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The teacher efficacy based on the self-efficacy theory is teacher's judgment of his personal ability or his collectivity abilities that he as a person or they as a whole can successfully organize and implement behaviors through which a special goal is attainted. It is a concept involving teacher personal efficacy and teacher collective efficacy. The teacher efficacy follows the operational mechanism of self-efficacy involving cognitive processes, motivational processes, affective processes and choice process. The precondition of development of the teacher efficacy sense is that of the four efficacy information sources of the self-efficacy sense involving enactive mastery experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion and psychological and physiological states. But the precondition of the sense of teacher personal efficacy or the teacher collective efficacy development has its' speciality for the special applied domain and the difference between the person and group.Based on the self-efficacy theory, the teacher efficacy reaserches in thirties years in the western country are on the relations between the teacher efficacy and teacher's functions of psychologies and behaviors, the relations between the teacher efficacy and school performance , and the development and change of the teacher efficacy. The teacher efficacy researches since 1990s in our country are on the general literature summarization and theoretic issues, the relations between the sense of teacher efficacy and its' related factors, t the structure of the teacher efficacy and revision of teacher efficacy scales, and the applications in special domain. At present, the teacher efficacy researches are in difficulties, but the synthetic analysis model of teacher efficacy reasearch should be regarded as a directional model of the teacher efficacy researches in the future, because it is a initial solution for the difficulties.Currently, the school organizational form, school organizational culture, leading model and goal of school changing have trends to the school learning organization, school new organizational culture, school transformational leadership and school effectiveness. So, those trends are analyzed, the related contents about learning organization theory, transformational leadership theory, school effectiveness theory and school new organizational culture are dwelled on, the relations between them and teacher efficacy are respectively discussed, and the elementary school teachers taken as study objects, the experience researches of the relations are made in this thesis. There are some significative conclusions as follows:1、 There are most significant positive correlations among the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense, and there is a significant canonical correlation between the teacher personal efficacy sense and teacher collective efficacy sense.2、 The teacher personal efficacy sense is a significant predictor of the teacher collective efficacy sense.3、 The school learning organization level is most significantly positively correlated to the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense, respectively. And there is a significant canonical correlation between the school learning organization level and the teacher personal efficacy sense and teacher collective efficacy sense4、 The school learning organization is a significant predictor of the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense.
    5> The school new organizational culture is most significantly positively correlated to the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense, respectively. And there is a significant canonical correlation between the school new organizational culture and the teacher personal efficacy sense and teacher collective efficacy sense.6^ The school new organizational culture is a significant predictor of the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense.7> The school transformational leadership is most significantly positively correlated to the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense, respectively. And there is a significant canonical correlation between the school new organizational culture and the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense.8^ The school transformational leadership is a significant predictor of the teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense.9n The teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense and teacher holistic efficacy sense are significantly positively correlated to school effectiveness and its composed indexes, respectively. And there is a significant canonical correlation between the teacher efficacy sense and school effectiveness.10> The teacher personal efficacy sense, teacher collective efficacy sense are all the significant predictors of the school effectiveness.IK The teacher personal efficacy sense and teacher collective efficacy sense can both directly influence school effectiveness and act as agency of the school learning organization, school new organizational culture and school transformational leadership that influence school effectiveness.
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