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The present study belongs to a newly emerging and promising cross-disciplinary research, referred to as law and language (Forensic Linguistics). The present study explores the power indicators during police interrogation practice so as to evidence the claim that police interrogators override suspects in an all around way. Police interrogators undertake an“authoritative”discursive role in police-suspect confrontation. Police interrogators are accustomed to exerting this discursive power and never reflect on its barrier to the realization of institutional goals. Police officers, therefore, should lower figure to strike a better balance in the asymmetrical power relationship between the interrogators and suspects. They are advised to adapt a change in discursive roles and conduct“interview”instead of“interrogation”.
     Chapter 1 introduces“forensic linguistics”and summarizes the recent study in police interrogation discourse so as to provide an academic background of the present study. It also conveys the purpose, contents and significance of the present research. Chapter 2 defines the working concept of“POWER”in the present study and introduces some basic ideas and approaches concerning critical discourse analysis on the basis of a generalization of relevant linguistic theories. It also reveals information about the language data and research methods. Chapter 3 analyzes the institutional features of police interrogation discourse, esp. power in institutional context as the starting point for the study.
     Chapters 4, 5, and 6 analyze the form of police interrogation discourse by conversation analysis. Chapter 4 descries the overall structure of police interrogation discourse, and puts forward the ideal participant framework to attain institutional goals. Chapter 5 analyzes the“question speech act”of police interrogation discourse to display how police officers exert their power through coercive questions and throw light on the current situation of Chinese police interrogation practice. Chapter 6 proceeds to show police interrogators’dominant discursive power by presenting the various kinds of interaction control tools employed by police interrogators.
     Chapter 7 shows the overwhelming dominance of police interrogators while in competing with suspects for different versions of event. Chapter 8 describes the“answer speech acts”of suspects. Some strategies are adopted by suspects in response to police interrogators’questions. Not making a list of those strategies, we examine suspects’answers to the coercive questions and to get the main strategies taken by suspects. However, these resistances seem vulnerable before the authoritative police.
     Chapter 9 concludes the major discoveries of the study, describes implications for interrogation practice. The study advocates police interrogators to adapt a conversational style and make a transformation from“interrogation”to“interview”. In terms of the problems of language use in interrogation, the study offers a recommended version for the normalization of police interrogation language. At last, the strengths and limitations of the study are listed and domains for future study in police interrogation discourse are proposed.
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    227 Ilie, Cornelia, 1999. Question-Response argumentation in talk show, Journal of Pragmatics 31:975-999.
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    245 Sacks H, A. Schegloff & Jefferson, 1974. A Simplest Systematics for the Orgnization of Turning-taking for Conversation. Language, Vol.50, No.4.
    246 Grice, H.P. (1975), Logic and Conversation. In P. Cole and J. Morgan(eds), Speech Acts (New York: Academic Press). Pp. 41-58.
    247 Sacks, H.1995, Lectures on Conversation. Vols.I.II.(G. Jefferson, ed.) Oxford: Blackwell. Pp.49-55.译文为作者翻译。
    250 Loftus, E. 1979, Eyewitness Testimony. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Pp.77-79.
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    252 Loftus, E. 1979, Eyewitness Testimony. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Pp. 98.
    253 Harris, S. 1984, Questions as a model of control in magistrates’courts. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 49, 5-27.
    256 Frankel, R. (1990),“Talking in interviews: a dispreference for Patient-initiated questions in physician-patient encounters”. In G. Psathas(ed), Interaction Competence (Pp231-62.) Washington, DC: University Press of America.
    257 M.康利、威廉M.、欧巴尔著,程朝阳译:《法律、语言与权力》,法律出版社,2008年,第10页。
    258 Gibbons, J. , 2003, Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Blackwell publishing. Pp75.
    261 Fairclough, N. 1992, Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press, Pp. 152-168.
    262 Garfinkel, H. 1967: Studies in Ethonomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
    263 Atkinson, J. M. Heritage, J, 1984: Structure of Social Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    265 Garfinkel, H. 1967: Studies in Ethonomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
    266 Sacks H, A. Schegloff & Jefferson, 1974. A Simplest Systematics for the Orgnization of Turning-taking for Conversation. Language, Vol.50, No.4.
