroid diseases.
     Part Ⅲ Endoscopic thyroidectomy by BBAET, BBIAA and TASPET: a prospective study
     Objective To compare the clinical efficency of endoscopic thyroidectomy via BBIAA BBAET and TASPET in a prospective study, and to explore the rational approch.
     Methods Between August2010and August2012, ninety patients were underwent endoscopic thyroidectomy:20cases were underwent BBIAA (group BBIAA),42patients were underwent (TASPET)(group TASPET)and28cases were underwent (BBAET). Operative time, blood loss,the volume of drainage,time of postoperative stay, postoperative complications,postoperative visualanalog score(VAPS) and the level of postoperative CRP were compared among three groups. Each indexes were made rank correlation analysis.
     Results There were no significantly differences in old, operation time, volume of blood loss,the diameterof thyroid tumer, time of postoperation stay and postoperative drainage amounts on day1. There were no significantly of every indexes between group BBIAA and group BBAET. Mean blood loss of during operation was significantly less in group BBAET(12.3±4.1ml) than in group TASPET (23.69±42.54ml)(P=0.03),Mean Operation time was no significantly between group BBAET and group TASPET, The mean area of skin flap in group TASPET were more than that in group open (150.57±10.639cm2vs84.1±1.346cm2)(p<0.05), postoperative visualanalog score(VAS) and the level of postoperative CRP was less in group BBAET than that in group TASPET.there was1case postoperative complications in group BBAET.however,there were12cases in group TASPET, included2cases of postoperative incision infection,1cases of transient hypocalcemia, and no permanent hypoparathyroidism occurred.,6cases of Chest skin numbness,3cases of nerve injury,included2patients experienced injury of recurrent nerve and1patient experienced injury of superior laryngeal nerve. No permanent neurological damage.
     There were no significantly differences in blood loss, time of postoperation stay and postoperative drainage amounts on day1between group BBIAA and group TASPET. Mean Operation time was significantly less in group BBIAA(102.5±29.15min) than in group TASPET (128.07±41.7min)(P <0.05),The mean area of skin flap in group TASPET were more than that in group open (150.57±10.639cm2vs85±7.56cm2)(p=0.00)) postoperative visualanalog score(VAS) and the level of postoperative CRP was less in group BBIAA than that in group TASPET.there was no postoperative complications in group BBIAA.however,there were12cases in group TASPET, included2 cases of postoperative incision infection,1cases of transient hypocalcemia, and no permanent hypoparathyroidism occurred.,6cases of Chest skin numbness,3cases of nerve injury,included2patients experienced injury of recurrent nerve and1patient experienced injury of superior laryngeal nerve. No permanent neurological damage.
     The rank correlation analysis is no significantly in group BBIAA and group BBAET.but which had some significantly in group TASPET, included Operative time was positive correlation to the area of skin flap (r=0,321,p=0.038);postoperative complication was positive correlation to the volume of blood loss (r=0.309,p=0.047),the level of postoperative CRP was positive correlation to the area of skin flap (r=0,379,p=0.013).postoperative visualanalog score(VAS) was positive correlation to the level of postoperative CRP (r=0.321,p=0.038).Follow-up visits range from4to20months suggested that no one had relapse. Furthermore, the patients were uniformly pleased with the cosmetic results of the operation.
     Conclusion compared to the common approch of BBAET, BBIAA and TASPET are also safe and feasible for endoscopic thyroideetomy, and all with excellent cosmetic benefits.The degree of injury and postoperative complications were more serious in group TASPET,which are maybe related to the dissecting area for creating subcutaneous tunnel and the chang of field of vision. So the processing of TASPET are maybe more hard and difficulty than thats of BBIAA.
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    1. Gagner M. Endoscopic subtotal parathyroidectomy in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Br J Surg,1996,83:875.
    2. Ikeda Y, Takami H, Niimi M, Kan S, Sasaki Y, Takayama J(2001) Endoscopic thyroidectomy by the axillary approach. Surg Endosc 15:1362-1364
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    11.Ikeda Y, Takami H, Niimi M, Kan S, Sasaki Y, Takayama J(2001) Endoscopic thyroidectomy by the axillary approach. Surg Endosc 15:1362-1364
    12.Chantawibul S, Lokechareonlarp S, Pokawatana C (2003)Total video endoscopic thyroidectomy by an axillary approach.J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 13:295-299
    13.Udomsawaengsup S, Navicharern P, Tharavej C, Pungpapong SU(2004) Endoscopic transaxillary thyroid lobectomy:flexible vs rigid laparoscope. J Med Assoc Thai 87(suppl 2):10-14
    14.Yoon JH, Park CH, Chung WY (2006) Gasless endoscopic thy-roidectomy via an axillary approach:experience of 30 cases. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 16:226-231
    15.Jung EJ, Park ST, Ha WS, Choi SK, Hong SC, Lee YJ, Jeong CYJoo YT, Moon HG (2007) Endoscopic thyroidectomy using a gasless axillary approach. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A17:21-25
    16.Witzel K (2007) The axillary access in unilateral thyroid resec-tion. Langenbecks Arch Surg 392:617-621
    17.Duncan TD, Rashid Q, Speights F, Ejeh I (2007) Endoscopic transaxillary approach to the thyroid gland:our early experience. Surg Endosc 21:2166-2171
    18.Ohgami M, Ishii S, Arisawa Y, Ohmori T, Noga K, Furukawa T,Kitajima M (2000) Scarless endoscopic thyroidectomy:breastapproach for better cosmesis. Surg Laparosc Endosc PercutanTech 10:1-4
    19.Yamamoto M, Sasaki A, Asahi H, Shimada Y, Sato N, NakajimaJ, Mashima R, Saito K (2001) Endoscopic subtotal thyroidectomy for patients with Graves'disease. Surg Today 31:1-4
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