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It essential to study the supply & demand of gene-modified cotton seed,the competition and management of the seed industry for cotton yield in China,improvement of competitive of the native seed enterprises from aspect of sustainable development.Based on journal-searching and expert-consultation,together with the accumulation of studyings of the researcher on the industrialization of cotton seed for couple of years,the thesis analysises the demand &supply of gene-modified cotton and the competitive state of cotton seed industry in a sysmtematicly way after having working on the seed industry all around the world.It constructs seven strategies to boost the management of the national gene-modified cotton seed industry,to elevate the orderliness of the industry,and to strenthen the competitive force of the national seed enterprises.The thesis draws some valuable and practical conclusions about the industry.
    The findings of the thesis can present some theoretical guide and decision support for the effective administration of gene-modified cotton seed industry ,for the seed
    reeding sectors and seed enterprises to manage the seed bussiness efficiently.Furthermore,It can give some recommendations and references for the industrialization of gene-modified plant seed as well.
    What?been done with in the thesis is merely part of the complicated system of the gene-modified cotton seed industry,therefore,there must be a lot of questions remaining unsettled.
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