    267 Sacks, H. 1967. Mimeo lecture notes(1967-71).
    268 Atkinson, J.M. & Drew, P. 1979. Order in Court. London: Macmillan.
    269 Schegloff, E.A. 1972,“Notes on a Conversational Practice: Formulating Place.”In Giglioli,P.
    270 Fairclough, N. Discourse and Social Change. 1992, Polity Press.Pp.19.
    271 Don H. Zimmerman and Beirdre Boden, Structure in Action: An Introduction. In Beirdre Boden and Don H. Zimmerman, Talk and Social Structrure, Polity Press.Pp. 95.
    272 Heritage J. & Greatbatch D. On the Institutional Character of Institutional Talk: The Case of News Interviews. In Beirdre Boden and Don H. Zimmerman, Talk and Social Structrure, Polity Press.Pp. 95.
    273 Atkinson, J.M. & Drew, P. 1979. Order in Court. London: Macmillan.
    274李悦娥,范宏雅著:《话语分析》,上海外语教育出版社,2002年,第14-21页。Sinclair, J. McH.and M.Coulthard,1975,Towards An Analysis of Discourse the English Used by Teachers and Pupils. Oxford University Press.
    275 Greatbatch, C. 1988, A Turning Taking System for British News Interview. Language in Society, 17, 401-30.
    276 Sinclair, J. McH.and M.Coulthard, 1975. Towards An Analysis of Discourse the English Used by Teachers and Pupils. Oxford University Press.
    277 Mishler, Elliot G.., 1984. The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews, Ablex Publishing Corporation. Norwood. Pp. 68.
    281 Drew, P. & J. Heritage (eds.). 1992. Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Setting[C]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Pp.25.
    282 Greatbatch, C. 1988, A Turning Taking System for British News Interview. Language in Society, 17,401-30.
    283 Mishler, Elliot G. 1984, The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews, Ablex Publishing Corporation. Norwood.
    284 Greatbatch, C. 1988, A Turning Taking System for British News Interview. Language in Society, 17,401-30.
    285 Greatbatch, C. 1988, A Turning Taking System for British News Interview. Language in Society, 17,401-30.
    286 Greatbatch, C. 1988, A Turning Taking System for British News Interview. Language in Society, 17,401-30.
    287 (英)莱文逊(Levinson S. C.)著;何兆熊导读:《语用学》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001年,第341页。
    288 Garfinkel, H. 1967: Studies in Ethonomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
    288 Sacks H, A. Schegloff & Jefferson, 1974. A Simplest Systematics for the Orgnization of Turning-taking for Conversation. Language, Vol.50, No.4.
    289 Jefferson,G.(1984a),“On stepwise transition form talk about a trouble to in appropriately next-positioned matters.”, In J.M. Atkinson and J. Heritage(eds), Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis.(Pp.191-222). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    290 Brown,G. & Yule, G. 1983, Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    291 Fishman, P.M.1983, Interaction: the work women do, In B. Thonem C, Kramarae and T. Bloor(eds), Language. Gender and Society, Rowley Mass..Newbury House.
    292 Sacks, H. (1992),“Lectures on Conversation. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers.”
    294 Gibbons, J. , 2003, Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Blackwell publishing. Pp93.
    296 Shuy, R. W., 1998,The Language of Confession, Interrogation, and Deception.London: Sage Publications. Pp.177.
    297 Thomas, J. 1988: Discourse control in confrontation interaction. Lancaster Papers in Linguistics, 50. University of Lancaster.
    298 Frankel, R. (1990),“Talking in interviews: a dispreference for Patient-initiated questions in psysician-patient encounters”. In G. Psathas(ed), Interaction Competence (Pp231-62.) Washington, DC: University Press of America.
    300 Sacks, H. (1992),“Lectures on Conversation. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers.”
    301 Frankel, R. (1990),“Talking in interviews: a dispreference for Patient-initiated questions in physician-patient ncounters”. In G. Psathas(ed), Interaction Competence (Pp231-62.) Washington, DC: University Press of America.
    302 Kassin Saul, 2005, On the Psychology of confessions: Does Innocence put innocents at risk? American Psychology, 60, 215-228.
