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In the 1820s, soviet and countries in the east Europe changed the society system suddenly. The socialist movement in the world had a beat that it has never met before. The west countries were glad to crazy to congratulate their victory , while waiting the appearance of "Domino Cards". In the case, China didn't learn from other countries, instead she still insisted putting her flag of reform. She found out the appropriate steps by examining her own reform. These movements made the movement of socialism to form a wide road after finding no road. So the socialist ship to go down was saved, China became the strongest strength in the socialist movement. In the thesis, I will have a systematical instruction and study with the course of Chinese reform by studying the reformative theory to have a complete understand, and some scientific enlightenment to have leading part in ova future reform.
    Chinese reform has its own special causes. 1. Socialism sanction requires the reform. Any society sanction including capitalism sanction has a special law in the developing route. So just like it, socialism sanction also has a special law in making itself becoming completed and reform is just the law of its developing course. 2. The things in china is, at that moment, the direct course to reform with the influence of soviet socialism frame and little experience in building socialism, "left" route had an Important role in china, our economy and political things were very bad including stopping in economy and adoring individuals and so on, in the end "culture revolution" make our economy fall into a dying edge. Only through reform, can we get a chance to live. 3. The advancement of times and the changes of the international things are our outer pressure in reform. With the developing
    of socialism from one country to another, the capitalism is very afraid, so They are not friendly to us and destroy our building. After the technical innovations, with the productive forces developing very quickly, the capitalist countries wanted to make our socialism become together with their sanction without any war. Facing these things, we must change our economy system and get the technical fruits from capitalist world to make our country become stronger. 4.Making socialism into china requires reform. As we have no experience in building socialism, on the other hand, the experience in other countries are not fit for china, so we must try our best to find a course to build our sanction and thus reform is the fundamental course to make socialism Chinese.
    The Chinese reform courses. Bud step 1. The three reforms in front of the third plenary session in middle 1950s, comrade Mao ZheDong had some practice in trying to escape from soviet socialism frame. Comrade Liushaoqi had some opinion about political system reform, with comrade Chenyun's economical system reform including Dengxiaoping's practice in 1975. 2/The causes of stops of the reforms. The theory and the practice are not agreeable. As our party had just come from the warning stage into the building stage, she had an ideal frame in socialism building and the ideals can't accord with the practice in subjective. In the objective aspects, with the things in china, the tune having a reform has not come, the planned economy system still had its own stage, so the market economy can't be on in the old system. The reform had no chance to be on at that time. In spite of the failure of these reforms, the light and the spark of them are always sparking; they made a route in reform and had a reform idea in it.
    The complete spreading stage 1. The third plenary session in 1978 made a task in economy system reform. It began in countryside and spread into city. The cause is that the poor things in countryside after culture revolution forced the peasant to have their reform. The reform in countryside made the productive forces move quickly had a higher moving in products, the development of village and township enterprises, the working forces in village into city and so on. These
    all forced the city have a refo
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