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Generally speaking, there are two kinds of teacher appraisal
    systems with different purposent. 0ne is the teacher appraisal system
    for accountaability, the other is the teacher appraisal system for
    professional development.
    The teacher appraisal system for accountability is a traditional
    syatem, It aims at reward and punishment on the basis of the teachers'
    performance, such as dismissal, promotion, transfer, demotion, salary
    increase, salaty decrease and mer it pay, Such a system cannot guarantee
    all the teachers to take an active part in it with a frank attitude.
    But the traditional system with quite a few disavantages is still in
    use in China.
    The teaeher appraisal system for professional development is a
    nwe system, It aims at the professional development of all the teachers,
    based on the mutual understanding of appraisers and appraisees and with
    the barmon ious atmospber s runn ing througb tbe wbole 7rocesB. S ince tbe
    late 1980s an6 tbe early 1990B, G!eat Br itain haB introluced the new
    teacber appraisal syBtem. It ha8 been a99reciated by tbe great ma j or ity
    of tbe teacber8 and they 8ay that tbe ne' sy8tem is a strong mea8ure
    to fac i l itate al l tbe teaeher8' profe8B ional deve lopment, an effeet ive
    ,ay to eorrect thei! sborteomings and a6d to the ir acbieYemntB, and a
    very impor tant reform in educat ional fie l6,
    The doctoral diBBer tat ion analy8e8 the n'e systeo' 8 background,
    implementation anl theory, in tle l ight of tbe !evie' of the
    traditional teacbet ap7raisal 8ytem an6 the fiel6 8tud7 of the ne'
    teaeber appra iBal Bystem.
    I ho9e that the di8Bertation 'ill give an impetu8 to the current
    teacher apPra i8al sy8tem in Ch ina, eorrect ing its di sadvantage8 in
    theory an' in pract ice, arous ing tbe teaebers' enthus iaBm an6
    improY ing the fe 1at ionsh i7 bet'een scbool author ity and teaeher sj
    teahers an' teacbef Bj teaberB and 8tulents, teacher s an6 parentB an6
    teacbers and coorun ities, and f inal ly improve teacbing gua1 ity anl
    e 6uca t iona l gua l i t y.
1. Alan Evans & John Tomlinson, 'Teacher Appraisal: A Nationwide Approach", (ed.), London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1989.
    2. Cyril & Doreen Poster, 'Teacher Appraisal: Training and Implementation', (2nd Ediion), London: Routledge, 1993.
    3. Department of Education and Science & Welsh Office, 'Teaching Quality", London :HMSO, 1983.
    4. Department of Education and Science & Welsh Office, 'Better School', London: HMSO, 1985.
    5. Department of Education and Science, "Education Reform Act", London: HMSO, 1988.
    6. Department of Education and Science, HMI Report: 'Dvevelopments in the Appraisal of Teachers", London: DES, 1989.
    7. Heywood, J, 'School Teacher Appraisal: for Monetary Reward, or Professional Development, or Both? ' in Tomlinson, H.(ed.), 'Performance-Related Pay in Education", London; Routledge, 1992.
    8. Her Majesty's Inspectors, 'Quality in School: Evaluation and Appraisal', London: HMSO, 1985.
    9. HMSO, 'School Teacher Appraisal: A National Framework', London: HMSO, 1989.
    10. HMSO, "The Education (School Teacher Apprraisal) Regulations 1991", London: HMSO, 1991.
    11. MacGregor, D.G, "The Human Side of Enterprise", London: McGraw-Hill, 1960.
    12. Maslow, A. H, "Motivation and Human Personality", New York:Harper, 1959.
    13. Montgomery, Diane & Hadfield Norma, 'Practical Teacher Appraisal', London: Kogan Page Ltd, 1989.
    14. Munn, P, "Parents and Schools: Customers, Managers or Partnerts ? ", (ed.), London: Routledge, 1993.
    15. NDC, "Consortium of School Teacher Appraisal Pilot Schemes ; Progess on Appraisal: An Interim Report", Bristol: National Development Centre for School Management Training, 1988.
    16. 俞文钊 《管理心理学》 甘肃人民出版社1989年6月版
    17. 邹宜民 《比较管理学》 南京大学出版社1993年12月版
    18. 马斯洛著 林方译 《人性能达的境界》 云南人民出版社1987年8月版
    19. 《中小学管理》杂志社编 《中小学管理纵览》(上册) 首都师范大学出版社1996年8月版
    20. 《中小学管理》杂志社编 《中小学管理纵览》(下册) 首都师范大学出版社1996年8月版
    21. 郑和钧 协同教学与素质发展 湖南师范大学出版社1994年版

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