    303 Heydon, G. 2005. The Language of Police Interviewing: A Critical Analysis. [M]. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp.116.
    304 Toolan, M. J. 1988, Narrative: A Critical Linguistic Introduction, Routledge: London and New York. Preface.
    305 Walter R. Fisher, Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value, and Action 64 (U. S.C. 1989).
    306 James Boyd White, Heracles’Bow: Essays on the Rhetoric and the Poetics of the Law 168 ( U. Wis. Press 1985).
    307 W. Lance Bennett & Martha S. Feldman, Reconstructing Reality in the Courtroom: Justice and Judgment in American Culture (Rutgers U. Press 1981). Pp.3.
    308 Nancy Pennington & Reid Hastie, A Cognitive Theory of Juror Decision Making: The Story Model, 13 Cardozo L. Rev. (1991). Pp.519-520.
    309 A symposium in the mid-1990s was dedicated to storytelling in law practice. See Lawyers as Storytellers and Storytellers as Lawyers: An Interdisciplinary Symposium Exploring the Uses of Storytelling in the Practice of Law, 18 Vermont L. Rev. 567 (1994).
    310 Rideout, J. Christopher, (2008), Storytelling, Narrative Rationality and Legal Persuasion. In The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute [Vol. 14, 2008], Pp.54-86.
    311 M.S. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman and T. Futing Liao, eds (2003), The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, 3 Vol. boxed set, Sage.
    312 Mishler, Elliot G., & Jack A. Clark etl., 1989,“The Language of Attentative Patient Care: A Comparison of Two Medical Interviews”, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Volume 4, Number 4, Pp. 325-335.
    313转引自,M.S. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman and T. Futing Liao, eds (2003), The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, 3 Vol. boxed set, Sage.
    314 Hinchman, L.P. and Hinchman, S.K. (eds) (1997) Memory, Identity, Community: The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences, Albany NY, State University of NY Press.
    315 A. Pejlert et al., 1999. Narrative and Narrative Analysis, Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 8, 663-674.
    317 Gibbons, J., 2003, Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Blackwell publishing. Pp93.
    318 Kassin Saul, 2005, On the Psychology of confessions: Does Innocence put innocents at risk? American Psychology, 60, 215-228.
    319 Jackall, Robert (2005), Street stories: The world of police detectives. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    320 Gibbons, J., 2003, Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Blackwell publishing.
    321 Gibbons, J., 2003, Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Blackwell publishing.
    322 Leo, R. A. 2008, Police Interrogation and American Justice, Harvard University Press. Pp.168.
    324 Lubet, S. 2002,. Nothing but the truth: Why Trial Lawyers don’t, can’t, and shouldn’t have to tell the whole truth. New York: new York University Press. Pp.5.
    326 Atkinson J.M. and Drew, P. 1979, Order in Court, the organization of verbal interaction in Judicial settings. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
    327 Blimes, J. 1988, the concept of Preference in Conversation analysis. Language in Society, 17, 161-81.
    328 Pomerantz, A. 1980,“Telling my side:“limited access”as a“fishing device”. Sociological Enquiry, 50(3-4),186-98.
    329 Have, ten, P.2002, Sequential structures and categorical implications in doctor-patient interaction: ethno-methodology and history. http://www2.fmg.uva.nl/emca/seqstruct.htm.
    330 Bergmann, J.R. 1992,‘Veiled morality: Notes on discretion in psychiatry.’in P. Drew and J, Heritage (eds), Talk at Work(pp.137-62). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    331 Pomerantz, A. 1980,“Telling my side:“limited access”as a“fishing device”. Sociological Enquiry, 50(3-4),190..
    332 Pomerantz, A. 1980,“Telling my side:“limited access”as a“fishing device”. Sociological Enquiry, 50(3-4), Pp.198.
    334 Driver, E.D.1968, Confessions and the Social Psychology of Coercion. Hardvard Law Review82, 42-61.
    335 Heritage, J. 1985,‘Analyzing news interviews: aspects of the production of talk for an overhearing audience’. In T.A.V. Dijk, Handbook of Discourse Analysis (Vol. 3, PP 95-117). London: Academic Press.
