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Formal preschool art education in our country began from late the 19th century.It was about one hundred years till now. Before 90s' in the 20th century, preschool art education developed quite slowly on the whole and then it came into a new period. However, there still have been some problems in preschool art education to be solved. Due to persistent innovation, historical relations in preschool art education have been severed in theory. It also has been deviated on two extremes in practice either to emphasize techniques in preschool art education or to be bogged down in its humanities which make preschool art education bear too much moral responsibilities. Moreover, as the important part of basic education, preschool art education is developing unbalancedly throughout our country and this inevitably affect the whole development of preschool art education and its continuous development. Problems in our preschool art education from it structures to functions, from its contents to its methods make the research
    ers of preschool art education face the challenge how to put them togther and think about them comprehensively to seek a unified plan. Ecology as a new developing science, is gradually overstepping its initial meaning and permeating into other scientific fields. Ecology mainly researches the living conditions of living organisms and relations between them. But its laws about organisms and their environment enlightens the research of preschool art education. In this article, I try to use the ecological theories to research the ecological relations in preschool art education, and analyze their forms and functions. I also consider preschool art education as an organism under the background of our education and culture, even our social economies and politics. Thus, my research would probably exploit
    a new field and provide a new train of thought for our preschool art education in theory research, on the other had, it can direct and support the continuous development of child art education and can also provide a new field of vision and theoretical basis to solve the problems in our preschool art education nowadays.
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