    336 Fairclough, N. 1992, Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press, Pp. 152-168.
    337 Heritage, J. 1985,‘Analyzing news interviews: aspects of the production of talk for an overhearing audience’. In T.A.V. Dijk, Handbook of Discourse Analysis (Vol. 3, PP 95-117). London: Academic Press.
    338 Auburn, T. Drake,S. and Willig,C. 1995,“You punched him, didn’t you?”: versions of violence in accusatory interview. Discourse and Society, 6(3),353-86.
    339 Heritage and Waston 1979,‘Formulations as conversational objects’. In G. Psathas(ed.) Everyday Language: Studies in Ethnomethodology (PP. 123-62).New York: Ivrington Publishers.
    340 Mey, Jacob L. 1985,Whose Language, a Study in Linguistic Pragmatics. Amsterdan/Philidelphia: John Benjams.Pp.173-174.
    343 Liberman, Kenneth, 1981, Understanding Aborigines in Australian Courts of law. Human Organization 40, 247-255.
    344 Solan, Lawrence M. and Peter M. Tiersma, 2005, Speaking of Crime: The language of Criminal Justice. University of Chicargo Press.
    345 Eades, D.1994,A Case of communicative clash: Aboriginal English. In Gibbons, John(ed.) Language and the Law. London/New York, 234-264.
    346 Gudjonsson, G.H. 2003, The Psychology of Interrogations Confessions. London: Wiley.
    347 Fairclough,N. & Wodak,(1997),‘Critical Discourse Analysis.’In T.A. Van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Social Interaction (pp。258-84). London: Sage.
    348 Fairclough,N. & Wodak,(1997),‘Critical Discourse Analysis.’In T.A. Van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Social Interaction (pp.258-84). London: Sage.
    349 Halliday, M.A.K. 1994, Introduction to Functional Grammar,2nd, edn. London: Edward Arnold.
    350 Zimmerman, D.H. 1998,‘Identity, Context and Interaction’In C. Antaki ans S. Widdicombe (eds), Identities in Talk (pp. 87-166). London: Sage Publications.
    351 Bergmann,J.R.1992,‘Veiled morality: notes on discretion in psychiatry’. In P.Drew and J. Heritage(eds), Talk at work(pp 137-62). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    357程朝阳:《法庭调解话语语用研究》, [博士论文],中国政法大学,2007年,第57页。
    358 Baumert, Michael,1977,Classification of English Question-Answer Structures. Journal of Pragmatics: 85-92.转引自廖美珍:《法庭问答与互动研究》,北京:法律出版社。2003年。
    362 Cole, P. & Morgan, J. L. (eds). (1975), Syntax and Sematics3: Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press. Pp.41-58.
    363 Cole, P. & Morgan, J. L. (eds). (1975), Syntax and Sematics3: Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press. Pp.41-58.
    364 Cole, P. & Morgan, J. L. (eds). (1975), Syntax and Sematics3: Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press. Pp.41-58.
    365莱文森(Levison, Stephen. C.)著;何兆熊导读:《语用学》,外语教学与研究出版社,2001年,第101-102页。
    375 Drew, P. and Heritage, J. (eds) (1992) Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Eades, D. (1994)‘A case of communicative clash: Aboriginal English and the legal system’, in J. Gibbons (ed.) Language and the Law. Harlow: Longman, 234–64. Harris, S. (1984)‘Questions as a mode of control in magistrates’courts’, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 49: 5–27.
    376 Newbury,Phillip and Alison Johnson,“Suspects’resistance to constraining and coercive questioning strategies in the police interview”, The international journal of speech, language and the law,2006, Pp.215-239.
    377 Drew, P. (1990)‘Strategies in the contest between lawyer and witness in cross-examination’, in J. Levi and A. Walker (eds) Language in the Judicial Process. London: Plenum Press, 39–64.
    378 Fairclough, N. (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis. The Critical Study of Language. London: Longman.
    379 Clayman, S. E. (2001)‘Answers and evasions’, Language in Society 30(3): 403–42.Pp.403.
    384 Gibbons, J., 2003. Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp.95.
    385 Gibbons, J., 2003. Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp.36.
    386Maley, Y., 1994.‘The language of the law’, in J. Gibbons, Language and the Law. Essex: Longman, 11–50. Pp.
    390 Tsui, A. (1992)‘A functional description of questions’, in M. Coulthard (ed.) Advances in Spoken Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge, 89–110.Pp.92.
    391 Halliday, M. A. K. (1985) An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.
    392 Drew, P. (1990)‘Strategies in the contest between lawyer and witness in cross-examination’, in J. Levi and A. Walker (eds) Language in the Judicial Process. London: Plenum Press, 39–64.
    393 Drew, P. (1992)‘Contested evidence in courtroom cross-examination: the case of a trial for rape’, in P. Drew and J. Heritage (eds) Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 470–520.Pp.483.
    394 Pomerantz, A. (1984)‘Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments: some features of preferred/dispreferred turn-shapes’, in J. M. Atkinson and J. Heritage (eds) Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 79–112. Pp.64.
    395 Clayman, S. E. (2001)‘Answers and evasions’, Language in Society 30(3): 403–42.Pp.403.
    396 Drew, P. (1990)‘Strategies in the contest between lawyer and witness in cross-examination’, in J. Levi and A.
    397 Gibbons, J. (2003) Forensic Linguistics: An Introduction to Language in the Justice System. Oxford: Blackwell.Pp.101.
    398 TED是英语“Tell”(讲一讲),“explain”(解释一下),“describe”(描述一下)的首字母。
    399 Ehrlich, S. (2002)‘(Re)Contextualizing complainants’accounts of sexual assault’, Forensic Linguistics: The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 9(2): 193–212. Pp.196.
    399 Ehrlich, S. (2002)‘(Re)Contextualizing complainants’accounts of sexual assault’, Forensic Linguistics: The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 9(2): 193–212. Pp.196.
    402 Raymond, G. (2000)‘The voice of authority: the local accomplishment of authoritative discourse in live news broadcasts’, Discourse Studies, 2(3): 354–79. Pp.355.
    403 Conklin, William E, 1998,“The Phenomenology of Modern Legal Discourse: the juridical production and the disclosure of suffering”, Dartmouth publishing company, Ashgate.
    406转引自John Gibbons(ed.)1994, Language and Law. London: Lonman.
    410 (意)贝卡利亚著,黄风译:《犯罪与刑罚》,中国大百科全书出版社,1993年,第45页。
    419 Brown,P. & S. Levinson. 1978, Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomenon. In Good, E, N. (ed). Questions and Politeness: Strategies in Social Interaction, Cambridge University Press.
    420 Leech, G..N. Principles of Pragmatics, Longman, 1983.
    428 Cook, M. 1996,“A different story: narrative versus‘question-answer’in Aboriginal evidence”. Forensic Linguistics: the International Journal of Speech, Language and Law, 3(2),73-88.
    430Oxburgh, G.E. & Trond Myklebust & Tim Grant, 2010, The question of question types in police interviews: A review of the literature from a psychological and linguistic perspective. The international journal of specch, language and the law. Vol.17,Pp.45-66.
    448袁传有:“由美、英、中警察告知语言分析看中国警察告知体系的建构”. [J].《修辞学习》,2005年第1期。
    450 Cotterill, J. Reading the Rights: a cautionary of comprehension and comprehensibility [J]. Forensic Linguistics, 2000,7 (1),4-25. Gudjonsson, G. and I. Clare. The Proposed new police caution(England and Wales): How easy is to to understand? [J] Expert Evidence, 1994,3(3):109.12.
    451 Grisso, T. Instruments for Assessing Understading and Appreciation of Miranda Rights. [M] Sarasota FL: Professional Resources Press, 1998.
    452 Shuy, R.W. 1998. The language of Confession, Interrogation, and Deception. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Shuy, Roger W. Ten unanswered language questions about Miranda[J]. Forensic Linguisitcs, 1997,4(2)175-196. Shuy, Roger W. etal, Review of Grisso, Thomas Instruments for Assessing Understanding and Appreation of Miranda Rights[J]. Forensic Linguistics, 2000,7(1)131-136.
    453徐盈雁:高检院出台《检察机关文明用语规则》违反文明用语规范造成不良影响将被问责http://llzw.spp.gov.cn/zybs/201007/t20100701_380836.shtml 2010-06-3新闻来源:检察日报。
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